Robert William Hartman
M, #1, b. 16.04.1935
Father* | Cecil Edward Hartman b. 17.01.1913, d. 30.05.1993 |
Mother* | Joanna Mae Barber b. 19.08.1913, d. 07.07.1993 |
Last Edited | 23.05.2023 |
On Tuesday, 16.04.1935, Robert William Hartman was born at the City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, the County of Clark, the State of Missouri, the United States of America; at 3:00 AM.1
As of 16.04.1935, Robert William Hartman lived with Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Hartman at 318 South Main Street, City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, 40.3883237891351,-91.92623566622015B.2 Robert William Hartman was the son of Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Barber.
Robert William Hartman was in an article title "Birth announcement" published on Wednesday, 17.04.1935 in newspaper The Clark County Courier published in City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.3
As of circa 1936, Robert William Hartman lived with Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Hartman at 500 Block of North Main Street, City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, 40.394383,-91.929357B.4
As of circa 1937, Robert William Hartman lived with Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Hartman at 3XX West Jefferson Street, City of Wyaconda, Wyaconda Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, 40.38932003057749,-91.93025430300409B.5
As of 17.06.1938, Robert William Hartman lived with Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Hartman at 3?? West Jefferson Street, City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, 40.38932003057749,-91.93025430300409B.6
He appeared on the 1940 Federal Census of the City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, in the household of his parents, Cecil Hartman and Joanna Hartman.
Robert appeared on the 1940 Federal Census of City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, in the household of Cecil Hartman and Joanna Hartman, his birth place was given as Missouri, and his age was given as 5.7
As of 12.04.1940, Robert William Hartman was also known as Robert Hartman.8
As of 06.1940, Robert William Hartman lived with Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Hartman at 1?? N Oak Street, City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, 40.389948,-91.930062B.9
As of circa 1941, Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Hartman lived at 2?? North Main Street, City of Wyaconda, Wyaconda Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, 40.391468,-91.928079B.9
Robert William Hartman was educated between 1941 and 1947 at Wyaconda Consolidate School District C-1, City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.10
Robert William Hartman witnessed Memorial services for the late Franklin Delano Roosevelt on 15.04.1945 at Wyaconda Christian Church, City of Wyaconda, Wyaconda Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.11
Robert William Hartman was baptized on 06.10.1946 at Wyaconda First Christian Church, City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, 40.389233,-91.929480B.10
Robert William Hartman was living, but he/she was not listed in Joseph Oliver Barber's obituary on Friday, 10.01.1947 at City of Kahoka, Lincoln Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.12
As of circa 15.04.1948, Robert William Hartman lived with Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Hartman at 1041 Boone Street, Troy City, Lincoln County, State of Missouri, United States of America, 38.97615731241946,-90.98815756002944B.13
As of circa 05.1949, Robert William Hartman lived with Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Hartman at 971 Boone Street, City of Troy, County of Lincoln, State of Missouri, United States of America, 38.976406491993394,-90.98732494906609B.14
Robert William Hartman was graduated on 18.05.1949 from Troy Elementry School, City of Troy, County of Lincoln, State of Missouri, United States of America.10
Robert William Hartman was employed by Long Theater Inc., Bowling Green, Pike County, Missouri at the time was owned by State Senator Edward V. Long in 10.1949 at Main St. and E. Collier St., Trojan Theater, City of Troy, County of Lincoln, State of Missouri, United States of America.10
As of circa 06.1952, Robert William Hartman lived with Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Hartman at 299 Buchanan Court, City of Troy, County of Lincoln, State of Missouri, United States of America.15
Robert William Hartman was employed by Cope Motor Co., Texaco Station at the intersection of Highway 61(now S. Lincoln Dr.) and Cap Au Gris St. in 05.1953 at City of Troy, County of Lincoln, State of Missouri, United States of America.10
Robert William Hartman was graduated on 21.05.1953 from Buchanan High School, City of Troy, County of Lincolin, State of Missouri, United States of America.10
As of circa 08.1953, Robert William Hartman lived with Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Hartman at 293 East Jefferson Street, Perry, County of Ralls, State of Missouri, United States of America.16
Robert William Hartman was employed by the farmer who owned two farm and rented one more in 04.1954 at a farm SE of town, Perry, County of Ralls, State of Missouri, United States of America.10
Robert William Hartman was employed by International Shoe Company in 06.1954 at S. 11th St., City of Hannibal, County of Marrion, State of Missouri, United States of America.10
Robert William Hartman began military service on Tuesday, 10.08.1954 at Induction Center, Saint Louis City, (Independent City), State of Missouri, United States of America.10
As of 10.08.1954, Robert William Hartman lived at 293 E. Jefferson St, Home of Record AF active duty, City of Perry, County of Ralls, State of Missouri, United States of America.17,10,18
As of 12.08.1954, Robert William Hartman lived at Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio, County of Bexar, State of Texas, United States of America.10
Robert William Hartman ended military service on Sunday, 10.08.1958 at Ardmore Air Force Base, Gene Autry, County of Carter, State of Oklahoma, United States of America.10
Robert William Hartman began military service on Monday, 11.08.1958 at Induction Center, City of Oklahoma, County of Oklahoma, State of Oklahoma, United States of America.10 He was the best man at the wedding of Gary Lee Hartman and Jane Allen Boucher on 18.09.1966 at Boucher home, City of Kirksville, County of Adair, State of Missouri, United States of America.10
As of 01.10.1971, Robert William Hartman and Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman lived at No. 10, Alley 45, Lane 201, Wei Tao Road, Taichung City, Taiwan Province, Republic of China.10
Robert William Hartman married Kuei Lan Hsu, daughter of Yen Hsu and Chin Chu Hsu, on Monday, 04.10.1971, the Taichung City, Taiwan Province, Republic of China.
As of 10.06.1973, Robert William Hartman and Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman lived at 5013B Grover Ave, Scott Air Force Base, County of St Clair, State of Illinois, United States of America.10
As of 03.07.1974, Robert William Hartman and Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman lived at 1626 Cole Village, University Park, County of Dona Ana, State of New Mexico, United States of America.10
Robert William Hartman ended military service on Friday, 30.08.1974 at Scott Air Force Base, County of St Clair, State of Illinois, United States of America.10,17
As of 08.1976, Robert William Hartman and Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman lived at 1508 Standley Dr., University Park, County of Dona Ana, State of New Mexico, United States of America.10 Robert William Hartman witnessed the naturalization of Chin Hsiu Hsu on 17.08.1977 at District Court, City of Las Cruces, County of Dona Ana, State of Mexico, United States of America.10 Robert William Hartman witnessed the naturalization of Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman on 17.08.1977 at District Court, City of Las Cruces, County of Dona Ana, State of New Mexico, United States of America; Alien Registration number A34 190 913 Petition No: 3100
The Govener of New Mexico was the speaker.19
As of 02.1978, Robert William Hartman and Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman lived at RFD # 1 Bluebird Apt.#60, Holts Summit, County of Callaway, State of Missouri, United States of America.10
As of 06.1978, Robert William Hartman and Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman lived at 1219 E. Duncklin St, Jefferson City, County of Cole, State of Missouri, United States of America.10
As of 05.1983, Robert William Hartman and Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman lived at 2465 S. Old Highway 94, Saint Charles, County of Saint Charles, State of Missouri, United States of America.10 Robert William Hartman witnessed the marriage of Helen Chin Hsiu Hsu Hartman and Lawrence M Ohmes on Saturday, 29.11.1986 the Community Chapel Ft. Hood Military Reservation, Ft. Hood Military Reservation, Killeen, County of Bell, State of Texas, United States of America.10
Robert William Hartman filed for divorce from Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman on 10.03.1989 at 2465 S. Old Highway 94, City of Saint Charles, County of Saint Charles, State of Missouri, United States of America.20
Robert William Hartman and Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman were divorced on 26.01.1990 at Decree of Dissolution, City of Saint Charles, County of Saint Charles, State of Missouri, United States of America.21
Robert William Hartman was listed in Cecil Edward Hartman's obituary on Wednesday, 02.06.1993 at Hometown Journal, City of Kahoka, Lincoln Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.22
Robert William Hartman remarried Kuei Lan Hsu, daughter of Yen Hsu and Chin Chu Hsu, on 11.06.1993 at 201 North Second St., Saint Charles, County of Saint Charles, State of Missouri, United States of America.23
Robert William Hartman was listed in Joanna Mae Barber's obituary on Wednesday, 07.07.1993 at City of Kahoka, Township of Lincoln, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.
Robert William Hartman witnessed the marriage of William Hsu Hartman and Laure E Gonin on Friday, 24.03.2000 the Court House, Saint Charles, County of Saint Charles, State of Missouri, United States of America.10
As of 25.05.2003, Robert William Hartman lived at 2465 S. Old Highway 94, City of Saint, County of Saint Charles, State of Missouri, United States of America.10 He was described as Height: 5' 11", Weight: 290 pounds on 10.10.2003 at 2465 S. Old Highway 94, City of Saint Charles, County of Saint Charles, State of Missouri, United States of America, 38.758056,-90.545556B.10
Robert William Hartman witnessed the graduation of Michael L. Ohmes on 27.05.2005 at Fort Knox Military Reservation, County of Hardin, Commonwealth of Kentucky, United States of America.10
Robert William Hartman witnessed the graduation of Helen M. Ohmes on 27.05.2005 at Fort Knox Military Reservation, County of Hardin, Commonwealth of Kentucky, United States of America.10
The headstone photo for Sarah Nancy Foree was taken by Robert William Hartman.24
The headstone photo for Baby Hartman was taken by Robert William Hartman.25
The headstone photo for Daniel Boone Hayden was taken by Robert William Hartman.10
The headstone photo for John William Hayden was taken by Robert William Hartman.10
The headstone photo for Irvin Larene Hayden was taken by Robert William Hartman.10
The headstone photo for Matte E Shackelford was taken by Robert William Hartman.10
The headstone photo for Otho Earl Ensign was taken by Robert William Hartman.10
Robert William Hartman witnessed the graduation of Arthur Jerome Ohmes on 06.06.2008 at Meade County High School, City of Brandenburg, County of Meade, Commonwealth of Kentucky, United States of America.
Robert William Hartman filed 2010 US Census on 19.03.2010 for Bar Code Addressee 10-174222400-1-44-1111-75, address TO RESIDENT AT, 2465 S. OLD HIGHWAY 94, City of Saint Charles, State of Missouri with the following information:
1. How many people were living or staying in this house, apartment, or mobile home on April 1, 2010?
Number of people = 1
2. Were there any additional people staying here April 1, 2010 that you did not include in Question 1?
Mark all that apply.
X No additional people
3. Is this house, apartment, or mobile home-- Mark ONE box.
X Owned by you or someone in this household free and clear (without a mortgage or loan)?
5. Please provide information for each person living here. Start with a person living here who owns or rents this house, apartment, or mobile home. If the owner or renter lives somewhere else, start with any adult living here. This will be Person 1.
What is Person 1's name? Print name below.
Robert William Hartman
6. What is Person 1's sex? Mark ONE box.
X Male
7. What is Person 1's age and what is Person 1's date of birth?
Please report babies as age 0 when the child is less than 1 year old.
Print numbers in boxes.
Age on April 1, 2010, 074 years; Month of birth 04, Day of birth 16, Year of birth 1935
NOTE: Please answer BOTH Question 8 about Hispanic origin and Question 9 about race. For this census, Hispanic origins are not races.
8. Is Person 1 of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?
X No, not of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin
9. What is Person 1's race? Mark one or more boxes.
X White
10. Does Person 1 sometimes live or stay somewhere else?
X No.26
The headstone photo for Louise Sondker was taken by Robert William Hartman; Old.10
The headstone photo for Frederick W Sondker was taken by Robert William Hartman; Old.27
The headstone photo for Rudolph H Sondker was taken by Robert William Hartman.10
The headstone photo for Harry A. Sondker was taken by Robert William Hartman.25
The headstone photo for Richard Carroll Hayden was taken by Robert William Hartman; Wyaconda.10
The headstone photo for Leola Maxine Rainey was taken by Robert William Hartman.25
The headstone photo for George B Hottle was taken by Robert William Hartman.25
As of 16.04.1935, Robert William Hartman lived with Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Hartman at 318 South Main Street, City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, 40.3883237891351,-91.92623566622015B.2 Robert William Hartman was the son of Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Barber.
Robert William Hartman was in an article title "Birth announcement" published on Wednesday, 17.04.1935 in newspaper The Clark County Courier published in City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.3

As of circa 1936, Robert William Hartman lived with Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Hartman at 500 Block of North Main Street, City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, 40.394383,-91.929357B.4
As of circa 1937, Robert William Hartman lived with Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Hartman at 3XX West Jefferson Street, City of Wyaconda, Wyaconda Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, 40.38932003057749,-91.93025430300409B.5
As of 17.06.1938, Robert William Hartman lived with Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Hartman at 3?? West Jefferson Street, City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, 40.38932003057749,-91.93025430300409B.6
He appeared on the 1940 Federal Census of the City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, in the household of his parents, Cecil Hartman and Joanna Hartman.

Robert appeared on the 1940 Federal Census of City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, in the household of Cecil Hartman and Joanna Hartman, his birth place was given as Missouri, and his age was given as 5.7

As of 12.04.1940, Robert William Hartman was also known as Robert Hartman.8
As of 06.1940, Robert William Hartman lived with Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Hartman at 1?? N Oak Street, City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, 40.389948,-91.930062B.9
As of circa 1941, Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Hartman lived at 2?? North Main Street, City of Wyaconda, Wyaconda Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, 40.391468,-91.928079B.9
Robert William Hartman was educated between 1941 and 1947 at Wyaconda Consolidate School District C-1, City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.10
Robert William Hartman witnessed Memorial services for the late Franklin Delano Roosevelt on 15.04.1945 at Wyaconda Christian Church, City of Wyaconda, Wyaconda Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.11

Robert William Hartman was baptized on 06.10.1946 at Wyaconda First Christian Church, City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, 40.389233,-91.929480B.10

Robert William Hartman was living, but he/she was not listed in Joseph Oliver Barber's obituary on Friday, 10.01.1947 at City of Kahoka, Lincoln Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.12
As of circa 15.04.1948, Robert William Hartman lived with Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Hartman at 1041 Boone Street, Troy City, Lincoln County, State of Missouri, United States of America, 38.97615731241946,-90.98815756002944B.13
As of circa 05.1949, Robert William Hartman lived with Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Hartman at 971 Boone Street, City of Troy, County of Lincoln, State of Missouri, United States of America, 38.976406491993394,-90.98732494906609B.14
Robert William Hartman was graduated on 18.05.1949 from Troy Elementry School, City of Troy, County of Lincoln, State of Missouri, United States of America.10
Robert William Hartman was employed by Long Theater Inc., Bowling Green, Pike County, Missouri at the time was owned by State Senator Edward V. Long in 10.1949 at Main St. and E. Collier St., Trojan Theater, City of Troy, County of Lincoln, State of Missouri, United States of America.10
As of circa 06.1952, Robert William Hartman lived with Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Hartman at 299 Buchanan Court, City of Troy, County of Lincoln, State of Missouri, United States of America.15
Robert William Hartman was employed by Cope Motor Co., Texaco Station at the intersection of Highway 61(now S. Lincoln Dr.) and Cap Au Gris St. in 05.1953 at City of Troy, County of Lincoln, State of Missouri, United States of America.10
Robert William Hartman was graduated on 21.05.1953 from Buchanan High School, City of Troy, County of Lincolin, State of Missouri, United States of America.10
As of circa 08.1953, Robert William Hartman lived with Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Hartman at 293 East Jefferson Street, Perry, County of Ralls, State of Missouri, United States of America.16
Robert William Hartman was employed by the farmer who owned two farm and rented one more in 04.1954 at a farm SE of town, Perry, County of Ralls, State of Missouri, United States of America.10
Robert William Hartman was employed by International Shoe Company in 06.1954 at S. 11th St., City of Hannibal, County of Marrion, State of Missouri, United States of America.10
Robert William Hartman began military service on Tuesday, 10.08.1954 at Induction Center, Saint Louis City, (Independent City), State of Missouri, United States of America.10
As of 10.08.1954, Robert William Hartman lived at 293 E. Jefferson St, Home of Record AF active duty, City of Perry, County of Ralls, State of Missouri, United States of America.17,10,18
As of 12.08.1954, Robert William Hartman lived at Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio, County of Bexar, State of Texas, United States of America.10
Robert William Hartman ended military service on Sunday, 10.08.1958 at Ardmore Air Force Base, Gene Autry, County of Carter, State of Oklahoma, United States of America.10
Robert William Hartman began military service on Monday, 11.08.1958 at Induction Center, City of Oklahoma, County of Oklahoma, State of Oklahoma, United States of America.10 He was the best man at the wedding of Gary Lee Hartman and Jane Allen Boucher on 18.09.1966 at Boucher home, City of Kirksville, County of Adair, State of Missouri, United States of America.10
As of 01.10.1971, Robert William Hartman and Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman lived at No. 10, Alley 45, Lane 201, Wei Tao Road, Taichung City, Taiwan Province, Republic of China.10
Robert William Hartman married Kuei Lan Hsu, daughter of Yen Hsu and Chin Chu Hsu, on Monday, 04.10.1971, the Taichung City, Taiwan Province, Republic of China.
As of 10.06.1973, Robert William Hartman and Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman lived at 5013B Grover Ave, Scott Air Force Base, County of St Clair, State of Illinois, United States of America.10
As of 03.07.1974, Robert William Hartman and Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman lived at 1626 Cole Village, University Park, County of Dona Ana, State of New Mexico, United States of America.10
Robert William Hartman ended military service on Friday, 30.08.1974 at Scott Air Force Base, County of St Clair, State of Illinois, United States of America.10,17
As of 08.1976, Robert William Hartman and Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman lived at 1508 Standley Dr., University Park, County of Dona Ana, State of New Mexico, United States of America.10 Robert William Hartman witnessed the naturalization of Chin Hsiu Hsu on 17.08.1977 at District Court, City of Las Cruces, County of Dona Ana, State of Mexico, United States of America.10 Robert William Hartman witnessed the naturalization of Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman on 17.08.1977 at District Court, City of Las Cruces, County of Dona Ana, State of New Mexico, United States of America; Alien Registration number A34 190 913 Petition No: 3100
The Govener of New Mexico was the speaker.19
As of 02.1978, Robert William Hartman and Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman lived at RFD # 1 Bluebird Apt.#60, Holts Summit, County of Callaway, State of Missouri, United States of America.10
As of 06.1978, Robert William Hartman and Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman lived at 1219 E. Duncklin St, Jefferson City, County of Cole, State of Missouri, United States of America.10
As of 05.1983, Robert William Hartman and Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman lived at 2465 S. Old Highway 94, Saint Charles, County of Saint Charles, State of Missouri, United States of America.10 Robert William Hartman witnessed the marriage of Helen Chin Hsiu Hsu Hartman and Lawrence M Ohmes on Saturday, 29.11.1986 the Community Chapel Ft. Hood Military Reservation, Ft. Hood Military Reservation, Killeen, County of Bell, State of Texas, United States of America.10
Robert William Hartman filed for divorce from Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman on 10.03.1989 at 2465 S. Old Highway 94, City of Saint Charles, County of Saint Charles, State of Missouri, United States of America.20
Robert William Hartman and Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman were divorced on 26.01.1990 at Decree of Dissolution, City of Saint Charles, County of Saint Charles, State of Missouri, United States of America.21
Robert William Hartman was listed in Cecil Edward Hartman's obituary on Wednesday, 02.06.1993 at Hometown Journal, City of Kahoka, Lincoln Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.22
Robert William Hartman remarried Kuei Lan Hsu, daughter of Yen Hsu and Chin Chu Hsu, on 11.06.1993 at 201 North Second St., Saint Charles, County of Saint Charles, State of Missouri, United States of America.23
Robert William Hartman was listed in Joanna Mae Barber's obituary on Wednesday, 07.07.1993 at City of Kahoka, Township of Lincoln, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.

As of 25.05.2003, Robert William Hartman lived at 2465 S. Old Highway 94, City of Saint, County of Saint Charles, State of Missouri, United States of America.10 He was described as Height: 5' 11", Weight: 290 pounds on 10.10.2003 at 2465 S. Old Highway 94, City of Saint Charles, County of Saint Charles, State of Missouri, United States of America, 38.758056,-90.545556B.10
Robert William Hartman witnessed the graduation of Michael L. Ohmes on 27.05.2005 at Fort Knox Military Reservation, County of Hardin, Commonwealth of Kentucky, United States of America.10

Robert William Hartman witnessed the graduation of Helen M. Ohmes on 27.05.2005 at Fort Knox Military Reservation, County of Hardin, Commonwealth of Kentucky, United States of America.10
The headstone photo for Sarah Nancy Foree was taken by Robert William Hartman.24

The headstone photo for Baby Hartman was taken by Robert William Hartman.25
The headstone photo for Daniel Boone Hayden was taken by Robert William Hartman.10

The headstone photo for John William Hayden was taken by Robert William Hartman.10

The headstone photo for Irvin Larene Hayden was taken by Robert William Hartman.10
The headstone photo for Matte E Shackelford was taken by Robert William Hartman.10
The headstone photo for Otho Earl Ensign was taken by Robert William Hartman.10
Robert William Hartman witnessed the graduation of Arthur Jerome Ohmes on 06.06.2008 at Meade County High School, City of Brandenburg, County of Meade, Commonwealth of Kentucky, United States of America.
Robert William Hartman filed 2010 US Census on 19.03.2010 for Bar Code Addressee 10-174222400-1-44-1111-75, address TO RESIDENT AT, 2465 S. OLD HIGHWAY 94, City of Saint Charles, State of Missouri with the following information:
1. How many people were living or staying in this house, apartment, or mobile home on April 1, 2010?
Number of people = 1
2. Were there any additional people staying here April 1, 2010 that you did not include in Question 1?
Mark all that apply.
X No additional people
3. Is this house, apartment, or mobile home-- Mark ONE box.
X Owned by you or someone in this household free and clear (without a mortgage or loan)?
5. Please provide information for each person living here. Start with a person living here who owns or rents this house, apartment, or mobile home. If the owner or renter lives somewhere else, start with any adult living here. This will be Person 1.
What is Person 1's name? Print name below.
Robert William Hartman
6. What is Person 1's sex? Mark ONE box.
X Male
7. What is Person 1's age and what is Person 1's date of birth?
Please report babies as age 0 when the child is less than 1 year old.
Print numbers in boxes.
Age on April 1, 2010, 074 years; Month of birth 04, Day of birth 16, Year of birth 1935
NOTE: Please answer BOTH Question 8 about Hispanic origin and Question 9 about race. For this census, Hispanic origins are not races.
8. Is Person 1 of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?
X No, not of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin
9. What is Person 1's race? Mark one or more boxes.
X White
10. Does Person 1 sometimes live or stay somewhere else?
X No.26
The headstone photo for Louise Sondker was taken by Robert William Hartman; Old.10

The headstone photo for Frederick W Sondker was taken by Robert William Hartman; Old.27

The headstone photo for Rudolph H Sondker was taken by Robert William Hartman.10

The headstone photo for Harry A. Sondker was taken by Robert William Hartman.25

The headstone photo for Richard Carroll Hayden was taken by Robert William Hartman; Wyaconda.10
The headstone photo for Leola Maxine Rainey was taken by Robert William Hartman.25

The headstone photo for George B Hottle was taken by Robert William Hartman.25

Family | Kuei Lan Hsu b. 23.11.1945 |
Marriage | Robert William Hartman married Kuei Lan Hsu, daughter of Yen Hsu and Chin Chu Hsu, on Monday, 04.10.1971, the Taichung City, Taiwan Province, Republic of China. |
Divorce FILED* | Robert William Hartman filed for divorce from Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman on 10.03.1989 at 2465 S. Old Highway 94, City of Saint Charles, County of Saint Charles, State of Missouri, United States of America.20 |
Divorce | Robert William Hartman and Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman were divorced on 26.01.1990 at Decree of Dissolution, City of Saint Charles, County of Saint Charles, State of Missouri, United States of America.21 |
Remarriage* | Robert William Hartman remarried Kuei Lan Hsu, daughter of Yen Hsu and Chin Chu Hsu, on 11.06.1993 at 201 North Second St., Saint Charles, County of Saint Charles, State of Missouri, United States of America.23 |
Children |
- [S5] Soldiers Database: War of 1812 - World War I on line, by unknown photographer, Copy of birth certificate from the State Registrar of Vital Statistics (VS 17 March 1960).
- [S50] Interview, unknown informant, The house has been known as the residence of Dr. and Mrs. B. F. Huchanson from 1940 to 2006 time period.
- [S8] Clark County Courier, 17 April 1935 issue.
- [S50] Interview, unknown informant, From picture and information passed down.
- [S50] Interview, unknown informant, From information pased down and picture.
- [S50] Interview, unknown informant, Information pased down and picture.
- [S612] 12 April 1940, US Census, State of Missouri, County of Clark, Township of Wyaconda, City of Wyaconda, “Population Schedule,” “Enumeration District Number:” 23-19, “Supervisor's District Number: 01, State of MO, Clark County, “Page Number:” 003B/121B, “Family Number:” 071.
- [S612] 12 April 1940, US Census, State of Missouri, County of Clark, Township of Wyaconda, City of Wyaconda, “Population Schedule,” “Enumeration District Number:” 23-19, “Supervisor's District Number: 01, State of MO, Clark County, “Page Number:” 003B/121B, “Family Number:” 071, Citing this Record
"United States Census, 1940," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 4 March 2017), Cecil Hartman, Wyaconda, Wyaconda Township, Clark, Missouri, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) 23-19, sheet 3B, line 47, family 71, Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940, NARA digital publication T627. Records of the Bureau of the Census, 1790 - 2007, RG 29. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 2012, roll 2096.
Citing this Record
"United States Census, 1940," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 23 April 2018), Cecil Hartman, Wyaconda, Wyaconda Township, Clark, Missouri, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) 23-19, sheet 3B, line 47, family 71, Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940, NARA digital publication T627. Records of the Bureau of the Census, 1790 - 2007, RG 29. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 2012, roll 2096.
Household Role Sex Age Birthplace
Cecil Hartman Head M 27 Oklahoma
Joanna Hartman Wife F 26 Missouri
Robert Hartman Son M 5 Missouri
Barbara Ann Hartman Daughter F 1 Iowa. - [S50] Interview, unknown informant, From information pased down and pictures.
- [S50] Interview, unknown informant.
- [S99] Clark County Courier, 7 May 1926, Obituary, Vol 56 Number 36, May 11, 1915.
- [S1379] Kahoka GTazette-Herald, ca 19 January 1947, as seen ca 2000.
- [S50] Interview, unknown informant, What I recall.
- [S50] Interview, unknown informant, Whit I recall.
- [S50] Interview, unknown informant, What I rember.
- [S50] Interview, unknown informant, What I rember.
- [S1500] "DD form 214",.
- [S51] Unknown subject, MS Street and Trips.
- [S431] Robert William Hartman Certificate of Naturalization, 10080268 (17 August 1977), 2465 S. Old Highway 94, Saint Charles, County of Saint Charles, State of Missouri, United States of America.
- [S225] Robert W. Hartman v. Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman, CV189-0746DR: CV189-0746 DR, Recorder of Deeds, St. Charles Co., MO.
- [S225] Robert W. Hartman v. Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman, CV189-0746DR: Dissolution granted as of this date Jan 26, 1990, Recorder of Deeds, St. Charles Co., MO.
- [S46] Hometown Journal, 2 June 1993, Publish 2 June 1993, Kahoka, MO 63445-1661.
- [S52] Book 93 unknown file number.
- [S50] Interview, unknown informant, Seen 12 Mar 2007, Providence Baptist Church and Cemetery.
- [S625] Headstones and Cemeteries Photo Photo, Various Dates, Robert William Hartman.
- [S396] 19 March 2010, US Census, unknown location, "population schedule" Saint Charles, MO posible record ID 10-174222400-1-4-1111-75.
- [S50] Interview, unknown informant, file Canon PowerShot A530.
Lucy May Black1
F, #2, b. 15.01.1888, d. 11.05.1945
Father* | Henry Lee Black b. 25.06.1864, d. 24.09.1931 |
Mother* | Ida Malinda Viers b. 14.06.1866, d. 12.01.1942 |
Relationship | Grandmother of Robert William Hartman |
Last Edited | 26.04.2023 |
On Sunday, 15.01.1888, Lucy May Black was born at the Union Township, the County of Clark, the State of Missouri, the United States of America.1 She was the daughter of Henry Lee Black and Ida Malinda Viers.
As of 27.06.1900, Lucy May Black was also known as Lucy.2
She appeared on the 1900 Federal Census of Township of Hobart, County of Garfield, the Territory of Oklahoma in the household of her parents, Henry L Black and Ida Malinda Black.2
She appeared on the 1910 Federal Census of Township of Karoma, County of Alfalfa, State of Oklahoma in the household of her parents, Henry L Black and Ida M Black, her birth place was given as Missouri, and her age was given as 21.3
As of 05.05.1910, Lucy May Black was also known as Lucy M Black.3
Lucy May Hartman and William Paul Hartman were photograph some time around there wedding date circa 14.09.1910 at State of Oklahoma, United States of America.4
As of 14.09.1910, her married name was Lucy May Hartman.
Lucy M Black married William Paul Hartman, son of William Henry Hartman and Alice May Barnard, on Wednesday, 14.09.1910, the near Goltry, County of Alfalfa, State of Oklahoma, United States of America.5
Lucy May Black witnessed the birth of Cecil Edward Hartman on Friday, 17.01.1913 at Golty, Township of Karoma, County of Alfalfa, State of Oklahoma, United States of America.6
Lucy May Black witnessed the marriage of Albert Ross Black and Ura Bernice Enterline on Thursday, 25.12.1913 the MR. & Mrs. W. P. Hartman home, County of Alfalfa, State of Oklahoma, United States of America.7,8
Lucy May Black was also known as Mrs. W. P. Hartman.9
Mrs. W. P. Hartman and W. P. Hartman was in an article title ""KAROMA SCHOOL ITEMS"" published on Friday, 09.03.1917 published in THE GOLTRY EAGLE, Goltry, County of Alfalfa, State of Oklahoma, United States of America.9
Lucy May Black was listed as the next of kin on the draft card of William Paul Hartman on Tuesday, 05.06.1917 at Goltry, Township of Karoma, County of Alfalfa, State of Oklahoma, United States of America.10,11
As of 06.01.1920, Lucy May Black was also known as Lucy M. Hartman.12
Lucy M. Hartman and W. P. Hartman appeared on the 1920 Federal Census of Goltry Town, Township of Karoma, County of Alfalfa, State of Oklahoma, with a effect date of 1 January, and enumerated on 06.01.1920, his birthplace was given as Missouri, and his age was given as 30; her place of birth was given as Missouri, and her age was given as 32. Their children Chester, Cecil and Clydean were listed as living with them.12
Lucy May Hartman and William Paul Hartman move from Goltry, County of Alfalfa, State of Oklahoma after 06.01.1920 to the City of Enid, County of Garfield, State of Oklahoma, United States of America.13
Lucy May Black was listed in William Paul Hartman's obituary at Goltry, County of Alfalfa, State of Oklahoma, United States of America, as a survivor.14
Lucy May Black appeared on the 1930 Federal Census, in City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, enumerated 22.04.1930. Her children Chester Lee, Cecil Edward, Frances Clydean and Margaret Lorine were listed as living with her.15
Lucy May Hartman appeared on the 1930 Federal Census of the City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, with an effective date of Sat. 01.04.1930, and enumerated on 22.04.1930. Her children Chester, Cecil, Frances and Margaret were listed as living with her.15
Lucy May Black was listed in Henry Lee Black's obituary on Tuesday, 29.09.1931 at Clark County Courier, City of Kahoka, Lincoln Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.16
Lucy May Black published on Friday, 04.06.1937 in newspaper The Cherokee Republican published in Cherokee, County of Alfalfa, State of Oklahoma, United States of America.
Lucy May Hartman appeared on the 1940 Federal Census of City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, in the household of Sarah Mc Reynolds, as housekeeper.17
Lucy May Black and Margaret Lorine Hartman published on Friday, 12.12.1941.
Lucy May Hartman died on Friday, 11.05.1945, in house at corner of High St. and MO State rought U, Town of Gorin, County of Scotland, State of Missouri, United States of America, at age 57 years, 3 months and 26 days; Diabetes, Death 06:00 PM.5
Lucy May Hartman was buried in Tuesday, 15.05.1945, in New Woodville Cemetery, in the Township of Washington, (Section 2, T64N R9W), in the County of Clark, in the State of Missouri, in the Country of United States of America.18
Lucy May Black's obituary was in the newspaper in The Clark County Courier, City of Kahoka, Lincoln Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America. Chester Lee Hartman, Cecil Edward Hartman, Frances Clydean Hartman, Margaret Lorine Hartman, Albert Ross Black, Margaret Lorine Black, Alivin Lee Clough and William Merton Hayden were listed as survivors.19
Lucy May Black died before Margaret Lorine Denny and was mentioned in Margaret Lorine Denny's obituary at County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.5
Lucy May (Black) Hartman, is listed on Find A Grave as Luucy May (Black) Hartman with a Find A Grave ID# 85082179.20
The burial place for Luucy May (Black) Hartman is the New Woodville Cemetery in the Township of Washington, the County of Clark, the State of Missouri, and the United States of America.
Additional information may be at an off-site Web Page as seen on Saturday, 18.02.2012 at Find A Grave, Memorial #: 85082179 (place number in (Memorial #:) field then click Search.)20
The Death Certificate had the following information: Lucy on (No record of Death Certificate every being issued. Robert W Hartman.)21
As of 27.06.1900, Lucy May Black was also known as Lucy.2
She appeared on the 1900 Federal Census of Township of Hobart, County of Garfield, the Territory of Oklahoma in the household of her parents, Henry L Black and Ida Malinda Black.2
She appeared on the 1910 Federal Census of Township of Karoma, County of Alfalfa, State of Oklahoma in the household of her parents, Henry L Black and Ida M Black, her birth place was given as Missouri, and her age was given as 21.3

As of 05.05.1910, Lucy May Black was also known as Lucy M Black.3
Lucy May Hartman and William Paul Hartman were photograph some time around there wedding date circa 14.09.1910 at State of Oklahoma, United States of America.4

As of 14.09.1910, her married name was Lucy May Hartman.
Lucy M Black married William Paul Hartman, son of William Henry Hartman and Alice May Barnard, on Wednesday, 14.09.1910, the near Goltry, County of Alfalfa, State of Oklahoma, United States of America.5

Lucy May Black witnessed the birth of Cecil Edward Hartman on Friday, 17.01.1913 at Golty, Township of Karoma, County of Alfalfa, State of Oklahoma, United States of America.6

Lucy May Black was also known as Mrs. W. P. Hartman.9
Mrs. W. P. Hartman and W. P. Hartman was in an article title ""KAROMA SCHOOL ITEMS"" published on Friday, 09.03.1917 published in THE GOLTRY EAGLE, Goltry, County of Alfalfa, State of Oklahoma, United States of America.9

Lucy May Black was listed as the next of kin on the draft card of William Paul Hartman on Tuesday, 05.06.1917 at Goltry, Township of Karoma, County of Alfalfa, State of Oklahoma, United States of America.10,11

As of 06.01.1920, Lucy May Black was also known as Lucy M. Hartman.12
Lucy M. Hartman and W. P. Hartman appeared on the 1920 Federal Census of Goltry Town, Township of Karoma, County of Alfalfa, State of Oklahoma, with a effect date of 1 January, and enumerated on 06.01.1920, his birthplace was given as Missouri, and his age was given as 30; her place of birth was given as Missouri, and her age was given as 32. Their children Chester, Cecil and Clydean were listed as living with them.12

Lucy May Hartman and William Paul Hartman move from Goltry, County of Alfalfa, State of Oklahoma after 06.01.1920 to the City of Enid, County of Garfield, State of Oklahoma, United States of America.13
Lucy May Black was listed in William Paul Hartman's obituary at Goltry, County of Alfalfa, State of Oklahoma, United States of America, as a survivor.14
Lucy May Black appeared on the 1930 Federal Census, in City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, enumerated 22.04.1930. Her children Chester Lee, Cecil Edward, Frances Clydean and Margaret Lorine were listed as living with her.15

Lucy May Hartman appeared on the 1930 Federal Census of the City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, with an effective date of Sat. 01.04.1930, and enumerated on 22.04.1930. Her children Chester, Cecil, Frances and Margaret were listed as living with her.15

Lucy May Black was listed in Henry Lee Black's obituary on Tuesday, 29.09.1931 at Clark County Courier, City of Kahoka, Lincoln Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.16

Lucy May Black published on Friday, 04.06.1937 in newspaper The Cherokee Republican published in Cherokee, County of Alfalfa, State of Oklahoma, United States of America.
Lucy May Hartman appeared on the 1940 Federal Census of City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, in the household of Sarah Mc Reynolds, as housekeeper.17
Lucy May Black and Margaret Lorine Hartman published on Friday, 12.12.1941.

Lucy May Hartman died on Friday, 11.05.1945, in house at corner of High St. and MO State rought U, Town of Gorin, County of Scotland, State of Missouri, United States of America, at age 57 years, 3 months and 26 days; Diabetes, Death 06:00 PM.5
Lucy May Hartman was buried in Tuesday, 15.05.1945, in New Woodville Cemetery, in the Township of Washington, (Section 2, T64N R9W), in the County of Clark, in the State of Missouri, in the Country of United States of America.18
Lucy May Black's obituary was in the newspaper in The Clark County Courier, City of Kahoka, Lincoln Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America. Chester Lee Hartman, Cecil Edward Hartman, Frances Clydean Hartman, Margaret Lorine Hartman, Albert Ross Black, Margaret Lorine Black, Alivin Lee Clough and William Merton Hayden were listed as survivors.19

Lucy May Black died before Margaret Lorine Denny and was mentioned in Margaret Lorine Denny's obituary at County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.5

The burial place for Luucy May (Black) Hartman is the New Woodville Cemetery in the Township of Washington, the County of Clark, the State of Missouri, and the United States of America.
Additional information may be at an off-site Web Page as seen on Saturday, 18.02.2012 at Find A Grave, Memorial #: 85082179 (place number in (Memorial #:) field then click Search.)20
The Death Certificate had the following information: Lucy on (No record of Death Certificate every being issued. Robert W Hartman.)21
Family | William Paul Hartman b. 10.03.1889, d. 17.11.1924 |
Marriage* | Lucy M Black married William Paul Hartman, son of William Henry Hartman and Alice May Barnard, on Wednesday, 14.09.1910, the near Goltry, County of Alfalfa, State of Oklahoma, United States of America.5 ![]() ![]() |
Children |
- [S154] Margaret L. (Black) Denny, Black, Foree of Clark Co., MO.
- [S1317] 27 June 1900, 1900 US Census, Territory of Oklahoma, County of Garfield, Township of Hobart, “Population Schedule,” “Enumeration District Number:” 056, “Supervisor's District Number:” XX, “Sheet Number:” 010 B /STAMPED NUMBER: 157 B, “Dwelling Number:” 211, “Family Number:” 219, “Line Number:” 092-095, Household Role Sex Age Birthplace
Henry L Black Head M 36 Missouri
Ida Black Wife F 34 Missouri
Lucy Black Daughter F 12 Missouri
Albert Black Son M 7 Missouri
Citing this Record
"United States Census, 1900," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 13 January 2019), Henry L Black, Hobart & McKinley Townships Coldwater town, Garfield, Oklahoma Territory, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) 56, sheet 10B, family 219, NARA microfilm publication T623 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1972.); FHL microfilm 001,241,336. - [S1318] 5 May 1910, 1910 US Census, State of Oklahoma, County of Alfalfa, Township of Karoma, “Population Schedule,” “Enumeration District Number:” 010, “Supervisor's District Number:” 02, “Sheet Number:” 004 B, /STAMPED NUMBER: 377 B, “Dwelling Number:” 072, “Family Number:” 072, “Line Number:” 067-071, Household Role Sex Age Birthplace
Henry L Black Head M 46 Missouri
Ida M Black Wife F 44 Missouri
Lucy M Black Daughter F 21 Missouri
Albert Black Son M 16 Missouri
Lorene Black Daughter F 6 Oklahoma
Citing this Record
"United States Census, 1910," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 13 January 2019), Henry L Black, Karoma, Alfalfa, Oklahoma, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) ED 10, sheet 4B, family 72, NARA microfilm publication T624 (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1982), roll 1242; FHL microfilm 001,375,255. - [S1127] Marriage picture picture, ca 14 September 1910, unknown repository.
- [S50] Interview, unknown informant.
- [S7] Cecil E. Hartman, Birth Certificate 32, Place of Birth County of Alfalfa, Township of Karoma, of the Village of Goltry, OK. Request for birth Certificate April 01, 2002 (no date).
- [S2] Family Search (Database), online, "Oklahoma, County Marriages, 1890-1995." Database with images. FamilySearch. "Oklahoma, County Marriages, 1890-1995," database with images, FamilySearch ( 28 November 2020), Albert R Black and Ura B Enterline or Euterline, 24 Dec 1913; citing Oklahoma, various county courthouses, Oklahoma; FHL microfilm.
- [S317] Letter, Janice Domecq 26/1/2009 to Robert Hartman, 30 Jan 2009, Marriage date and Cemetery.
- [S4] The Arkalon News, 12 January 1888, 4, NEWSPAPERS.COM
Clipped Friday January 1, 2021
Goltry, Oklahoma
1917 March 09, Friday
Page 2, Column 4
KAROMA SCHOOL ITEMS. - [S95] NARA, " WWI", Ancestral File, Seen on Internet Dec 205.
- [S234] WWI Draft Card, as seen on internet.
- [S2] Family Search (Database), online, "United States Census, 1920", database with images, FamilySearch ( 3 February 2021), W P Hartman, 1920.
- [S753] Enid Morning News, 19 November 1924, 2?
- [S73] The Goltry Ledger, 22 November 1924, One, 24 Aug 1924.
- [S259] "enumerated date" 22 April 1930, "US Census", unknown location, "population schedule" Wyaconda City, "ED" 18, "SD" 4 "sheet number" 4B/278B, "dwelling" 113 "family" 116.
- [S11] Wyaconda Reporter=Leadger, March 11, 1932, 1.
- [S608] 9 April 1940, US Census, State of MO, Clark County, Wyaconda Township, Wyaconda City, West Ward, “Population Schedule,” “Enumeration District Number:” 23-19, “Supervisor's District Number: 01, State of MO, Clark County,, “Page Number:” 001B/119B], “Household Number:” 024, Line 70 and 71 as seen on Family Search Web page on 18 Oct 2019.
- [S13] Wilma (Walker) Dunlap and Wilma (Suter) Walker, Cemetery Inscription, Page 349.
- [S99] Clark County Courier, 7 May 1926, Obituary, Vol. 56, No 60 18 May 1945.
- [S1395] Find A Grave, online, Find a Grave, database and images (… accessed 12 September 2022), memorial page for Lucy May Black Hartman (15 Jan 1888–11 May 1945), Find a Grave Memorial ID 85082179, citing New Woodville Cemetery, Wyaconda, Clark County, Missouri, USA; Maintained by Robert Hartman (contributor 47647754).
- [S50] Interview, unknown informant, the only record I could find was at Gerth Funeral Service, Memphis, MO.
William Paul Hartman
M, #3, b. 10.03.1889, d. 17.11.1924
Father* | William Henry Hartman b. 18.08.1861, d. 07.11.1947 |
Mother* | Alice May Barnard b. 06.11.1871, d. 16.12.1926 |
Relationship | Grandfather of Robert William Hartman |
Charts | Tobias Hartman Type Y-DNA c1739 - 1816 |
Last Edited | 19.04.2023 |
On Sunday, 10.03.1889, William Paul Hartman was born at the Mt. View, Township of Union, the County of Benton, the State of Missouri, the United States of America.1 He was the son of William Henry Hartman and Alice May Barnard.
He appeared on the 1900 Federal Census of Township of Dicks, County of Woods, the Territory of Oklahoma in the household of his parents, William Henry Hartman and Alice May Barnard.2
William Paul Hartman witnessed Oklahoma Territory became Oklahoma State in 1907.3
William Paul Hartman was on 02.05.1910 Hardware Store, Goltry, County of Alfalfa, State of Oklahoma, United States of America, clerk.
He appeared on the 1910 Federal Census of Township of Karoma, County of Alfalfa, State of Oklahoma in the household of his parents, William Henry Hartman and Alverted M Hartman.4
William Paul Hartman and an unknown person obtained a marriage license at County of Alfalfa, State of Oklahoma, United States of America, on 10.09.1910.
William Paul Hartman and Lucy May Hartman were photograph some time around there wedding date circa 14.09.1910 at State of Oklahoma, United States of America.5
William Paul Hartman married Lucy M Black, daughter of Henry Lee Black and Ida Malinda Viers, on Wednesday, 14.09.1910, the near Goltry, County of Alfalfa, State of Oklahoma, United States of America.6
As of 27.01.1911, William Paul Hartman was also known as Will.7
Will Hartman was in an article title "Local News" published on Friday, 27.01.1911 in newspaper The Goltry News published in Goltry, County of Alfalfa, State of Oklahoma, United States of America.7
William Paul Hartman witnessed the birth of Cecil Edward Hartman on Friday, 17.01.1913 at Golty, Township of Karoma, County of Alfalfa, State of Oklahoma, United States of America.8
William Paul Hartman witnessed the marriage of Albert Ross Black and Ura Bernice Enterline on Thursday, 25.12.1913 the MR. & Mrs. W. P. Hartman home, County of Alfalfa, State of Oklahoma, United States of America.9,10
As of 09.03.1917, William Paul Hartman was also known as W. P. Hartman.11
W. P. Hartman and Mrs. W. P. Hartman was in an article title ""KAROMA SCHOOL ITEMS"" published on Friday, 09.03.1917 published in THE GOLTRY EAGLE, Goltry, County of Alfalfa, State of Oklahoma, United States of America.11
Due to a need for men to serve during World War I, the United States instituted a draft. The first registration was for men between the ages of 21 and 31. As a result, this registration included men born between June 5, 1886 and June 5, 1896. William Paul Hartman was required to register for the draft on Tuesday, 05.06.1917 at Goltry, Township of Karoma, County of Alfalfa, State of Oklahoma, United States of America.12,13
William Paul Hartman witness the statmen made on registration form.14,15
William Paul Hartman witness the statmen made on registration form.14,15
William Paul Hartman witness the statmen made on registration form.14,16
W. P. Hartman and Lucy M. Hartman appeared on the 1920 Federal Census of Goltry Town, Township of Karoma, County of Alfalfa, State of Oklahoma, with a effect date of 1 January, and enumerated on 06.01.1920, his birthplace was given as Missouri, and his age was given as 30; her place of birth was given as Missouri, and her age was given as 32. Their children Chester, Cecil and Clydean were listed as living with them.17
William Paul Hartman was after 06.01.1920 City of Enid, County of Garfield, State of Oklahoma, United States of America, and he was a car salesman.18
William Paul Hartman and Lucy May Hartman move from Goltry, County of Alfalfa, State of Oklahoma after 06.01.1920 to the City of Enid, County of Garfield, State of Oklahoma, United States of America.18
William Paul Hartman died on Monday, 17.11.1924, in at General Hospital, Enid, County of Garfield, State of Oklahoma, United States of America, at age 35 years, 8 months and 7 days.
William Paul Hartman's obituary was in the newspaper in Goltry, County of Alfalfa, State of Oklahoma, United States of America. Chester Lee Hartman, Lucy May Black, Cecil Edward Hartman, Frances Clydean Hartman, Margaret Lorine Hartman, William Henry Hartman, Alice May Barnard, Charley Moriss Hartman, Christopher Columbus Hartman, Ernest Homer Hartman, Frank Albert Hartman, Ray Cecil Hartman, Alice Pearl Hartman, Nellie May Hartman and Lula Viola Hartman were listed as survivors.19
William Paul Hartman was buried in Friday, 21.11.1924, in Karoma Cemetery, in the Town of Golty, Township of Karoma, in the County of Alfalfa, in the State of Oklahoma, in the Country of United States of America.20
The burial place for William Paul Hartman is the Karoma Cemetery in the Village of Goltry, the County of Alfalfa, the State of Oklahoma, and the United States of America.
Additional information may be at an off-site Web Page as seen on Sunday, 14.02.2021 at Find A Grave, Memorial #: 108621673 (place number in (Memorial #:) field then click Search.)21
He appeared on the 1900 Federal Census of Township of Dicks, County of Woods, the Territory of Oklahoma in the household of his parents, William Henry Hartman and Alice May Barnard.2

William Paul Hartman witnessed Oklahoma Territory became Oklahoma State in 1907.3
William Paul Hartman was on 02.05.1910 Hardware Store, Goltry, County of Alfalfa, State of Oklahoma, United States of America, clerk.
He appeared on the 1910 Federal Census of Township of Karoma, County of Alfalfa, State of Oklahoma in the household of his parents, William Henry Hartman and Alverted M Hartman.4

William Paul Hartman and an unknown person obtained a marriage license at County of Alfalfa, State of Oklahoma, United States of America, on 10.09.1910.
William Paul Hartman and Lucy May Hartman were photograph some time around there wedding date circa 14.09.1910 at State of Oklahoma, United States of America.5

William Paul Hartman married Lucy M Black, daughter of Henry Lee Black and Ida Malinda Viers, on Wednesday, 14.09.1910, the near Goltry, County of Alfalfa, State of Oklahoma, United States of America.6

As of 27.01.1911, William Paul Hartman was also known as Will.7
Will Hartman was in an article title "Local News" published on Friday, 27.01.1911 in newspaper The Goltry News published in Goltry, County of Alfalfa, State of Oklahoma, United States of America.7

William Paul Hartman witnessed the birth of Cecil Edward Hartman on Friday, 17.01.1913 at Golty, Township of Karoma, County of Alfalfa, State of Oklahoma, United States of America.8

As of 09.03.1917, William Paul Hartman was also known as W. P. Hartman.11
W. P. Hartman and Mrs. W. P. Hartman was in an article title ""KAROMA SCHOOL ITEMS"" published on Friday, 09.03.1917 published in THE GOLTRY EAGLE, Goltry, County of Alfalfa, State of Oklahoma, United States of America.11

Due to a need for men to serve during World War I, the United States instituted a draft. The first registration was for men between the ages of 21 and 31. As a result, this registration included men born between June 5, 1886 and June 5, 1896. William Paul Hartman was required to register for the draft on Tuesday, 05.06.1917 at Goltry, Township of Karoma, County of Alfalfa, State of Oklahoma, United States of America.12,13

William Paul Hartman witness the statmen made on registration form.14,15

William Paul Hartman witness the statmen made on registration form.14,15

William Paul Hartman witness the statmen made on registration form.14,16

W. P. Hartman and Lucy M. Hartman appeared on the 1920 Federal Census of Goltry Town, Township of Karoma, County of Alfalfa, State of Oklahoma, with a effect date of 1 January, and enumerated on 06.01.1920, his birthplace was given as Missouri, and his age was given as 30; her place of birth was given as Missouri, and her age was given as 32. Their children Chester, Cecil and Clydean were listed as living with them.17

William Paul Hartman was after 06.01.1920 City of Enid, County of Garfield, State of Oklahoma, United States of America, and he was a car salesman.18
William Paul Hartman and Lucy May Hartman move from Goltry, County of Alfalfa, State of Oklahoma after 06.01.1920 to the City of Enid, County of Garfield, State of Oklahoma, United States of America.18
William Paul Hartman died on Monday, 17.11.1924, in at General Hospital, Enid, County of Garfield, State of Oklahoma, United States of America, at age 35 years, 8 months and 7 days.
William Paul Hartman's obituary was in the newspaper in Goltry, County of Alfalfa, State of Oklahoma, United States of America. Chester Lee Hartman, Lucy May Black, Cecil Edward Hartman, Frances Clydean Hartman, Margaret Lorine Hartman, William Henry Hartman, Alice May Barnard, Charley Moriss Hartman, Christopher Columbus Hartman, Ernest Homer Hartman, Frank Albert Hartman, Ray Cecil Hartman, Alice Pearl Hartman, Nellie May Hartman and Lula Viola Hartman were listed as survivors.19
William Paul Hartman was buried in Friday, 21.11.1924, in Karoma Cemetery, in the Town of Golty, Township of Karoma, in the County of Alfalfa, in the State of Oklahoma, in the Country of United States of America.20
The burial place for William Paul Hartman is the Karoma Cemetery in the Village of Goltry, the County of Alfalfa, the State of Oklahoma, and the United States of America.
Additional information may be at an off-site Web Page as seen on Sunday, 14.02.2021 at Find A Grave, Memorial #: 108621673 (place number in (Memorial #:) field then click Search.)21
Family | Lucy May Black b. 15.01.1888, d. 11.05.1945 |
Marriage* | William Paul Hartman married Lucy M Black, daughter of Henry Lee Black and Ida Malinda Viers, on Wednesday, 14.09.1910, the near Goltry, County of Alfalfa, State of Oklahoma, United States of America.6 ![]() ![]() |
Children |
- [S53] WWI Draft Card, On draft registration listed Mount View as birth place. The U.S. Geological Survey (GNIS) list List a Mount View School in Union Township in about section 4. Mountain View was a PO located in SE Fristoe T. It was established in 1853 as Mount View. The name was changed about 1862. It was discontinued in 1895. It was named for its location. From U.S. Geological Survey, but they also listed Mount View ans unknown.
- [S2] Family Search (Database), online, "United States Census, 1900," database with images, FamilySearch ( accessed 12 January 2021), William H Hartman, Dicks Township, Woods, Oklahoma Territory, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) 222, sheet 7A, family 158, NARA microfilm publication T623 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1972.); FHL microfilm 1,241,343.
- [S142] Unknown subject, 2004 V. 2.6 unknown repository, gives date as 1907, I was in the Air Force in 1954 - 58 station at Ardmore AFB, I do remember going to Oklahoma City one week end during the 50th anniversary of State Hood. The event was held at the State Fair Grounds, after the one year celibration the exibet and rides were torn down and moved to the NE side of OK City.
- [S2] Family Search (Database), online, "United States Census, 1910," database with images, FamilySearch ( accessed 10 January 2021), William H Hartman, Alfalfa, Oklahoma, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) ED 10, sheet 3A, family 52, NARA microfilm publication T624 (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1982), roll 1242; FHL microfilm 1,375,255.
- [S1127] Marriage picture picture, ca 14 September 1910, unknown repository.
- [S50] Interview, unknown informant.
- [S4] The Arkalon News, 12 January 1888, 4, The Goltry News
27 Jan 1911, Friday
Goltry, Alfalfa County, Oklahoma
as seen on on 1 Jan 2021
Col. 1, page 3
"Local News." - [S7] Cecil E. Hartman, Birth Certificate 32, Place of Birth County of Alfalfa, Township of Karoma, of the Village of Goltry, OK. Request for birth Certificate April 01, 2002 (no date).
- [S2] Family Search (Database), online, "Oklahoma, County Marriages, 1890-1995." Database with images. FamilySearch. "Oklahoma, County Marriages, 1890-1995," database with images, FamilySearch ( 28 November 2020), Albert R Black and Ura B Enterline or Euterline, 24 Dec 1913; citing Oklahoma, various county courthouses, Oklahoma; FHL microfilm.
- [S317] Letter, Janice Domecq 26/1/2009 to Robert Hartman, 30 Jan 2009, Marriage date and Cemetery.
- [S4] The Arkalon News, 12 January 1888, 4, NEWSPAPERS.COM
Clipped Friday January 1, 2021
Goltry, Oklahoma
1917 March 09, Friday
Page 2, Column 4
KAROMA SCHOOL ITEMS. - [S95] NARA, " WWI", Ancestral File, Seen on Internet Dec 205.
- [S234] WWI Draft Card, as seen on internet.
- [S234] WWI Draft Card.
- [S95] NARA, " WWI", Ancestral File, Seen on internet Dec 2005.
- [S95] NARA, " WWI", Ancestral File, View April 2006.
- [S2] Family Search (Database), online, "United States Census, 1920", database with images, FamilySearch ( 3 February 2021), W P Hartman, 1920.
- [S753] Enid Morning News, 19 November 1924, 2?
- [S73] The Goltry Ledger, 22 November 1924, One, 24 Aug 1924.
- [S50] Interview, unknown informant, by visit to cemetery abt 1950.
- [S1128] Find A Grave ID# 108621673, online, Find a Grave, database and images (… accessed 12 September 2022), memorial page for William Paul Hartman (10 Mar 1889–17 Nov 1924), Find a Grave Memorial ID 108621673, citing Karoma Cemetery, Goltry, Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, USA; Maintained by Robert Hartman (contributor 47647754).
Sharon Marie Hartman
F, #4, b. 20.10.1974
Father* | Gary Lee Hartman b. 04.04.1946 |
Mother* | Jane Allen Boucher b. 11.11.1947 |
Relationship | Niece of Robert William Hartman |
Last Edited | 13.08.2006 |
On Sunday, 20.10.1974, Sharon Marie Hartman was born. She is the daughter of Gary Lee Hartman and Jane Allen Boucher.
Carolyn Sue Hartman
F, #5, b. 17.11.1969
Father* | Gary Lee Hartman b. 04.04.1946 |
Mother* | Jane Allen Boucher b. 11.11.1947 |
Relationship | Niece of Robert William Hartman |
Last Edited | 13.08.2006 |
On Monday, 17.11.1969, Carolyn Sue Hartman was born. She is the daughter of Gary Lee Hartman and Jane Allen Boucher.
Carolyn Sue Hartman married Joshua Lee Elgin on Saturday, 05.10.2002, the Point Thousand Hills State Park, Kirksville, County of Adair, State of Missouri, United States of America.1
Carolyn Sue Hartman married Joshua Lee Elgin on Saturday, 05.10.2002, the Point Thousand Hills State Park, Kirksville, County of Adair, State of Missouri, United States of America.1
Family | Joshua Lee Elgin |
- [S50] Interview, unknown informant.
John Hartman
M, #6, b. 28.05.1969, d. 28.05.1969
Father* | Gary Lee Hartman b. 04.04.1946 |
Mother* | Jane Allen Boucher b. 11.11.1947 |
Relationship | Nephew of Robert William Hartman |
Last Edited | 13.08.2006 |
John Hartman died on Wednesday, 28.05.1969.
On Wednesday, 28.05.1969, John Hartman was born. He was the son of Gary Lee Hartman and Jane Allen Boucher.
John Hartman died before Joanna Mae Barber and was mentioned in Joanna Mae Barber's obituary on Wednesday, 07.07.1993 at City of Kahoka, Township of Lincoln, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.
On Wednesday, 28.05.1969, John Hartman was born. He was the son of Gary Lee Hartman and Jane Allen Boucher.
John Hartman died before Joanna Mae Barber and was mentioned in Joanna Mae Barber's obituary on Wednesday, 07.07.1993 at City of Kahoka, Township of Lincoln, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.

Pauil Hartman
M, #7, b. 28.05.1969, d. 28.05.1969
Father* | Gary Lee Hartman b. 04.04.1946 |
Mother* | Jane Allen Boucher b. 11.11.1947 |
Relationship | Nephew of Robert William Hartman |
Last Edited | 30.04.2010 |
Pauil Hartman died on Wednesday, 28.05.1969.
On Wednesday, 28.05.1969, Pauil Hartman was born. He was the son of Gary Lee Hartman and Jane Allen Boucher.
Pauil Hartman died before Joanna Mae Barber and was mentioned in Joanna Mae Barber's obituary on Wednesday, 07.07.1993 at City of Kahoka, Township of Lincoln, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.
On Wednesday, 28.05.1969, Pauil Hartman was born. He was the son of Gary Lee Hartman and Jane Allen Boucher.
Pauil Hartman died before Joanna Mae Barber and was mentioned in Joanna Mae Barber's obituary on Wednesday, 07.07.1993 at City of Kahoka, Township of Lincoln, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.

Allen Lee Hartman
M, #8, b. 10.11.1967
Father* | Gary Lee Hartman b. 04.04.1946 |
Mother* | Jane Allen Boucher b. 11.11.1947 |
Relationship | Nephew of Robert William Hartman |
Last Edited | 22.09.2019 |
On Friday, 10.11.1967, Allen Lee Hartman was born at the Kirksville, the County of Adair, the State of Missouri, the United States of America. He is the son of Gary Lee Hartman and Jane Allen Boucher.
Allen Lee Hartman married Julia Ann Brothag on Saturday, 16.05.1992, the 5013 East Broadway Rd., Living Bible Center, City of Mesa, County of Maricopa, State of Arizona, United States of America.
Allen Lee Hartman witnessed (an unknown value) on 05.09.2004 at Las Vegas Motor Speedway, NHRA Jr. Dragster Division 7, City of Las Vegas, County of Clark, State of Nevada, United States of America.1
As of 2010, Allen Lee Hartman lived at 160 South Sandstone, City of Gilbert, County of Maricopa, State of Arizona, United States of America.
Allen Lee Hartman married Julia Ann Brothag on Saturday, 16.05.1992, the 5013 East Broadway Rd., Living Bible Center, City of Mesa, County of Maricopa, State of Arizona, United States of America.
Allen Lee Hartman witnessed (an unknown value) on 05.09.2004 at Las Vegas Motor Speedway, NHRA Jr. Dragster Division 7, City of Las Vegas, County of Clark, State of Nevada, United States of America.1
As of 2010, Allen Lee Hartman lived at 160 South Sandstone, City of Gilbert, County of Maricopa, State of Arizona, United States of America.
Family | Julia Ann Brothag |
Children |
- [S33] Sept. 4-5, 2004 Vegas NHRA Jr., online, 9/16/2004.
Jane Allen Boucher
F, #9, b. 11.11.1947
Father* | Hennry Mason Boucher b. 13.04.1907 |
Adoptive mother* | Madeline A. Allen b. 29.04.1907 |
Relationship | 3rd cousin of Robert William Hartman |
Last Edited | 30.10.2022 |
Jane Allen Boucher was christened.
On Tuesday, 11.11.1947, Jane Allen Boucher was born at the Saint Louis City, the (Independent City), the State of Missouri, the United States of America. She is the daughter of Hennry Mason Boucher and Madeline A. Allen.
Jane Allen Boucher married Gary Lee Hartman, son of Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Hartman, on Sunday, 18.09.1966, the Boucher home, City of Kirksville, County of Adair, State of Missouri, United States of America.1
Jane Allen Boucher and Gary Lee Hartman were divorced circa 1990 at Kirksville, County of Adair, State of Missouri, United States of America.
On Tuesday, 11.11.1947, Jane Allen Boucher was born at the Saint Louis City, the (Independent City), the State of Missouri, the United States of America. She is the daughter of Hennry Mason Boucher and Madeline A. Allen.
Jane Allen Boucher married Gary Lee Hartman, son of Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Hartman, on Sunday, 18.09.1966, the Boucher home, City of Kirksville, County of Adair, State of Missouri, United States of America.1
Jane Allen Boucher and Gary Lee Hartman were divorced circa 1990 at Kirksville, County of Adair, State of Missouri, United States of America.
Family | Gary Lee Hartman b. 04.04.1946 |
Children |
- [S50] Interview, unknown informant.
Brian William Sondker
M, #10, b. 14.01.1972
Father* | Donald Walter Sondker b. 14.02.1938 |
Mother* | Barbara Ann Hartman b. 12.06.1938, d. 15.06.2016 |
Relationship | Nephew of Robert William Hartman |
Last Edited | 22.02.2021 |
On Friday, 14.01.1972, Brian William Sondker was born. He is the son of Donald Walter Sondker and Barbara Ann Hartman.
Brian William Sondker married Kelli (?) between 2000 and 2001, the County of Cook, State of Illinois, United States of America.1
Brian William Sondker married Kelli (?) between 2000 and 2001, the County of Cook, State of Illinois, United States of America.1
Family | Kelli (?) b. circa 1972 |
Children |
- [S50] Interview, unknown informant.
Deboroh Ann Sondker
F, #11, b. 13.11.1963
Father* | Donald Walter Sondker b. 14.02.1938 |
Mother* | Barbara Ann Hartman b. 12.06.1938, d. 15.06.2016 |
Relationship | Niece of Robert William Hartman |
Last Edited | 22.02.2021 |
On Wednesday, 13.11.1963, Deboroh Ann Sondker was born. She is the daughter of Donald Walter Sondker and Barbara Ann Hartman.
Deboroh Ann Sondker married Steve Schmidt between 1983 and 1997, the ? Catholic Church, Saint Louis City, (Independent City), State of Missouri, United States of America.1
Deboroh Ann Sondker married Steve Schmidt between 1983 and 1997, the ? Catholic Church, Saint Louis City, (Independent City), State of Missouri, United States of America.1
Family | Steve Schmidt |
Children |
- [S50] Interview, unknown informant.
Donald Walter Sondker
M, #12, b. 14.02.1938
Father* | Adolph Louis Milton Sondker b. 12.08.1910 |
Mother* | Rose H Kjath d. 13.03.1967 |
Last Edited | 28.07.2021 |
On Monday, 14.02.1938, Donald Walter Sondker was born. He is the son of Adolph Louis Milton Sondker and Rose H Kjath.
Donald Walter Sondker married Barbara Ann Hartman, daughter of Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Barber, on Saturday, 10.09.1960.
Donald Walter Sondker married Barbara Ann Hartman, daughter of Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Barber, on Saturday, 10.09.1960.
Family | Barbara Ann Hartman b. 12.06.1938, d. 15.06.2016 |
Children |
William Hsu Hartman
M, #13, b. 09.03.1972
Father-Other* | Robert William Hartman b. 16.04.1935 |
Mother* | Kuei Lan Hsu b. 23.11.1945 |
Father | Unknown Father1 |
Relationship | Son of Robert William Hartman |
Last Edited | 05.05.2023 |
On Thursday, 09.03.1972, William Hsu Hartman was born at the Taipei, the Taiwan Province, the Republic of China.2 He is the son of Robert William Hartman and Kuei Lan Hsu.
As of 10.06.1973, William Hsu Hartman lived with Robert William Hartman and Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman at 5013B Grover Ave, Scott Air Force Base, County of St Clair, State of Illinois, United States of America.3
As of 03.07.1974, William Hsu Hartman lived with Robert William Hartman and Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman at 1626 Cole Village, University Park, County of Dona Ana, State of New Mexico, United States of America.3
As of 08.1976, William Hsu Hartman lived with Robert William Hartman and Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman at 1508 Standley Dr., University Park, County of Dona Ana, State of New Mexico, United States of America.3 William Hsu Hartman witnessed the naturalization of Chin Hsiu Hsu on 17.08.1977 at District Court, City of Las Cruces, County of Dona Ana, State of Mexico, United States of America.3 William Hsu Hartman witnessed the naturalization of Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman on 17.08.1977 at District Court, City of Las Cruces, County of Dona Ana, State of New Mexico, United States of America; Alien Registration number A34 190 913 Petition No: 3100
The Govener of New Mexico was the speaker.4
As of 02.1978, William Hsu Hartman lived with Robert William Hartman and Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman at RFD # 1 Bluebird Apt.#60, Holts Summit, County of Callaway, State of Missouri, United States of America.3
As of 05.1983, William Hsu Hartman lived with Robert William Hartman and Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman at 2465 S. Old Highway 94, Saint Charles, County of Saint Charles, State of Missouri, United States of America.3 William Hsu Hartman witnessed the marriage of Helen Chin Hsiu Hsu Hartman and Lawrence M Ohmes on Saturday, 29.11.1986 the Community Chapel Ft. Hood Military Reservation, Ft. Hood Military Reservation, Killeen, County of Bell, State of Texas, United States of America.3 William Hsu Hartman witnessed the remarriage of Robert William Hartman and Kuei Lan Hsu on 11.06.1993 at 201 North Second St., Saint Charles, County of Saint Charles, State of Missouri, United States of America.5 William Hsu Hartman married Laure E Gonin, daughter of Jean Francois Gonin and Gabrielle Bayon DeNoyer, on 24.03.2000 at Court House, Saint Charles, County of Saint Charles, State of Missouri, United States of America.3
William Hsu Hartman married Laure E Gonin, daughter of Jean Francois Gonin and Gabrielle Bayon DeNoyer, on Saturday, 20.05.2000, the a La Collegiale Notre-Dame d' Esperance, Montbrison, Loire En Rhone-Alpes, France.
William Hsu Hartman witnessed the graduation of Michael L. Ohmes on 27.05.2005 at Fort Knox Military Reservation, County of Hardin, Commonwealth of Kentucky, United States of America.3
William Hsu Hartman witnessed the graduation of Helen M. Ohmes on 27.05.2005 at Fort Knox Military Reservation, County of Hardin, Commonwealth of Kentucky, United States of America.3
As of 10.06.1973, William Hsu Hartman lived with Robert William Hartman and Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman at 5013B Grover Ave, Scott Air Force Base, County of St Clair, State of Illinois, United States of America.3
As of 03.07.1974, William Hsu Hartman lived with Robert William Hartman and Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman at 1626 Cole Village, University Park, County of Dona Ana, State of New Mexico, United States of America.3
As of 08.1976, William Hsu Hartman lived with Robert William Hartman and Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman at 1508 Standley Dr., University Park, County of Dona Ana, State of New Mexico, United States of America.3 William Hsu Hartman witnessed the naturalization of Chin Hsiu Hsu on 17.08.1977 at District Court, City of Las Cruces, County of Dona Ana, State of Mexico, United States of America.3 William Hsu Hartman witnessed the naturalization of Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman on 17.08.1977 at District Court, City of Las Cruces, County of Dona Ana, State of New Mexico, United States of America; Alien Registration number A34 190 913 Petition No: 3100
The Govener of New Mexico was the speaker.4
As of 02.1978, William Hsu Hartman lived with Robert William Hartman and Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman at RFD # 1 Bluebird Apt.#60, Holts Summit, County of Callaway, State of Missouri, United States of America.3
As of 05.1983, William Hsu Hartman lived with Robert William Hartman and Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman at 2465 S. Old Highway 94, Saint Charles, County of Saint Charles, State of Missouri, United States of America.3 William Hsu Hartman witnessed the marriage of Helen Chin Hsiu Hsu Hartman and Lawrence M Ohmes on Saturday, 29.11.1986 the Community Chapel Ft. Hood Military Reservation, Ft. Hood Military Reservation, Killeen, County of Bell, State of Texas, United States of America.3 William Hsu Hartman witnessed the remarriage of Robert William Hartman and Kuei Lan Hsu on 11.06.1993 at 201 North Second St., Saint Charles, County of Saint Charles, State of Missouri, United States of America.5 William Hsu Hartman married Laure E Gonin, daughter of Jean Francois Gonin and Gabrielle Bayon DeNoyer, on 24.03.2000 at Court House, Saint Charles, County of Saint Charles, State of Missouri, United States of America.3
William Hsu Hartman married Laure E Gonin, daughter of Jean Francois Gonin and Gabrielle Bayon DeNoyer, on Saturday, 20.05.2000, the a La Collegiale Notre-Dame d' Esperance, Montbrison, Loire En Rhone-Alpes, France.
William Hsu Hartman witnessed the graduation of Michael L. Ohmes on 27.05.2005 at Fort Knox Military Reservation, County of Hardin, Commonwealth of Kentucky, United States of America.3
William Hsu Hartman witnessed the graduation of Helen M. Ohmes on 27.05.2005 at Fort Knox Military Reservation, County of Hardin, Commonwealth of Kentucky, United States of America.3
Family | Laure E Gonin b. 12.02.1973 |
Marriage* | William Hsu Hartman married Laure E Gonin, daughter of Jean Francois Gonin and Gabrielle Bayon DeNoyer, on 24.03.2000 at Court House, Saint Charles, County of Saint Charles, State of Missouri, United States of America.3 |
Marriage | William Hsu Hartman married Laure E Gonin, daughter of Jean Francois Gonin and Gabrielle Bayon DeNoyer, on Saturday, 20.05.2000, the a La Collegiale Notre-Dame d' Esperance, Montbrison, Loire En Rhone-Alpes, France. |
Child |
- [S1306] Robert William Hartman, Missouri Birth Certificate unknow (Unknow).
- [S123] Unknown volume, Certification of Birth: Form FS-545 Department of State, Foreign Service of The United States of America, unknown repository.
- [S50] Interview, unknown informant.
- [S431] Robert William Hartman Certificate of Naturalization, 10080268 (17 August 1977), 2465 S. Old Highway 94, Saint Charles, County of Saint Charles, State of Missouri, United States of America.
- [S52] Book 93 unknown file number.
Chin Hsiu Hsu
F, #14, b. 04.07.1966
Adoptive father* | Robert William Hartman b. 16.04.1935 |
Mother* | Kuei Lan Hsu b. 23.11.1945 |
Relationship | Daughter of Robert William Hartman |
Last Edited | 07.04.2023 |
On Monday, 04.07.1966, Chin Hsiu Hsu was born, the Taiwan Province, the Republic of China. She is the daughter of Robert William Hartman and Kuei Lan Hsu.
As of 01.10.1971, Chin Hsiu Hsu lived with Robert William Hartman and Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman at No. 10, Alley 45, Lane 201, Wei Tao Road, Taichung City, Taiwan Province, Republic of China.1
Chin Hsiu Hsu was adopted on 06.05.1972 at Taichung City, Taiwan Province, Republic of China.
As of 10.06.1973, Chin Hsiu Hsu lived with Robert William Hartman and Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman at 5013B Grover Ave, Scott Air Force Base, County of St Clair, State of Illinois, United States of America.1
As of 03.07.1974, Chin Hsiu Hsu lived with Robert William Hartman and Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman at 1626 Cole Village, University Park, County of Dona Ana, State of New Mexico, United States of America.1
As of 08.1976, Chin Hsiu Hsu lived with Robert William Hartman and Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman at 1508 Standley Dr., University Park, County of Dona Ana, State of New Mexico, United States of America.1
Chin Hsiu Hsu was naturalized on 17.08.1977 at District Court, City of Las Cruces, County of Dona Ana, State of Mexico, United States of America.1 She witnessed the naturalization of Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman on 17.08.1977 at District Court, City of Las Cruces, County of Dona Ana, State of New Mexico, United States of America; Alien Registration number A34 190 913 Petition No: 3100
The Govener of New Mexico was the speaker.2
As of 02.1978, Chin Hsiu Hsu lived with Robert William Hartman and Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman at RFD # 1 Bluebird Apt.#60, Holts Summit, County of Callaway, State of Missouri, United States of America.1
As of 05.1983, Chin Hsiu Hsu lived with Robert William Hartman and Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman at 2465 S. Old Highway 94, Saint Charles, County of Saint Charles, State of Missouri, United States of America.1
Helen Chin Hsiu Hsu Hartman married Lawrence M Ohmes, son of Robert Leo Ohmes and Yvonne M. Womack, on Saturday, 29.11.1986, the Community Chapel Ft. Hood Military Reservation, Ft. Hood Military Reservation, Killeen, County of Bell, State of Texas, United States of America.1
As of circa 1994, Chin Hsiu Hsu lived at 5347B Brett Drive, Fort Knox Military Reservation, County of Meade, Commonwealth of Kentucky, United States of America.1 She witnessed the marriage of William Hsu Hartman and Laure E Gonin on Saturday, 20.05.2000 the a La Collegiale Notre-Dame d' Esperance, Montbrison, Loire En Rhone-Alpes, France; Thanks to:
Father: Jean-Luc Souvrton
Witnesses: Alix Gonin, Claire, Helen Ohmes, Scott Hall
Groomsmen: Scott Hall, Carlin, Anthony, and Dan O'Connor.
As of 01.08.2003, Helen Chin Hsiu Hsu Ohmes and Lawrence M Ohmes lived at 5861-B Adams Street, Fort Knox Military Resveration, County of Meade, Commonwealth of Kentucky, United States of America; Note: Fort Knox Military Reveration is located in both Meade and Hardin counties.1
As of 01.04.2005, Helen Chin Hsiu Hsu Ohmes and Lawrence M Ohmes lived at 125 Castle Court, City of Vine Grove, County of Meade, Commonwealth of Kentucky, United States of America.1
Chin Hsiu Hsu witnessed the graduation of Michael L. Ohmes on 27.05.2005 at Fort Knox Military Reservation, County of Hardin, Commonwealth of Kentucky, United States of America.1
Chin Hsiu Hsu witnessed the graduation of Helen M. Ohmes on 27.05.2005 at Fort Knox Military Reservation, County of Hardin, Commonwealth of Kentucky, United States of America.1
Chin Hsiu Hsu and Helen M. Ohmes were photograph circa 2007 at 125 Castle Court, City of Vine Grove, County of Hardin, Commonwealth of Kentucky, United States of America.1
Helen Chin Hsiu Hsu Ohmes was listed in Robert Leo Ohmes's obituary circa 06.10.2014 as a survivor.3
As of 01.10.1971, Chin Hsiu Hsu lived with Robert William Hartman and Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman at No. 10, Alley 45, Lane 201, Wei Tao Road, Taichung City, Taiwan Province, Republic of China.1
Chin Hsiu Hsu was adopted on 06.05.1972 at Taichung City, Taiwan Province, Republic of China.
As of 10.06.1973, Chin Hsiu Hsu lived with Robert William Hartman and Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman at 5013B Grover Ave, Scott Air Force Base, County of St Clair, State of Illinois, United States of America.1
As of 03.07.1974, Chin Hsiu Hsu lived with Robert William Hartman and Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman at 1626 Cole Village, University Park, County of Dona Ana, State of New Mexico, United States of America.1
As of 08.1976, Chin Hsiu Hsu lived with Robert William Hartman and Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman at 1508 Standley Dr., University Park, County of Dona Ana, State of New Mexico, United States of America.1
Chin Hsiu Hsu was naturalized on 17.08.1977 at District Court, City of Las Cruces, County of Dona Ana, State of Mexico, United States of America.1 She witnessed the naturalization of Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman on 17.08.1977 at District Court, City of Las Cruces, County of Dona Ana, State of New Mexico, United States of America; Alien Registration number A34 190 913 Petition No: 3100
The Govener of New Mexico was the speaker.2
As of 02.1978, Chin Hsiu Hsu lived with Robert William Hartman and Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman at RFD # 1 Bluebird Apt.#60, Holts Summit, County of Callaway, State of Missouri, United States of America.1
As of 05.1983, Chin Hsiu Hsu lived with Robert William Hartman and Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman at 2465 S. Old Highway 94, Saint Charles, County of Saint Charles, State of Missouri, United States of America.1
Helen Chin Hsiu Hsu Hartman married Lawrence M Ohmes, son of Robert Leo Ohmes and Yvonne M. Womack, on Saturday, 29.11.1986, the Community Chapel Ft. Hood Military Reservation, Ft. Hood Military Reservation, Killeen, County of Bell, State of Texas, United States of America.1
As of circa 1994, Chin Hsiu Hsu lived at 5347B Brett Drive, Fort Knox Military Reservation, County of Meade, Commonwealth of Kentucky, United States of America.1 She witnessed the marriage of William Hsu Hartman and Laure E Gonin on Saturday, 20.05.2000 the a La Collegiale Notre-Dame d' Esperance, Montbrison, Loire En Rhone-Alpes, France; Thanks to:
Father: Jean-Luc Souvrton
Witnesses: Alix Gonin, Claire, Helen Ohmes, Scott Hall
Groomsmen: Scott Hall, Carlin, Anthony, and Dan O'Connor.
As of 01.08.2003, Helen Chin Hsiu Hsu Ohmes and Lawrence M Ohmes lived at 5861-B Adams Street, Fort Knox Military Resveration, County of Meade, Commonwealth of Kentucky, United States of America; Note: Fort Knox Military Reveration is located in both Meade and Hardin counties.1
As of 01.04.2005, Helen Chin Hsiu Hsu Ohmes and Lawrence M Ohmes lived at 125 Castle Court, City of Vine Grove, County of Meade, Commonwealth of Kentucky, United States of America.1
Chin Hsiu Hsu witnessed the graduation of Michael L. Ohmes on 27.05.2005 at Fort Knox Military Reservation, County of Hardin, Commonwealth of Kentucky, United States of America.1
Chin Hsiu Hsu witnessed the graduation of Helen M. Ohmes on 27.05.2005 at Fort Knox Military Reservation, County of Hardin, Commonwealth of Kentucky, United States of America.1
Chin Hsiu Hsu and Helen M. Ohmes were photograph circa 2007 at 125 Castle Court, City of Vine Grove, County of Hardin, Commonwealth of Kentucky, United States of America.1
Helen Chin Hsiu Hsu Ohmes was listed in Robert Leo Ohmes's obituary circa 06.10.2014 as a survivor.3
Family | Lawrence M Ohmes b. 27.03.1966 |
Marriage* | Helen Chin Hsiu Hsu Hartman married Lawrence M Ohmes, son of Robert Leo Ohmes and Yvonne M. Womack, on Saturday, 29.11.1986, the Community Chapel Ft. Hood Military Reservation, Ft. Hood Military Reservation, Killeen, County of Bell, State of Texas, United States of America.1 |
Children |
- [S50] Interview, unknown informant.
- [S431] Robert William Hartman Certificate of Naturalization, 10080268 (17 August 1977), 2465 S. Old Highway 94, Saint Charles, County of Saint Charles, State of Missouri, United States of America.
- [S220] Unknown subject, Web, Various unknown repository,…
McGilley Antioch Chapel.
Gary Lee Hartman
M, #15, b. 04.04.1946
Father* | Cecil Edward Hartman b. 17.01.1913, d. 30.05.1993 |
Mother* | Joanna Mae Barber b. 19.08.1913, d. 07.07.1993 |
Relationship | Brother of Robert William Hartman |
Last Edited | 30.10.2022 |
On Thursday, 04.04.1946, Gary Lee Hartman was born at the Keokuk, the Lee County, the State of Iowa, the United States of America. He is the son of Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Barber.
As of 09.04.1947, Gary Lee Hartman lived with Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Barber at 235 North Maine Street, City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.1
As of circa 15.04.1948, Gary Lee Hartman lived with Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Hartman at 1041 Boone Street, Troy City, Lincoln County, State of Missouri, United States of America, 38.97615731241946,-90.98815756002944B.2
As of circa 05.1949, Gary Lee Hartman lived with Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Hartman at 971 Boone Street, City of Troy, County of Lincoln, State of Missouri, United States of America, 38.976406491993394,-90.98732494906609B.3
Gary Lee Hartman witnessed the graduation of Robert William Hartman on 18.05.1949 at Troy Elementry School, City of Troy, County of Lincoln, State of Missouri, United States of America.4
As of circa 06.1952, Gary Lee Hartman lived with Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Hartman at 299 Buchanan Court, City of Troy, County of Lincoln, State of Missouri, United States of America.5
As of circa 08.1953, Gary Lee Hartman lived with Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Hartman at 293 East Jefferson Street, Perry, County of Ralls, State of Missouri, United States of America.6
As of 1966, Gary Lee Hartman lived at RR 6 Box 40, Kirksville, County of Adair, State of Missouri, United States of America.
Gary Lee Hartman married Jane Allen Boucher, daughter of Hennry Mason Boucher and Madeline A. Allen, on Sunday, 18.09.1966, the Boucher home, City of Kirksville, County of Adair, State of Missouri, United States of America.4
Gary Lee Hartman and Jane Allen Boucher were divorced circa 1990 at Kirksville, County of Adair, State of Missouri, United States of America.
Gary Lee Hartman was listed in Cecil Edward Hartman's obituary on Wednesday, 02.06.1993 at Hometown Journal, City of Kahoka, Lincoln Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.7
Gary Lee Hartman was listed in Joanna Mae Barber's obituary on Wednesday, 07.07.1993 at City of Kahoka, Township of Lincoln, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.
Gary Lee Hartman was the informant on her death certificate.8
Gary Lee Hartman married Jabice Kay Taylor on Monday, 26.02.1996, the State of Missouri, United States of America.9
As of 09.04.1947, Gary Lee Hartman lived with Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Barber at 235 North Maine Street, City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.1
As of circa 15.04.1948, Gary Lee Hartman lived with Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Hartman at 1041 Boone Street, Troy City, Lincoln County, State of Missouri, United States of America, 38.97615731241946,-90.98815756002944B.2
As of circa 05.1949, Gary Lee Hartman lived with Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Hartman at 971 Boone Street, City of Troy, County of Lincoln, State of Missouri, United States of America, 38.976406491993394,-90.98732494906609B.3
Gary Lee Hartman witnessed the graduation of Robert William Hartman on 18.05.1949 at Troy Elementry School, City of Troy, County of Lincoln, State of Missouri, United States of America.4
As of circa 06.1952, Gary Lee Hartman lived with Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Hartman at 299 Buchanan Court, City of Troy, County of Lincoln, State of Missouri, United States of America.5
As of circa 08.1953, Gary Lee Hartman lived with Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Hartman at 293 East Jefferson Street, Perry, County of Ralls, State of Missouri, United States of America.6
As of 1966, Gary Lee Hartman lived at RR 6 Box 40, Kirksville, County of Adair, State of Missouri, United States of America.
Gary Lee Hartman married Jane Allen Boucher, daughter of Hennry Mason Boucher and Madeline A. Allen, on Sunday, 18.09.1966, the Boucher home, City of Kirksville, County of Adair, State of Missouri, United States of America.4
Gary Lee Hartman and Jane Allen Boucher were divorced circa 1990 at Kirksville, County of Adair, State of Missouri, United States of America.
Gary Lee Hartman was listed in Cecil Edward Hartman's obituary on Wednesday, 02.06.1993 at Hometown Journal, City of Kahoka, Lincoln Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.7
Gary Lee Hartman was listed in Joanna Mae Barber's obituary on Wednesday, 07.07.1993 at City of Kahoka, Township of Lincoln, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.
Gary Lee Hartman was the informant on her death certificate.8
Gary Lee Hartman married Jabice Kay Taylor on Monday, 26.02.1996, the State of Missouri, United States of America.9
Family 1 | Jane Allen Boucher b. 11.11.1947 |
Marriage | Gary Lee Hartman married Jane Allen Boucher, daughter of Hennry Mason Boucher and Madeline A. Allen, on Sunday, 18.09.1966, the Boucher home, City of Kirksville, County of Adair, State of Missouri, United States of America.4 |
Divorce* | Gary Lee Hartman and Jane Allen Boucher were divorced circa 1990 at Kirksville, County of Adair, State of Missouri, United States of America. |
Children |
Family 2 | Janice Kay Sees b. 17.04.1947 |
Marriage* | Gary Lee Hartman married Jabice Kay Taylor on Monday, 26.02.1996, the State of Missouri, United States of America.9 |
- [S50] Interview, unknown informant, From information I remember, passed down, and pictures.
- [S50] Interview, unknown informant, What I recall.
- [S50] Interview, unknown informant, Whit I recall.
- [S50] Interview, unknown informant.
- [S50] Interview, unknown informant, What I rember.
- [S50] Interview, unknown informant, What I rember.
- [S46] Hometown Journal, 2 June 1993, Publish 2 June 1993, Kahoka, MO 63445-1661.
- [S212] Registrar of Vital Records, microfiche, filed at Keokuk, Lee County, Iowa. The record is on micfinch.
- [S125] Letter, Gary Hartman to Robert Hartman, 13 Nov. 2006, From: Gary L. Hartman [mailto:e-mail address]
Sent: Monday, November 13, 2006 8:31 AM
To: Bob Hartman
Subject: RE: address up date
massage ID <200611131430090170029qg5e>; Mon, 13 Nov 2006 14:30:09 +0000.
Barbara Ann Hartman
F, #16, b. 12.06.1938, d. 15.06.2016
Father* | Cecil Edward Hartman b. 17.01.1913, d. 30.05.1993 |
Mother* | Joanna Mae Barber b. 19.08.1913, d. 07.07.1993 |
Relationship | Sister of Robert William Hartman |
Last Edited | 19.04.2023 |
On Sunday, 12.06.1938, Barbara Ann Hartman was born at the City of Keokuk, the County of Lee, the State of Iowa, the United States of America.1 She was the daughter of Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Barber.
As of 17.06.1938, Barbara Ann Hartman lived with Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Hartman at 3?? West Jefferson Street, City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, 40.38932003057749,-91.93025430300409B.2
Barbara appeared on the 1940 Federal Census of City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, in the household of Cecil Hartman and Joanna Hartman,
Barbara appeared on the 1940 Federal Census of City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, in the household of Cecil Hartman and Joanna Hartman, her birthplace was given as Iowa, and her age was given as 1.3
Barbara appeared on the 1940 Federal Census of City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, in the household of Cecil Hartman and Joanna Hartman.
As of 06.1940, Barbara Ann Hartman lived with Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Hartman at 1?? N Oak Street, City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, 40.389948,-91.930062B.4
As of circa 1941, Barbara Ann Hartman lived with Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Hartman at 2?? North Main Street, City of Wyaconda, Wyaconda Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, 40.391468,-91.928079B.4
Barbara Ann Hartman witnessed the baptism of Robert William Hartman on 06.10.1946 at Wyaconda First Christian Church, City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, 40.389233,-91.929480B.5
Barbara Ann Hartman was living, but he/she was not listed in Joseph Oliver Barber's obituary on Friday, 10.01.1947 at City of Kahoka, Lincoln Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.6
As of circa 15.04.1948, Barbara Ann Hartman lived with Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Hartman at 1041 Boone Street, Troy City, Lincoln County, State of Missouri, United States of America, 38.97615731241946,-90.98815756002944B.7
As of circa 05.1949, Barbara Ann Hartman lived with Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Hartman at 971 Boone Street, City of Troy, County of Lincoln, State of Missouri, United States of America, 38.976406491993394,-90.98732494906609B.8
Barbara Ann Hartman witnessed the graduation of Robert William Hartman on 18.05.1949 at Troy Elementry School, City of Troy, County of Lincoln, State of Missouri, United States of America.5
As of circa 06.1952, Barbara Ann Hartman lived with Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Hartman at 299 Buchanan Court, City of Troy, County of Lincoln, State of Missouri, United States of America.9
Barbara Ann Hartman witnessed the graduation of Robert William Hartman on 21.05.1953 at Buchanan High School, City of Troy, County of Lincolin, State of Missouri, United States of America.5
As of circa 08.1953, Barbara Ann Hartman lived with Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Hartman at 293 East Jefferson Street, Perry, County of Ralls, State of Missouri, United States of America.10
Barbara Ann Hartman married Donald Walter Sondker, son of Adolph Louis Milton Sondker and Rose H Kjath, on Saturday, 10.09.1960.
As of 10.09.1960, her married name was Sondker. Barbara Ann Sondker witnessed the marriage of Gary Lee Hartman and Jane Allen Boucher on Sunday, 18.09.1966 the Boucher home, City of Kirksville, County of Adair, State of Missouri, United States of America.5
Barbara Ann Hartman was listed in Cecil Edward Hartman's obituary on Wednesday, 02.06.1993 at Hometown Journal, City of Kahoka, Lincoln Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.11
Barbara Ann Hartman was listed in Joanna Mae Barber's obituary on Wednesday, 07.07.1993 at City of Kahoka, Township of Lincoln, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.
Barbara Ann Sondker died on Wednesday, 15.06.2016, in Osage Beach Health Care Center, 844 Passover Rd, Osage Beach, MO 65065, Osage Beach, County of Camden, State of Missouri, United States of America, at age 78 years and 3 days.
The obituary for Barbara Ann Sondker, in Sunday Post-Dispatch newspaper, page A22, column 1.
June 15, 2016, 78, Beloved wife for 56 years of Donald Sondker, dear mother of Deborah (Steve) Schmidt and Brian (Kelli) Sondker. Beloved grandmother of Lauren and Lindsey Schmidt, and Ella and Tylor Sondker. Dear sister of Robert and Gary (Jan) Hartman. At the request of the deceased, there will be no services.
At Barbara Ann Sondker request, cremation rites have been accorded.12
The burial place for Barbara Ann (Hartman) Sondker is the Saint Charles Memorial Gardens in the City of Saint Charles, the County of Saint Charles, the State of Missouri, and the United States of America.
Additional information may be at an off-site Web Page as seen on Tuesday, 14.02.2017 at Find A Grave, Memorial #: 165416818 (place number in (Memorial #:) field then click Search.)13
As of 14.02.2017, Barbara Ann Hartman was also known as Barbara Ann (Hartman) Sondker.
As of 17.06.1938, Barbara Ann Hartman lived with Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Hartman at 3?? West Jefferson Street, City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, 40.38932003057749,-91.93025430300409B.2
Barbara appeared on the 1940 Federal Census of City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, in the household of Cecil Hartman and Joanna Hartman,
Barbara appeared on the 1940 Federal Census of City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, in the household of Cecil Hartman and Joanna Hartman, her birthplace was given as Iowa, and her age was given as 1.3

Barbara appeared on the 1940 Federal Census of City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, in the household of Cecil Hartman and Joanna Hartman.

As of 06.1940, Barbara Ann Hartman lived with Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Hartman at 1?? N Oak Street, City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, 40.389948,-91.930062B.4
As of circa 1941, Barbara Ann Hartman lived with Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Hartman at 2?? North Main Street, City of Wyaconda, Wyaconda Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, 40.391468,-91.928079B.4
Barbara Ann Hartman witnessed the baptism of Robert William Hartman on 06.10.1946 at Wyaconda First Christian Church, City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, 40.389233,-91.929480B.5

Barbara Ann Hartman was living, but he/she was not listed in Joseph Oliver Barber's obituary on Friday, 10.01.1947 at City of Kahoka, Lincoln Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.6
As of circa 15.04.1948, Barbara Ann Hartman lived with Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Hartman at 1041 Boone Street, Troy City, Lincoln County, State of Missouri, United States of America, 38.97615731241946,-90.98815756002944B.7
As of circa 05.1949, Barbara Ann Hartman lived with Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Hartman at 971 Boone Street, City of Troy, County of Lincoln, State of Missouri, United States of America, 38.976406491993394,-90.98732494906609B.8
Barbara Ann Hartman witnessed the graduation of Robert William Hartman on 18.05.1949 at Troy Elementry School, City of Troy, County of Lincoln, State of Missouri, United States of America.5
As of circa 06.1952, Barbara Ann Hartman lived with Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Hartman at 299 Buchanan Court, City of Troy, County of Lincoln, State of Missouri, United States of America.9
Barbara Ann Hartman witnessed the graduation of Robert William Hartman on 21.05.1953 at Buchanan High School, City of Troy, County of Lincolin, State of Missouri, United States of America.5
As of circa 08.1953, Barbara Ann Hartman lived with Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Hartman at 293 East Jefferson Street, Perry, County of Ralls, State of Missouri, United States of America.10
Barbara Ann Hartman married Donald Walter Sondker, son of Adolph Louis Milton Sondker and Rose H Kjath, on Saturday, 10.09.1960.
As of 10.09.1960, her married name was Sondker. Barbara Ann Sondker witnessed the marriage of Gary Lee Hartman and Jane Allen Boucher on Sunday, 18.09.1966 the Boucher home, City of Kirksville, County of Adair, State of Missouri, United States of America.5
Barbara Ann Hartman was listed in Cecil Edward Hartman's obituary on Wednesday, 02.06.1993 at Hometown Journal, City of Kahoka, Lincoln Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.11
Barbara Ann Hartman was listed in Joanna Mae Barber's obituary on Wednesday, 07.07.1993 at City of Kahoka, Township of Lincoln, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.

Barbara Ann Sondker died on Wednesday, 15.06.2016, in Osage Beach Health Care Center, 844 Passover Rd, Osage Beach, MO 65065, Osage Beach, County of Camden, State of Missouri, United States of America, at age 78 years and 3 days.
The obituary for Barbara Ann Sondker, in Sunday Post-Dispatch newspaper, page A22, column 1.
June 15, 2016, 78, Beloved wife for 56 years of Donald Sondker, dear mother of Deborah (Steve) Schmidt and Brian (Kelli) Sondker. Beloved grandmother of Lauren and Lindsey Schmidt, and Ella and Tylor Sondker. Dear sister of Robert and Gary (Jan) Hartman. At the request of the deceased, there will be no services.
At Barbara Ann Sondker request, cremation rites have been accorded.12
The burial place for Barbara Ann (Hartman) Sondker is the Saint Charles Memorial Gardens in the City of Saint Charles, the County of Saint Charles, the State of Missouri, and the United States of America.
Additional information may be at an off-site Web Page as seen on Tuesday, 14.02.2017 at Find A Grave, Memorial #: 165416818 (place number in (Memorial #:) field then click Search.)13
As of 14.02.2017, Barbara Ann Hartman was also known as Barbara Ann (Hartman) Sondker.
Family | Donald Walter Sondker b. 14.02.1938 |
Marriage* | Barbara Ann Hartman married Donald Walter Sondker, son of Adolph Louis Milton Sondker and Rose H Kjath, on Saturday, 10.09.1960. |
Children |
- [S2] Family Search (Database), online, "Iowa, Birth Records, 1921-1942," database, FamilySearch ( 29 October 2019), Barbara Ann Hartman, 12 Jun 1938; citing Birth, Keokuk, Lee, Iowa, United States, State Historical Society of Iowa, Des Moines.
- [S50] Interview, unknown informant, Information pased down and picture.
- [S612] 12 April 1940, US Census, State of Missouri, County of Clark, Township of Wyaconda, City of Wyaconda, “Population Schedule,” “Enumeration District Number:” 23-19, “Supervisor's District Number: 01, State of MO, Clark County, “Page Number:” 003B/121B, “Family Number:” 071.
- [S50] Interview, unknown informant, From information pased down and pictures.
- [S50] Interview, unknown informant.
- [S1379] Kahoka GTazette-Herald, ca 19 January 1947, as seen ca 2000.
- [S50] Interview, unknown informant, What I recall.
- [S50] Interview, unknown informant, Whit I recall.
- [S50] Interview, unknown informant, What I rember.
- [S50] Interview, unknown informant, What I rember.
- [S46] Hometown Journal, 2 June 1993, Publish 2 June 1993, Kahoka, MO 63445-1661.
- [S1354] Find A Grave, online
- [S1354] Find A Grave, online, Find a Grave, database and images (… accessed 12 September 2022), memorial page for Mrs Barbara Ann Hartman Sondker (12 Jun 1938–15 Jun 2016), Find a Grave Memorial ID 165416818, citing Saint Charles Memorial Gardens, Saint Charles, St. Charles County, Missouri, USA; Maintained by Robert Hartman (contributor 47647754).
Lisa Gertrude Barber
F, #17, b. 06.03.1961
Father* | John William Barber b. 10.09.1928, d. 28.01.1997 |
Mother* | Juanita Evalu Buford b. 13.04.1933, d. 17.08.2018 |
Relationship | 1st cousin of Robert William Hartman |
Last Edited | 28.02.2018 |
On Monday, 06.03.1961, Lisa Gertrude Barber was born at the City of Pampa, the County of Gray, the State of Texas, the United States of America.1 She is the daughter of John William Barber and Juanita Evalu Buford.
Lisa Gertrude Barber married Johnny Glenn Jones on Tuesday, 30.05.1978, the Fort Worth ?, County of Tarrant, State of Texas, United States of America.2
Lisa Gertrude Barber was listed in John William Barber's obituary on Tuesday, 04.02.1997 at Memphis Democrat, Memphis, Scotland County, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.3
Lisa Gertrude Barber was listed in John William Barber's obituary on Wednesday, 05.02.1997 at 178 W. Main, The Media, City of Kahoka, Lincoln Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.4
Lisa Gertrude Barber and Johnny Glenn Jones were divorced on 22.03.2000 at County of Tarrant, State of Texas, United States of America.5
Lisa Gertrude Barber married Albert T. Riddle on Friday, 19.01.2001, the County of Tarrant, State of Texas, United States of America.6
Lisa Gertrude Barber married Johnny Glenn Jones on Tuesday, 30.05.1978, the Fort Worth ?, County of Tarrant, State of Texas, United States of America.2
Lisa Gertrude Barber was listed in John William Barber's obituary on Tuesday, 04.02.1997 at Memphis Democrat, Memphis, Scotland County, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.3
Lisa Gertrude Barber was listed in John William Barber's obituary on Wednesday, 05.02.1997 at 178 W. Main, The Media, City of Kahoka, Lincoln Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.4
Lisa Gertrude Barber and Johnny Glenn Jones were divorced on 22.03.2000 at County of Tarrant, State of Texas, United States of America.5
Lisa Gertrude Barber married Albert T. Riddle on Friday, 19.01.2001, the County of Tarrant, State of Texas, United States of America.6
Family 1 | Johnny Glenn Jones b. circa 1958 |
Marriage* | Lisa Gertrude Barber married Johnny Glenn Jones on Tuesday, 30.05.1978, the Fort Worth ?, County of Tarrant, State of Texas, United States of America.2 |
Divorce* | Lisa Gertrude Barber and Johnny Glenn Jones were divorced on 22.03.2000 at County of Tarrant, State of Texas, United States of America.5 |
Children |
Family 2 | Albert T. Riddle b. circa 1940 |
Marriage* | Lisa Gertrude Barber married Albert T. Riddle on Friday, 19.01.2001, the County of Tarrant, State of Texas, United States of America.6 |
- [S1135] Lisa Gertrude Barber, Birth not given, "Texas Birth Index, 1903-1997," database, FamilySearch ( : 1 January 2015), Lisa Gertrude Barber, 06 Mar 1961; from "Texas Birth Index, 1903-1997," database and images, Ancestry ( : 2005); citing Texas Department of State Health Services. (not given).
- [S3] Search Engine, online
- [S104] Memphis Democrat, Obituary.
- [S20] Media, 2, 5 Feb 1997.
- [S3] Search Engine, online, Texas Divorce Index.
- [S3] Search Engine, online, Texas Marriages index.
- [S3] Search Engine, online, Texas Birth Index.
David Lawrence Barber
M, #18, b. 29.01.1959
Father* | John William Barber b. 10.09.1928, d. 28.01.1997 |
Mother* | Juanita Evalu Buford b. 13.04.1933, d. 17.08.2018 |
Relationship | 1st cousin of Robert William Hartman |
Last Edited | 04.11.2018 |
On Thursday, 29.01.1959, David Lawrence Barber was born at the City of Kahoka, Lincoln Township, the County of Clark, the State of Missouri, the United States of America.1 He is the son of John William Barber and Juanita Evalu Buford.
David Lawrence Barber was educated in 1977 at Kennedale High School, Kennedale, County of Tarrant, State of Texas, United States of America.1
David Lawrence Barber was educated in 1981 at University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, County of Tarrant, State of Texas, United States of America, and David Lawrence received Bachelor of Arts, History.1
David Lawrence Barber was associated in 1984 at Member of the Bar, State of Texas.1
David Lawrence Barber was educated in 1984 at South Texas College of Law, Houston, County of Harris, State of Texas, United States of America, and David Lawrence received Doctorate of Jurisprudence.1
David Lawrence Barber married Pamela Sue Warters, daughter of Water Lathram Warters and Irma Nell Knight, on Sunday, 03.06.1990, the First Christian Church, Fort Worth, County of Tarrant, State of Texas, United States of America.2
David Lawrence Barber was listed in John William Barber's obituary on Tuesday, 04.02.1997 at Memphis Democrat, Memphis, Scotland County, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.3
David Lawrence Barber was listed in John William Barber's obituary on Wednesday, 05.02.1997 at 178 W. Main, The Media, City of Kahoka, Lincoln Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.4
David Lawrence Barber was educated in 1977 at Kennedale High School, Kennedale, County of Tarrant, State of Texas, United States of America.1
David Lawrence Barber was educated in 1981 at University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, County of Tarrant, State of Texas, United States of America, and David Lawrence received Bachelor of Arts, History.1
David Lawrence Barber was associated in 1984 at Member of the Bar, State of Texas.1
David Lawrence Barber was educated in 1984 at South Texas College of Law, Houston, County of Harris, State of Texas, United States of America, and David Lawrence received Doctorate of Jurisprudence.1
David Lawrence Barber married Pamela Sue Warters, daughter of Water Lathram Warters and Irma Nell Knight, on Sunday, 03.06.1990, the First Christian Church, Fort Worth, County of Tarrant, State of Texas, United States of America.2
David Lawrence Barber was listed in John William Barber's obituary on Tuesday, 04.02.1997 at Memphis Democrat, Memphis, Scotland County, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.3
David Lawrence Barber was listed in John William Barber's obituary on Wednesday, 05.02.1997 at 178 W. Main, The Media, City of Kahoka, Lincoln Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.4
Family | Pamela Sue Warters b. 23.12.1958 |
Marriage* | David Lawrence Barber married Pamela Sue Warters, daughter of Water Lathram Warters and Irma Nell Knight, on Sunday, 03.06.1990, the First Christian Church, Fort Worth, County of Tarrant, State of Texas, United States of America.2 |
Children |
- [S335] David Barber, "Family Group Sheet for David Barber," e-mail to e-mail address [Robert Hartman], 5 Feb 2009.
- [S3] Search Engine, online, Texas Marriages index.
- [S104] Memphis Democrat, Obituary.
- [S20] Media, 2, 5 Feb 1997.
Brenda Gail Barber
F, #19, b. 01.04.1957
Father* | John William Barber b. 10.09.1928, d. 28.01.1997 |
Mother* | Juanita Evalu Buford b. 13.04.1933, d. 17.08.2018 |
Relationship | 1st cousin of Robert William Hartman |
Last Edited | 20.05.2003 |
Brenda Gail Barber married Larry Lee.
On Monday, 01.04.1957, Brenda Gail Barber was born. She is the daughter of John William Barber and Juanita Evalu Buford.
Brenda Gail Barber was listed in John William Barber's obituary on Tuesday, 04.02.1997 at Memphis Democrat, Memphis, Scotland County, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.1
Brenda Gail Barber was listed in John William Barber's obituary on Wednesday, 05.02.1997 at 178 W. Main, The Media, City of Kahoka, Lincoln Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.2
On Monday, 01.04.1957, Brenda Gail Barber was born. She is the daughter of John William Barber and Juanita Evalu Buford.
Brenda Gail Barber was listed in John William Barber's obituary on Tuesday, 04.02.1997 at Memphis Democrat, Memphis, Scotland County, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.1
Brenda Gail Barber was listed in John William Barber's obituary on Wednesday, 05.02.1997 at 178 W. Main, The Media, City of Kahoka, Lincoln Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.2
Steven Mark Barber
M, #20, b. 26.05.1955
Father* | John William Barber b. 10.09.1928, d. 28.01.1997 |
Mother* | Juanita Evalu Buford b. 13.04.1933, d. 17.08.2018 |
Relationship | 1st cousin of Robert William Hartman |
Last Edited | 17.12.2011 |
On Thursday, 26.05.1955, Steven Mark Barber was born, the State of Iowa, the United States of America. He is the son of John William Barber and Juanita Evalu Buford.
Steven Mark Barber married Margaret (?) circa 1980.1
Steven Mark Barber was listed in John William Barber's obituary on Tuesday, 04.02.1997 at Memphis Democrat, Memphis, Scotland County, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.2
Steven Mark Barber was listed in John William Barber's obituary on Wednesday, 05.02.1997 at 178 W. Main, The Media, City of Kahoka, Lincoln Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.3
Steven Mark Barber married Margaret (?) circa 1980.1
Steven Mark Barber was listed in John William Barber's obituary on Tuesday, 04.02.1997 at Memphis Democrat, Memphis, Scotland County, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.2
Steven Mark Barber was listed in John William Barber's obituary on Wednesday, 05.02.1997 at 178 W. Main, The Media, City of Kahoka, Lincoln Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.3
Family | Margaret (?) |
Dianna Lynn Barber
F, #21, b. 12.07.1952
Father* | John William Barber b. 10.09.1928, d. 28.01.1997 |
Mother* | Juanita Evalu Buford b. 13.04.1933, d. 17.08.2018 |
Relationship | 1st cousin of Robert William Hartman |
Last Edited | 15.12.2008 |
Dianna Lynn Barber married (?) McCoy.
On Saturday, 12.07.1952, Dianna Lynn Barber was born at the Pampa, the County of Gray, the State of Texas, the United States of America.1 She is the daughter of John William Barber and Juanita Evalu Buford.
Dianna Lynn Barber married Dannie Hays on Thursday, 21.01.1971.
Dianna Lynn Barber was listed in John William Barber's obituary on Tuesday, 04.02.1997 at Memphis Democrat, Memphis, Scotland County, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.2
Dianna Lynn Barber was listed in John William Barber's obituary on Wednesday, 05.02.1997 at 178 W. Main, The Media, City of Kahoka, Lincoln Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.3
On Saturday, 12.07.1952, Dianna Lynn Barber was born at the Pampa, the County of Gray, the State of Texas, the United States of America.1 She is the daughter of John William Barber and Juanita Evalu Buford.
Dianna Lynn Barber married Dannie Hays on Thursday, 21.01.1971.
Dianna Lynn Barber was listed in John William Barber's obituary on Tuesday, 04.02.1997 at Memphis Democrat, Memphis, Scotland County, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.2
Dianna Lynn Barber was listed in John William Barber's obituary on Wednesday, 05.02.1997 at 178 W. Main, The Media, City of Kahoka, Lincoln Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.3
Family 1 | (?) McCoy b. before 02.1997 |
Family 2 | Dannie Hays |
- [S3] Search Engine, online
- [S104] Memphis Democrat, Obituary.
- [S20] Media, 2, 5 Feb 1997.
Billy Joe Barber
M, #22, b. 08.05.1950
Father* | John William Barber b. 10.09.1928, d. 28.01.1997 |
Mother* | Juanita Evalu Buford b. 13.04.1933, d. 17.08.2018 |
Relationship | 1st cousin of Robert William Hartman |
Last Edited | 04.11.2018 |
On Monday, 08.05.1950, Billy Joe Barber was born. He is the son of John William Barber and Juanita Evalu Buford.
Billy Joe Barber was listed in John William Barber's obituary on Tuesday, 04.02.1997 at Memphis Democrat, Memphis, Scotland County, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.1
Billy Joe Barber was listed in John William Barber's obituary on Wednesday, 05.02.1997 at 178 W. Main, The Media, City of Kahoka, Lincoln Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.2
Billy Joe Barber was listed in John William Barber's obituary on Tuesday, 04.02.1997 at Memphis Democrat, Memphis, Scotland County, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.1
Billy Joe Barber was listed in John William Barber's obituary on Wednesday, 05.02.1997 at 178 W. Main, The Media, City of Kahoka, Lincoln Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.2
Family | Marlene Denise Davis b. circa 1950 |
Child |
- [S104] Memphis Democrat, Obituary.
- [S20] Media, 2, 5 Feb 1997.
- [S1285] "Texas Birth Index, 1903-1997,", online,
Citing this Record
"Texas Birth Index, 1903-1997," database, FamilySearch ( : 5 December 2014), Billy Joe Barber in entry for Billie Denise Barber, 17 Sep 1983; from "Texas Birth Index, 1903-1997," database and images, Ancestry ( : 2005); citing Texas Department of State Health Services.
Juanita Evalu Buford1
F, #23, b. 13.04.1933, d. 17.08.2018
Father* | Roy Russell Buford b. 01.01.1913, d. 18.04.1974 |
Mother* | Margaret Kathleen Blessing2 b. 12.06.1912, d. 08.10.1935 |
Last Edited | 19.04.2023 |
Her married name was Hendrick.
Juanita Evalu Buford married George E. Hendrick.
On Thursday, 13.04.1933, Juanita Evalu Buford was born at the Downing City, Fabuis Township, the Schuyler County, the State of Missouri, the United States of America.3 She was the daughter of Roy Russell Buford and Margaret Kathleen Blessing.2
As of 07.1949, her married name was Barber.
Juanita Evalu Buford married John William Barber, son of Joseph William Barber and Ethel May Schuster, on Sunday, 17.07.1949, the State of Missouri, United States of America.
Juanita Evalu Buford and John William Barber were divorced before 1970 at State of Texas, United States of America.
Juanita Evalu Barber married George E. Hendrick on Sunday, 06.06.1971, the County of Gray, State of Texas, United States of America.
Juanita Evalu Buford and George E. Hendrick were divorced on 16.01.1991 at County of Tarrant, State of Texas, United States of America; case number 007753.
As of 23.02.1991, her married name was Cox.
Juanita Evalu Hendrick married William D Cox, son of Andrew L. Cox and Margaret Douglass ?, on Saturday, 23.02.1991, the County of Tarrant, State of Texas, United States of America.
Juanita Evalu Buford was listed in John William Barber's obituary on Tuesday, 04.02.1997 at Memphis Democrat, Memphis, Scotland County, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.4
Juanita Evalu Buford was listed in John William Barber's obituary on Wednesday, 05.02.1997 at 178 W. Main, The Media, City of Kahoka, Lincoln Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.5
Juanita Evalu Buford died on Friday, 17.08.2018, in Fort Worth, County of Tarrant, State of Texas, United States of America, at age 85 years, 4 months and 4 days.6
Juanita Evalu Buford was after 17.08.2018.
Juanita Evalu Buford was buried in after 17.08.2018, in Greenwood Memorial Park and Mausoleum CEMETERY, in the Fort Worth, in the County of Tarrant, in the State of Texas, in the Country of United States of America.6
The burial place for Juanita Evalu Cox is the Greenwood Memorial Park and Mausoleum in the City of Fort Worth, the County of Tarrant, the State of Texas, and the United States of America.
Additional information may be at an off-site Web Page as seen on Tuesday, 25.01.2022 at Find A Grave, Memorial #: 192349817 (place number in (Memorial #:) field then click Search.)7
Juanita Evalu Buford married George E. Hendrick.
On Thursday, 13.04.1933, Juanita Evalu Buford was born at the Downing City, Fabuis Township, the Schuyler County, the State of Missouri, the United States of America.3 She was the daughter of Roy Russell Buford and Margaret Kathleen Blessing.2
As of 07.1949, her married name was Barber.
Juanita Evalu Buford married John William Barber, son of Joseph William Barber and Ethel May Schuster, on Sunday, 17.07.1949, the State of Missouri, United States of America.
Juanita Evalu Buford and John William Barber were divorced before 1970 at State of Texas, United States of America.
Juanita Evalu Barber married George E. Hendrick on Sunday, 06.06.1971, the County of Gray, State of Texas, United States of America.
Juanita Evalu Buford and George E. Hendrick were divorced on 16.01.1991 at County of Tarrant, State of Texas, United States of America; case number 007753.
As of 23.02.1991, her married name was Cox.
Juanita Evalu Hendrick married William D Cox, son of Andrew L. Cox and Margaret Douglass ?, on Saturday, 23.02.1991, the County of Tarrant, State of Texas, United States of America.
Juanita Evalu Buford was listed in John William Barber's obituary on Tuesday, 04.02.1997 at Memphis Democrat, Memphis, Scotland County, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.4

Juanita Evalu Buford was listed in John William Barber's obituary on Wednesday, 05.02.1997 at 178 W. Main, The Media, City of Kahoka, Lincoln Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.5

Juanita Evalu Buford died on Friday, 17.08.2018, in Fort Worth, County of Tarrant, State of Texas, United States of America, at age 85 years, 4 months and 4 days.6
Juanita Evalu Buford was after 17.08.2018.

Juanita Evalu Buford was buried in after 17.08.2018, in Greenwood Memorial Park and Mausoleum CEMETERY, in the Fort Worth, in the County of Tarrant, in the State of Texas, in the Country of United States of America.6
The burial place for Juanita Evalu Cox is the Greenwood Memorial Park and Mausoleum in the City of Fort Worth, the County of Tarrant, the State of Texas, and the United States of America.
Additional information may be at an off-site Web Page as seen on Tuesday, 25.01.2022 at Find A Grave, Memorial #: 192349817 (place number in (Memorial #:) field then click Search.)7
Family 1 | John William Barber b. 10.09.1928, d. 28.01.1997 |
Marriage* | Juanita Evalu Buford married John William Barber, son of Joseph William Barber and Ethel May Schuster, on Sunday, 17.07.1949, the State of Missouri, United States of America. |
Divorce* | Juanita Evalu Buford and John William Barber were divorced before 1970 at State of Texas, United States of America. |
Children |
Family 2 | George E. Hendrick b. circa 1936 |
Marriage* | Juanita Evalu Buford married George E. Hendrick. |
Marriage | Juanita Evalu Barber married George E. Hendrick on Sunday, 06.06.1971, the County of Gray, State of Texas, United States of America. |
Divorce* | Juanita Evalu Buford and George E. Hendrick were divorced on 16.01.1991 at County of Tarrant, State of Texas, United States of America; case number 007753. |
Child |
Family 3 | William D Cox b. 12.03.1925, d. 23.02.2009 |
Marriage* | Juanita Evalu Hendrick married William D Cox, son of Andrew L. Cox and Margaret Douglass ?, on Saturday, 23.02.1991, the County of Tarrant, State of Texas, United States of America. |
- [S1135] Lisa Gertrude Barber, Birth not given, "Texas Birth Index, 1903-1997," database, FamilySearch ( : 1 January 2015), Lisa Gertrude Barber, 06 Mar 1961; from "Texas Birth Index, 1903-1997," database and images, Ancestry ( : 2005); citing Texas Department of State Health Services. (not given).
- [S1740] Find A Grave, online…, Find a Grave, database and images (… accessed 03 April 2023), memorial page for Margaret Kathleen Blessing Buford (12 Jun 1912–8 Oct 1935), Find a Grave Memorial ID 46499613, citing Downing City Cemetery, Downing, Schuyler County, Missouri, USA; Maintained by NE MO (contributor 46863367).
- [S335] David Barber, "Family Group Sheet for David Barber," e-mail to e-mail address [Robert Hartman], 5 Feb 2009.
- [S104] Memphis Democrat, Obituary.
- [S20] Media, 2, 5 Feb 1997.
- [S1598] Find A Grave, online, Find a Grave, database and images ( accessed 25 January 2022), memorial page for Juanita Buford Cox (13 Jul 1933–17 Aug 2018), Find a Grave Memorial ID 192349817, citing Greenwood Memorial Park and Mausoleum, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, USA; Maintained by Red Bird (contributor 47223009).
- [S1739] Find A Grave, online, Find a Grave, database and images ( accessed 03 April 2023), memorial page for Juanita Buford Cox (13 Jul 1933–17 Aug 2018), Find a Grave Memorial ID 192349817, citing Greenwood Memorial Park and Mausoleum, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, USA; Maintained by Red Bird (contributor 47223009).
John William Barber
M, #24, b. 10.09.1928, d. 28.01.1997
Father* | Joseph William Barber b. 07.02.1881, d. 13.05.1936 |
Mother* | Ethel May Schuster b. 16.09.1886, d. 08.02.1973 |
Relationship | Uncle of Robert William Hartman |
Last Edited | 03.05.2023 |
On Monday, 10.09.1928, John William Barber was born at the City of Keokuk, the County of Lee, the State of Iowa, the United States of America.1 He was the son of Joseph William Barber and Ethel May Schuster.
John William Barber was listed in the book "History of the Descendant of John Hottel" personal ID number: (an unknown value) on Page('s) Number: (an unknown value) and 1913 - 1928, Begun by Rev. W. D. Huddle, B. S., and completed by his wife, Lulu May Huddle of Westerville, Ohio, Published by Shenandoah Publishing House, Inc., Strasburg, Virginia, copyright in the year 1930.2
He appeared on the 1930 Federal Census of the Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, in the household of his parents, J. W. Barber and Ethel May Schuster, his birth place was given as Missouri, and his age was given as 1 year and 6 months.3
In the 1930 US Census, the Assistant Marshal entered John William Barber's name as John Barber, his place of birth as Missouri, and his age was 1 6/12.3
John William Barber was in the group photo of William L. Blizzard and Carry Lulu Blizzard circa 08.1930 at Statutory City of Rocky Ford, County of Otero, State of Colorado, United States of America; with other family members.4,5,6
He appeared on the 1940 Federal Census of Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri in the household of his mother Ethel May Schuster, his place of birth was given as Missouri, and his age was given as 11.7
John William Barber was in an article"East of Wyaconda" with Carroll Eston Bradford and Hilma Bradford between 04.09.1942 and 11.09.1942 Clark County Courieer, City of Kahoka, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.8
John William Barber married Juanita Evalu Buford, daughter of Roy Russell Buford and Margaret Kathleen Blessing, on Sunday, 17.07.1949, the State of Missouri, United States of America.
As of circa 1959, John William Barber lived at Pampa, County of Gray, State of Texas, United States of America.9
John William Barber and Juanita Evalu Buford were divorced before 1970 at State of Texas, United States of America.
As of circa 1970, John William Barber lived at Liberal, Seward County, State of Kansas, United States of America.10
John William Barber married Beverly Carr circa 1973.
As of before 25.05.1983, John William Barber lived at Fowler, Meade County, State of Kansas, United States of America.11
John William Barber was listed in Lawrence Arthur Barber's obituary on Wednesday, 25.05.1983 at City of Kahoka, Lincoln Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.12
John William Barber was listed in Hilma Maurine Barber's obituary on Thursday, 18.02.1993 at City of Atascadero, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, United States of America, as a survivor.13
John William Barber was listed in Joanna Mae Barber's obituary on Wednesday, 07.07.1993 at City of Kahoka, Township of Lincoln, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.
John William Barber died on Tuesday, 28.01.1997, in Minneola District Hospital, Minneola, County of Clark, State of Kansas, United States of America, at age 68 years, 4 months and 18 days.
John William Barber's obituary was in the newspaper on Tuesday, 04.02.1997 in Memphis Democrat, Memphis, Scotland County, State of Missouri, United States of America. Billy Joe Barber, Dianna Lynn Barber, Steven Mark Barber, Brenda Gail Barber, David Lawrence Barber, Lisa Gertrude Barber, Juanita Evalu Buford and Beverly Carr were listed as survivors.14
The obituary for John William Barber was printed, Tuesday, 04.02.1997.
John William Barber's obituary was in the newspaper on Wednesday, 05.02.1997 in 178 W. Main, The Media, City of Kahoka, Lincoln Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America. Beverly Carr, Juanita Evalu Buford, Billy Joe Barber, Dianna Lynn Barber, Steven Mark Barber, Brenda Gail Barber, David Lawrence Barber, Lisa Gertrude Barber, Charles Carr, David Chestnut, Peggy Chestnut and Billie Jean Chestnut were listed as survivors.10
At John William Barber request, cremation rites have been accorded.14
The burial place for John William Barber is the New Woodville Cemetery in the Township of Washington, the County of Clark, the State of Missouri, and the United States of America.
Additional information may be at an off-site Web Page as seen on Saturday, 30.11.2019 at Find A Grave, Memorial #: 108659696 (place number in (Memorial #:) field then click Search.)15
John William Barber was listed in the book "History of the Descendant of John Hottel" personal ID number: (an unknown value) on Page('s) Number: (an unknown value) and 1913 - 1928, Begun by Rev. W. D. Huddle, B. S., and completed by his wife, Lulu May Huddle of Westerville, Ohio, Published by Shenandoah Publishing House, Inc., Strasburg, Virginia, copyright in the year 1930.2
He appeared on the 1930 Federal Census of the Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, in the household of his parents, J. W. Barber and Ethel May Schuster, his birth place was given as Missouri, and his age was given as 1 year and 6 months.3

In the 1930 US Census, the Assistant Marshal entered John William Barber's name as John Barber, his place of birth as Missouri, and his age was 1 6/12.3
John William Barber was in the group photo of William L. Blizzard and Carry Lulu Blizzard circa 08.1930 at Statutory City of Rocky Ford, County of Otero, State of Colorado, United States of America; with other family members.4,5,6

He appeared on the 1940 Federal Census of Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri in the household of his mother Ethel May Schuster, his place of birth was given as Missouri, and his age was given as 11.7

John William Barber was in an article"East of Wyaconda" with Carroll Eston Bradford and Hilma Bradford between 04.09.1942 and 11.09.1942 Clark County Courieer, City of Kahoka, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.8

John William Barber married Juanita Evalu Buford, daughter of Roy Russell Buford and Margaret Kathleen Blessing, on Sunday, 17.07.1949, the State of Missouri, United States of America.
As of circa 1959, John William Barber lived at Pampa, County of Gray, State of Texas, United States of America.9
John William Barber and Juanita Evalu Buford were divorced before 1970 at State of Texas, United States of America.
As of circa 1970, John William Barber lived at Liberal, Seward County, State of Kansas, United States of America.10
John William Barber married Beverly Carr circa 1973.
As of before 25.05.1983, John William Barber lived at Fowler, Meade County, State of Kansas, United States of America.11
John William Barber was listed in Lawrence Arthur Barber's obituary on Wednesday, 25.05.1983 at City of Kahoka, Lincoln Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.12

John William Barber was listed in Hilma Maurine Barber's obituary on Thursday, 18.02.1993 at City of Atascadero, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, United States of America, as a survivor.13
John William Barber was listed in Joanna Mae Barber's obituary on Wednesday, 07.07.1993 at City of Kahoka, Township of Lincoln, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.

John William Barber died on Tuesday, 28.01.1997, in Minneola District Hospital, Minneola, County of Clark, State of Kansas, United States of America, at age 68 years, 4 months and 18 days.
John William Barber's obituary was in the newspaper on Tuesday, 04.02.1997 in Memphis Democrat, Memphis, Scotland County, State of Missouri, United States of America. Billy Joe Barber, Dianna Lynn Barber, Steven Mark Barber, Brenda Gail Barber, David Lawrence Barber, Lisa Gertrude Barber, Juanita Evalu Buford and Beverly Carr were listed as survivors.14

The obituary for John William Barber was printed, Tuesday, 04.02.1997.
John William Barber's obituary was in the newspaper on Wednesday, 05.02.1997 in 178 W. Main, The Media, City of Kahoka, Lincoln Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America. Beverly Carr, Juanita Evalu Buford, Billy Joe Barber, Dianna Lynn Barber, Steven Mark Barber, Brenda Gail Barber, David Lawrence Barber, Lisa Gertrude Barber, Charles Carr, David Chestnut, Peggy Chestnut and Billie Jean Chestnut were listed as survivors.10

At John William Barber request, cremation rites have been accorded.14
The burial place for John William Barber is the New Woodville Cemetery in the Township of Washington, the County of Clark, the State of Missouri, and the United States of America.
Additional information may be at an off-site Web Page as seen on Saturday, 30.11.2019 at Find A Grave, Memorial #: 108659696 (place number in (Memorial #:) field then click Search.)15
Family 1 | Juanita Evalu Buford b. 13.04.1933, d. 17.08.2018 |
Marriage* | John William Barber married Juanita Evalu Buford, daughter of Roy Russell Buford and Margaret Kathleen Blessing, on Sunday, 17.07.1949, the State of Missouri, United States of America. |
Divorce* | John William Barber and Juanita Evalu Buford were divorced before 1970 at State of Texas, United States of America. |
Children |
Family 2 | Beverly Carr |
Marriage* | John William Barber married Beverly Carr circa 1973. |
- [S1421] Fold 3, online, as seen on 3 fold Web page on 14 January 2020.
- [S871] B. S. and completed by His Wife, Lulu May Huddle, Westerville, Ohio Begun by Rev. W. D. Huddle, DESCENDANTS of JOHN HOTTEL, Page 622 information give before he was born.
- [S516] 09 April 1930, US Census, State of Missouri, County of Clark, Township of Wyaconda, “Population Schedule,” “Enumeration District Number:” 23-19, “Supervisor's District Number: 04, State of MO, Clark County, Wyaconda Township, “Page Number:” 004A/294A, “Dwelling Number:” 073, “Family Number:” 073, Year: 1930; Census Place: Wyaconda, Clark, Missouri; Page: 4A; Enumeration District: 0019; FHL microfilm: 2340917.
- [S278] Letter, Donald W. Schuster to Robert W. Hartman, 6 March 2008, Donald knew all of the people in the picture, and I knew all of the people except the Blizzard. The time peirod was estiblish by birth of John William 10 Sep 1928, and the marriages of Grace and Leo 20 Mar 1930, and Carrol and Hilma 24 Dec 1929.
- [S50] Interview, unknown informant.
- [S4] The Arkalon News, 12 January 1888, 4.
- [S2] Family Search (Database), online, "United States Census, 1940," database with images, FamilySearch ( 21 May 2020), Ethel Barber, Wyaconda Township, Clark, Clark, Missouri, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) 23-20, sheet 5B, line 41, family 102, Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940, NARA digital publication T627. Records of the Bureau of the Census, 1790 - 2007, RG 29. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 2012, roll 2096.
- [S4] The Arkalon News, 12 January 1888, 4, CLARK COUNTY COURIER
18 Sept 1942
page 2. - [S20] Media, 2, 5 may 1997.
- [S20] Media, 2, 5 Feb 1997.
- [S20] Media, 2, 5 May 1997.
- [S20] Media, 2, The Media, 25 May 1983, Kahoka, Clark County, Missouri.
- [S148] The Tribune, Obituary, Publish 18 Feb 1993.
- [S104] Memphis Democrat, Obituary.
- [S1413] Find A Grave, online, Find a Grave, database and images (… accessed 12 September 2022), memorial page for John William “J. W.” Barber (10 Sep 1928–28 Jan 1997), Find a Grave Memorial ID 108659696, citing New Woodville Cemetery, Wyaconda, Clark County, Missouri, USA; Maintained by Robert Hartman (contributor 47647754).
Hilma Maurine Barber
F, #25, b. 16.06.1908, d. 15.02.1993
Father* | Joseph William Barber b. 07.02.1881, d. 13.05.1936 |
Mother* | Ethel May Schuster b. 16.09.1886, d. 08.02.1973 |
Relationship | Aunt of Robert William Hartman |
Last Edited | 15.10.2022 |
Hilma Maurine Barber is a descendant of John Hottel by way of his son George Hottel line.
Hilma Maurine Barber was listed in the book "History of the Descendant of John Hottel" personal ID number: 1708-X-A on Page('s) Number: 622, Begun by Rev. W. D. Huddle, B. S., and completed by his wife, Lulu May Huddle of Westerville, Ohio, Published by Shenandoah Publishing House, Inc., Strasburg, Virginia, copyright in the year 1930.
Hilma Maurine Barber was indexed in "The New Hottel History--(George Line)" with personal ID number: 9220 Page Numbers: 0308, by Rev. Dr. B. Paul Huddle, Published by AAH Graphics, Inc., Fort Valley, Virginia, copyright in 1998, by Hottel Keller Memorial, Inc., Toms Brook, Virginia.
Hilma Maurine Barber was member of the (an unknown value.)
On Tuesday, 16.06.1908, Hilma Maurine Barber was born at the Township of Wyaconda, the County of Clark, the State of Missouri, the United States of America.1 She was the daughter of Joseph William Barber and Ethel May Schuster.
Joseph W. Barber and Ethel N. Barber appeared on the 1910 Federal Census of City of Keokuk, Township of Jackson, County of Lee, State of Iowa, with a effect date of 15 April, and enumerated on 15.04.1910.2
Hilma Maurine Barber was also in the picture at at the small house that was south and east of the big house on top of the hill on his Dad farm, and neither house is standing in 2021.3
Hilma Maurine Barber was in an article"A BIRTHDAY DINNER" with Isaac Snider on 30.05.1924 CLARK COUNTY COURIER, City of Kahoka, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.4
Hilma Maurine Barber was graduated in 05.1926 from Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.
Hilma Maurine Barber was graduated in 05.1926 from Wyaconda School District, City of Wyaconda, Wyaconda Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.5
Hilma Maurine Barber was educated in 05.1926.
Hilma Maurine Barber was living, but he/she was not listed in John William Schuster's obituary on Friday, 07.05.1926 at Clark County Courier, City of Kahoka, Township of Lincoln, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.6
Hilma Maurine Barber and Carroll Eston Bradford was in an article title "visited relatives" published on between 1929 and 1932 published in Pueblo, Pueblo County, State of Colorado, United States of America.3
As of 24.12.1929, her married name was Hilma Bradford.
Hilma Maurine Barber married Carroll Eston Bradford, son of Annison A. Bradford and Mary Eleanor Trimble, on Tuesday, 24.12.1929, the residence of Rev. D. F. Bartine, City of Kahoka, Lincoln Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.
Hilma Maurine Barber and Carroll Eston Bradford were photograph circa 1930 at Pueblo, Pueblo County, State of Colorado, United States of America.3
Hilma Maurine Barber and Carroll Eston Bradford appeared on the 1930 Federal Census, at District 23-8, in City of Kahoka, Lincoln Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, enumerated 18.04.1930.7
Hilma Maurine Barber was in the group photo of William L. Blizzard and Carry Lulu Blizzard circa 08.1930 at Statutory City of Rocky Ford, County of Otero, State of Colorado, United States of America; with other family members.8,9,10
Hilma Maurine Barber witnessed the marriage of Joanna Mae Barber and Cecil Edward Hartman on Monday, 31.07.1933 the Baptist Parsonage, City of Kahoka, Lincoln Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America; Service perform by D. F. Bartine Baptist Minister.9
Hilma Maurine Barber was issued a Social Security Number 484-18-3871 circa 1935 at County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.
Hilma Bradford and Carroll Eston Bradford was in an article title "RHODES SCHOLARSHIP WINNER VISITS WYACONDA" published on Friday, 16.06.1939 in newspaper CLARK COUNTY COURIER published in City of Kahoka, Township of Lincoln, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.11
Hilma Bradford and Carroll Bradford appeared on the 1940 Federal Census of the City of Wyaconda, Township of Washington, County of Clark, State of Missouri, with an effective date of Mon. 01.04.1940, and enumerated on Tuesday, 02.04.1940. Their children listed as living with them were Larry.12
Hilma Bradford was in an article title "WYACONDA JUNE 24" published on Friday, 26.06.1942 in newspaper Clark County Courieer published in City of Kahoka, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.13
Hilma Bradford and Carroll Eston Bradford was in an article title "East of Wyaconda" published on between 04.09.1942 and 11.09.1942 in newspaper Clark County Courieer published in City of Kahoka, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.14
Hilma Maurine Barber died on Monday, 15.02.1993, in Templeton, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, United States of America, at age 84 years, 7 months and 30 days.15,16
Hilma Bradford was buried in after 15.02.1993, in Templeton Cemetery, in the Templeton, in the County of San Luis Obispo, in the State of California, in the Country of United States of America, in plot information copy from obituary.17
Hilma Maurine Barber's obituary was in the newspaper on Thursday, 18.02.1993 in City of Atascadero, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, United States of America. Carroll Eston Bradford, Larry Lee Bradford, Danny Leon Bradford, Joanna Mae Barber and John William Barber were listed as survivors. Obituary of Hilma M. Bradford
Hilma Morine Bradford, 84, of Templeton died Monday, Feb. 15, 1993, in Templeton.
Visitation will be at the service, to be held Saturday at 3 p.m. at Kuehl-Nicolay Funeral Chapel in Paso Robles. The family will officiate. Burial will take place at the Templeton Cemetery.
Mrs. Bradford was born June 6, 1908, in Wyaconda, MO. She was a bookkeeper for many years before retiring. An avid gardener, she had a sharp sense of humor as well.
She is survived by her husband, Carroll Bradford of Tulare; two sons, Danny Bradford of Templeton, and Larry Bradford of Cocoa Beach, FL; a sister, Joanna Hartman of Wyaconda, MO; a brother, John Williams of Kansas; Five grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren.18
Hilma Maurine Barber died before Joanna Mae Barber and was mentioned in Joanna Mae Barber's obituary on Wednesday, 07.07.1993 at City of Kahoka, Township of Lincoln, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.
On 11.02.2022 a search of Fand A Grave Memorial return no record of Hilma Bradford place of buriel in at Lawn Section block M plot 36, Templeton Cemetery, Templeton, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, United States of America.
Hilma Maurine Barber was listed in the book "History of the Descendant of John Hottel" personal ID number: 1708-X-A on Page('s) Number: 622, Begun by Rev. W. D. Huddle, B. S., and completed by his wife, Lulu May Huddle of Westerville, Ohio, Published by Shenandoah Publishing House, Inc., Strasburg, Virginia, copyright in the year 1930.
Hilma Maurine Barber was indexed in "The New Hottel History--(George Line)" with personal ID number: 9220 Page Numbers: 0308, by Rev. Dr. B. Paul Huddle, Published by AAH Graphics, Inc., Fort Valley, Virginia, copyright in 1998, by Hottel Keller Memorial, Inc., Toms Brook, Virginia.
Hilma Maurine Barber was member of the (an unknown value.)
On Tuesday, 16.06.1908, Hilma Maurine Barber was born at the Township of Wyaconda, the County of Clark, the State of Missouri, the United States of America.1 She was the daughter of Joseph William Barber and Ethel May Schuster.
Joseph W. Barber and Ethel N. Barber appeared on the 1910 Federal Census of City of Keokuk, Township of Jackson, County of Lee, State of Iowa, with a effect date of 15 April, and enumerated on 15.04.1910.2

Hilma Maurine Barber was in an article"A BIRTHDAY DINNER" with Isaac Snider on 30.05.1924 CLARK COUNTY COURIER, City of Kahoka, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.4

Hilma Maurine Barber was graduated in 05.1926 from Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.
Hilma Maurine Barber was graduated in 05.1926 from Wyaconda School District, City of Wyaconda, Wyaconda Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.5
Hilma Maurine Barber was educated in 05.1926.
Hilma Maurine Barber was living, but he/she was not listed in John William Schuster's obituary on Friday, 07.05.1926 at Clark County Courier, City of Kahoka, Township of Lincoln, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.6
Hilma Maurine Barber and Carroll Eston Bradford was in an article title "visited relatives" published on between 1929 and 1932 published in Pueblo, Pueblo County, State of Colorado, United States of America.3
As of 24.12.1929, her married name was Hilma Bradford.
Hilma Maurine Barber married Carroll Eston Bradford, son of Annison A. Bradford and Mary Eleanor Trimble, on Tuesday, 24.12.1929, the residence of Rev. D. F. Bartine, City of Kahoka, Lincoln Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.

Hilma Maurine Barber and Carroll Eston Bradford were photograph circa 1930 at Pueblo, Pueblo County, State of Colorado, United States of America.3
Hilma Maurine Barber and Carroll Eston Bradford appeared on the 1930 Federal Census, at District 23-8, in City of Kahoka, Lincoln Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, enumerated 18.04.1930.7
Hilma Maurine Barber was in the group photo of William L. Blizzard and Carry Lulu Blizzard circa 08.1930 at Statutory City of Rocky Ford, County of Otero, State of Colorado, United States of America; with other family members.8,9,10

Hilma Maurine Barber was issued a Social Security Number 484-18-3871 circa 1935 at County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.
Hilma Bradford and Carroll Eston Bradford was in an article title "RHODES SCHOLARSHIP WINNER VISITS WYACONDA" published on Friday, 16.06.1939 in newspaper CLARK COUNTY COURIER published in City of Kahoka, Township of Lincoln, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.11

Hilma Bradford and Carroll Bradford appeared on the 1940 Federal Census of the City of Wyaconda, Township of Washington, County of Clark, State of Missouri, with an effective date of Mon. 01.04.1940, and enumerated on Tuesday, 02.04.1940. Their children listed as living with them were Larry.12
Hilma Bradford was in an article title "WYACONDA JUNE 24" published on Friday, 26.06.1942 in newspaper Clark County Courieer published in City of Kahoka, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.13

Hilma Bradford and Carroll Eston Bradford was in an article title "East of Wyaconda" published on between 04.09.1942 and 11.09.1942 in newspaper Clark County Courieer published in City of Kahoka, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.14

Hilma Maurine Barber died on Monday, 15.02.1993, in Templeton, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, United States of America, at age 84 years, 7 months and 30 days.15,16
Hilma Bradford was buried in after 15.02.1993, in Templeton Cemetery, in the Templeton, in the County of San Luis Obispo, in the State of California, in the Country of United States of America, in plot information copy from obituary.17
Hilma Maurine Barber's obituary was in the newspaper on Thursday, 18.02.1993 in City of Atascadero, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, United States of America. Carroll Eston Bradford, Larry Lee Bradford, Danny Leon Bradford, Joanna Mae Barber and John William Barber were listed as survivors. Obituary of Hilma M. Bradford
Hilma Morine Bradford, 84, of Templeton died Monday, Feb. 15, 1993, in Templeton.
Visitation will be at the service, to be held Saturday at 3 p.m. at Kuehl-Nicolay Funeral Chapel in Paso Robles. The family will officiate. Burial will take place at the Templeton Cemetery.
Mrs. Bradford was born June 6, 1908, in Wyaconda, MO. She was a bookkeeper for many years before retiring. An avid gardener, she had a sharp sense of humor as well.
She is survived by her husband, Carroll Bradford of Tulare; two sons, Danny Bradford of Templeton, and Larry Bradford of Cocoa Beach, FL; a sister, Joanna Hartman of Wyaconda, MO; a brother, John Williams of Kansas; Five grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren.18
Hilma Maurine Barber died before Joanna Mae Barber and was mentioned in Joanna Mae Barber's obituary on Wednesday, 07.07.1993 at City of Kahoka, Township of Lincoln, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.

On 11.02.2022 a search of Fand A Grave Memorial return no record of Hilma Bradford place of buriel in at Lawn Section block M plot 36, Templeton Cemetery, Templeton, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, United States of America.
Family | Carroll Eston Bradford b. 09.11.1908, d. 29.01.1995 |
Marriage* | Hilma Maurine Barber married Carroll Eston Bradford, son of Annison A. Bradford and Mary Eleanor Trimble, on Tuesday, 24.12.1929, the residence of Rev. D. F. Bartine, City of Kahoka, Lincoln Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America. ![]() |
Children |
- [S19] Unknown subject, unknown file number, SSDI, unknown series.
- [S227] "15 April 1910", "US Census", unknown location, "population schedule," Keokuk Ward 4, "SD" 1, "ED" 71, "sheet number" 2B/135B, "dwelling" 38, "family" 38, as seen on on 30 Dec 2007.
- [S258] Letter, Donald Schuster to Robert Hartman, ca 1 March 2008.
- [S4] The Arkalon News, 12 January 1888, 4, COPY FROM NEWSPAPER.COM ON 29 August 2021
Clark County Courier
Kahoka, MO. 30 May 1924
Vol. XXIX., Number 35
Page 5 col. 6
A BIRTHDAY DINNER. - [S49] Unknown subject, May 1935 unknown repository.
- [S99] Clark County Courier, 7 May 1926, Obituary.
- [S59] 1930 Census MO. Clark T626F-1182, Nati'l Archives T626, Roll 1182.
- [S278] Letter, Donald W. Schuster to Robert W. Hartman, 6 March 2008, Donald knew all of the people in the picture, and I knew all of the people except the Blizzard. The time peirod was estiblish by birth of John William 10 Sep 1928, and the marriages of Grace and Leo 20 Mar 1930, and Carrol and Hilma 24 Dec 1929.
- [S50] Interview, unknown informant.
- [S4] The Arkalon News, 12 January 1888, 4.
- [S4] The Arkalon News, 12 January 1888, 4, CLARK COUNTY COURIER
F. E. Greenlee, Editor and Publisher
KAHOKA, MO. JUNE 16, 1939.
RHODES SCHOLARSHIP WINNER VISITS WYACONDA. - [S1014] 2 April 2016, US Census, State of Missouri, County of Clark, Township of Washington, City of Wyaconda.
- [S4] The Arkalon News, 12 January 1888, 4, CLARK COUNTY COURIER
Page 5 Column 3
WYACONDA JUNE 24…. - [S4] The Arkalon News, 12 January 1888, 4, CLARK COUNTY COURIER
18 Sept 1942
page 2. - [S19] Unknown subject, unknown file number, SSDI, unknown series, HILMA BRADFORD 16 Jun 1908 15 Feb 1993 93465 (Templeton, San Luis Obispo, CA) (none specified) 484-18-3871 Iowa.
- [S148] The Tribune, Obituary, 18 Feb 1993, Obituary.
- [S1616] Lawn Section plot map, online
- [S148] The Tribune, Obituary, Publish 18 Feb 1993.
Ethel May Schuster
F, #26, b. 16.09.1886, d. 08.02.1973
Father* | John William Schuster b. 02.03.1856, d. 01.05.1926 |
Mother* | Joanna Blizzard b. 26.11.1859, d. 14.06.1902 |
Relationship | Grandmother of Robert William Hartman |
Last Edited | 20.04.2023 |
On Thursday, 16.09.1886, Ethel May Schuster was born at the Township of Washington, the County of Clark, the State of Missouri, the United States of America; On the old Blizzard home place. The NW 1/2 NE 1/2 of section 2 of T64N R9W. taken from Plat maps of late 1800. The home was on the NW corner of the land.1 She was the daughter of John William Schuster and Joanna Blizzard.
Ethel May Schuster was in the group photo of Joanna Blizzard circa 1900 at County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.
She appeared on the 1900 Federal Census of Township of Washington, County of Clark, the State of Missouri in the household of her parents, John William Schuster and Joanna Blizzard.2
Ethel May Schuster and Joseph W. Barber obtained a marriage license at County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, on 29.03.1906.3,4
As of 04.04.1906, her married name was Ethel May Barber.
Ethel May Schuster married Joseph William Barber, son of John William Barber and Julie Ann Hottle, on Wednesday, 04.04.1906, the at J. W. Schuster, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.3

Ethel May Schuster and Joseph William Barber were photograph some time around there wedding date on 04.04.1906 at County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.5
As of 15.04.1910, Ethel May Schuster was also known as Ethel N. Barber.
Ethel N. Barber and Joseph W. Barber appeared on the 1910 Federal Census of City of Keokuk, Township of Jackson, County of Lee, State of Iowa, with a effect date of 15 April, and enumerated on 15.04.1910.6
Ethel May Schuster was listed as the next of kin on the draft card of Joseph William Barber on Thursday, 12.09.1918 at Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.7
Ethel N. Barber and Joseph William Barber appeared on the 1920 Federal Census of Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, with a effect date of 1 January, and enumerated on 09.01.1920.
Ethel May Barber was in an article"A BIRTHDAY DINNER" with Isaac Snider on 30.05.1924 CLARK COUNTY COURIER, City of Kahoka, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.8
Ethel Barber was listed in John William Schuster's obituary on Friday, 07.05.1926 at Clark County Courier, City of Kahoka, Township of Lincoln, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.9
Ethel May Schuster was listed in John William Schuster's obituary on Friday, 07.05.1926 at Clark County Courier, City of Kahoka, Lincoln Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.9
Ethel May Schuster and J. W. Barber appeared on the 1930 Federal Census of the Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, with an effective date of Sat. 01.04.1930, and enumerated on 08.04.1930. Their children living with them were Joanna and John.10
In the 1930 US Census, the Assistant Marshal entered Ethel May Schuster's name as Ethel Barber, her place of birth as Missouri, and her age was 44.10
Ethel May Schuster was in the group photo of William L. Blizzard and Carry Lulu Blizzard circa 08.1930 at Statutory City of Rocky Ford, County of Otero, State of Colorado, United States of America, and she was the second person from the right; with other family members.11,1,12
Ethel May Schuster was listed in William Fredrick Ahrens's obituary on Friday, 02.09.1938 at CLARK COUNTY COURIER, Kahoka, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.13
Ethel May Schuster appeared on the 1940 Federal Census of the Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, with an effective date of Mon. 01.04.1940, and enumerated on Tuesday, 07.05.1940, her place of birth was given as Missouri, and her age was given as 55. Her children listed as living with her were John.14
Ethel May Schuster was in an article"WYACONDA JUNE 24" with Hilma Bradford on 26.06.1942 Clark County Courieer, City of Kahoka, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.15
Ethel May Schuster was in an article"East of Wyaconda" with Carroll Eston Bradford and Hilma Bradford between 04.09.1942 and 11.09.1942 Clark County Courieer, City of Kahoka, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.16
Ethel May Schuster was listed in Gracie Blanche Schuster's obituary on Friday, 19.12.1958 at City of Kahoka, Lincoln Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.
Ethel May Schuster died on Thursday, 08.02.1973, in Davis County Hospital, Bloomfield, County of Davis, State of Iowa, United States of America, at age 86 years, 4 months and 23 days.
The obituary for Ethel May Barber was printed, Friday, 09.02.1973, in The Quincy Hearald - Whig newspaper.
Wyaconda, Mo. -- Mrs. Ethel (Schuster) Barber, 86, of near here, died Thursday (Feb. 8, 1973) at 11 P.M. in the Davis County Hospital in Bloomfield Iowa.
Mrs. Barber resided on a farm near here. She was married to Joseph Barber, who preceded her in death. She was a member of the United Methodist Church.
Surviving are a son, John W. of Kansas, and two daughters, Mrs. Hilma Bradford of California and Mrs. Joanne Hartman of Wyaconda.
Funeral arrangements are being handled by the Gerth and Basket funeral hone in Memphis.
Ethel May Schuster was buried in Sunday, 11.02.1973, in New Woodville Cemetery, in the Township of Washington, (Section 2, T64N R9W), in the County of Clark, in the State of Missouri, in the Country of United States of America.17
The obituary for Ethel May Barber was printed, Wednesday, 14.02.1973, in Gazett-Herald newspaper.
Ethel May Schuster died before Florecie Mae Schuster and was mentioned in Florecie Mae Schuster's obituary on Wednesday, 21.12.1977 at Canon City, County of Fremont, State of Colorado, United States of America.18
The burial place for Ethel May (Schuster) Barber is the New Woodvile Baptist Church in the Township of Washington, the County of Clark, the State of Missouri, and the United States of America.
Additional information may be at an off-site Web Page as seen on Monday, 16.01.2017 at Find A Grave, Memorial #: 108655798 (place number in (Memorial #:) field then click Search.)19
As of 16.01.2017, Ethel May Schuster was also known as Ethel May (Schuster) Barber.
Ethel May Schuster was in the group photo of Joanna Blizzard circa 1900 at County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.
She appeared on the 1900 Federal Census of Township of Washington, County of Clark, the State of Missouri in the household of her parents, John William Schuster and Joanna Blizzard.2

Ethel May Schuster and Joseph W. Barber obtained a marriage license at County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, on 29.03.1906.3,4
As of 04.04.1906, her married name was Ethel May Barber.
Ethel May Schuster married Joseph William Barber, son of John William Barber and Julie Ann Hottle, on Wednesday, 04.04.1906, the at J. W. Schuster, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.3

Ethel May Schuster and Joseph William Barber were photograph some time around there wedding date on 04.04.1906 at County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.5

As of 15.04.1910, Ethel May Schuster was also known as Ethel N. Barber.
Ethel N. Barber and Joseph W. Barber appeared on the 1910 Federal Census of City of Keokuk, Township of Jackson, County of Lee, State of Iowa, with a effect date of 15 April, and enumerated on 15.04.1910.6

Ethel May Schuster was listed as the next of kin on the draft card of Joseph William Barber on Thursday, 12.09.1918 at Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.7
Ethel N. Barber and Joseph William Barber appeared on the 1920 Federal Census of Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, with a effect date of 1 January, and enumerated on 09.01.1920.

Ethel May Barber was in an article"A BIRTHDAY DINNER" with Isaac Snider on 30.05.1924 CLARK COUNTY COURIER, City of Kahoka, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.8

Ethel Barber was listed in John William Schuster's obituary on Friday, 07.05.1926 at Clark County Courier, City of Kahoka, Township of Lincoln, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.9
Ethel May Schuster was listed in John William Schuster's obituary on Friday, 07.05.1926 at Clark County Courier, City of Kahoka, Lincoln Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.9

Ethel May Schuster and J. W. Barber appeared on the 1930 Federal Census of the Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, with an effective date of Sat. 01.04.1930, and enumerated on 08.04.1930. Their children living with them were Joanna and John.10

In the 1930 US Census, the Assistant Marshal entered Ethel May Schuster's name as Ethel Barber, her place of birth as Missouri, and her age was 44.10
Ethel May Schuster was in the group photo of William L. Blizzard and Carry Lulu Blizzard circa 08.1930 at Statutory City of Rocky Ford, County of Otero, State of Colorado, United States of America, and she was the second person from the right; with other family members.11,1,12

Ethel May Schuster was listed in William Fredrick Ahrens's obituary on Friday, 02.09.1938 at CLARK COUNTY COURIER, Kahoka, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.13

Ethel May Schuster appeared on the 1940 Federal Census of the Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, with an effective date of Mon. 01.04.1940, and enumerated on Tuesday, 07.05.1940, her place of birth was given as Missouri, and her age was given as 55. Her children listed as living with her were John.14

Ethel May Schuster was in an article"WYACONDA JUNE 24" with Hilma Bradford on 26.06.1942 Clark County Courieer, City of Kahoka, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.15

Ethel May Schuster was in an article"East of Wyaconda" with Carroll Eston Bradford and Hilma Bradford between 04.09.1942 and 11.09.1942 Clark County Courieer, City of Kahoka, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.16

Ethel May Schuster was listed in Gracie Blanche Schuster's obituary on Friday, 19.12.1958 at City of Kahoka, Lincoln Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.

Ethel May Schuster died on Thursday, 08.02.1973, in Davis County Hospital, Bloomfield, County of Davis, State of Iowa, United States of America, at age 86 years, 4 months and 23 days.
The obituary for Ethel May Barber was printed, Friday, 09.02.1973, in The Quincy Hearald - Whig newspaper.
Wyaconda, Mo. -- Mrs. Ethel (Schuster) Barber, 86, of near here, died Thursday (Feb. 8, 1973) at 11 P.M. in the Davis County Hospital in Bloomfield Iowa.
Mrs. Barber resided on a farm near here. She was married to Joseph Barber, who preceded her in death. She was a member of the United Methodist Church.
Surviving are a son, John W. of Kansas, and two daughters, Mrs. Hilma Bradford of California and Mrs. Joanne Hartman of Wyaconda.
Funeral arrangements are being handled by the Gerth and Basket funeral hone in Memphis.
Ethel May Schuster was buried in Sunday, 11.02.1973, in New Woodville Cemetery, in the Township of Washington, (Section 2, T64N R9W), in the County of Clark, in the State of Missouri, in the Country of United States of America.17
The obituary for Ethel May Barber was printed, Wednesday, 14.02.1973, in Gazett-Herald newspaper.

Ethel May Schuster died before Florecie Mae Schuster and was mentioned in Florecie Mae Schuster's obituary on Wednesday, 21.12.1977 at Canon City, County of Fremont, State of Colorado, United States of America.18

The burial place for Ethel May (Schuster) Barber is the New Woodvile Baptist Church in the Township of Washington, the County of Clark, the State of Missouri, and the United States of America.
Additional information may be at an off-site Web Page as seen on Monday, 16.01.2017 at Find A Grave, Memorial #: 108655798 (place number in (Memorial #:) field then click Search.)19
As of 16.01.2017, Ethel May Schuster was also known as Ethel May (Schuster) Barber.
Family | Joseph William Barber b. 07.02.1881, d. 13.05.1936 |
Marriage License | Ethel May Schuster and Joseph W. Barber obtained a marriage license at County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, on 29.03.1906.3,4 |
Marriage* | Ethel May Schuster married Joseph William Barber, son of John William Barber and Julie Ann Hottle, on Wednesday, 04.04.1906, the at J. W. Schuster, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.3 ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Children |
- [S50] Interview, unknown informant.
- [S260] 16 June 1900, US Census, unknown location, population schedule, Washington Township ED: 31, SE: 1, Page: 8B/319B, Dwelling: 167 Family: 167, as seen on on 9 Mar 2008, The farm house was in Washington Township, utile the new farm building were put up later years. When I was younger, there was a chicken house on the south side of the road, also I remember a block of concrete and pond. G Grandfathers Schuster produce sorgham molasses, and the block of concrete was where the press was mounted.
- [S2] Family Search (Database), online, "Missouri, County Marriage, Naturalization, and Court Records, 1800-1991," database with images, FamilySearch ( 1 October 2019), Joseph W Barber, 4 Apr 1906; citing Marriage, Clark, Missouri, United States, Missouri State Archives, Jefferson City; FHL microfilm 007425049.
- [S9] Wilma (Walker) Dunlap and Wilma (Suter) Walker, Marriage Clark County 1885-1911, Page 6.
- [S1042] Donald Wayn Schuster, Picture, unknown file number.
- [S227] "15 April 1910", "US Census", unknown location, "population schedule," Keokuk Ward 4, "SD" 1, "ED" 71, "sheet number" 2B/135B, "dwelling" 38, "family" 38, as seen on on 30 Dec 2007.
- [S233] WWI Draft Card, Clark County as seen on
- [S4] The Arkalon News, 12 January 1888, 4, COPY FROM NEWSPAPER.COM ON 29 August 2021
Clark County Courier
Kahoka, MO. 30 May 1924
Vol. XXIX., Number 35
Page 5 col. 6
A BIRTHDAY DINNER. - [S99] Clark County Courier, 7 May 1926, Obituary.
- [S516] 09 April 1930, US Census, State of Missouri, County of Clark, Township of Wyaconda, “Population Schedule,” “Enumeration District Number:” 23-19, “Supervisor's District Number: 04, State of MO, Clark County, Wyaconda Township, “Page Number:” 004A/294A, “Dwelling Number:” 073, “Family Number:” 073, Year: 1930; Census Place: Wyaconda, Clark, Missouri; Page: 4A; Enumeration District: 0019; FHL microfilm: 2340917.
- [S278] Letter, Donald W. Schuster to Robert W. Hartman, 6 March 2008, Donald knew all of the people in the picture, and I knew all of the people except the Blizzard. The time peirod was estiblish by birth of John William 10 Sep 1928, and the marriages of Grace and Leo 20 Mar 1930, and Carrol and Hilma 24 Dec 1929.
- [S4] The Arkalon News, 12 January 1888, 4.
- [S1599], online,
Clark County Courier
Kahoka, Missouri
2 SEP 1938
Page 2, Col. 2. - [S2] Family Search (Database), online, "United States Census, 1940," database with images, FamilySearch ( 21 May 2020), Ethel Barber, Wyaconda Township, Clark, Clark, Missouri, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) 23-20, sheet 5B, line 41, family 102, Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940, NARA digital publication T627. Records of the Bureau of the Census, 1790 - 2007, RG 29. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 2012, roll 2096.
- [S4] The Arkalon News, 12 January 1888, 4, CLARK COUNTY COURIER
Page 5 Column 3
WYACONDA JUNE 24…. - [S4] The Arkalon News, 12 January 1888, 4, CLARK COUNTY COURIER
18 Sept 1942
page 2. - [S13] Wilma (Walker) Dunlap and Wilma (Suter) Walker, Cemetery Inscription.
- [S258] Letter, Donald Schuster to Robert Hartman, ca 1 March 2008.
- [S1738] Find A Grave, online…, Find a Grave, database and images (… accessed 26 March 2023), memorial page for Ethel May Schuster Barber (16 Sep 1886–8 Feb 1973), Find a Grave Memorial ID 108655798, citing New Woodville Cemetery, Wyaconda, Clark County, Missouri, USA; Maintained by Robert Hartman (contributor 47647754).
Joseph William Barber
M, #27, b. 07.02.1881, d. 13.05.1936
Father* | John William Barber b. 10.12.1854, d. 26.05.1905 |
Mother* | Julie Ann Hottle b. 27.06.1854, d. 01.07.1938 |
Relationship | Grandfather of Robert William Hartman |
Last Edited | 20.04.2023 |
Joseph William Barber was listed in the book "History of the Descendant of John Hottel" personal ID number: 1707-X-B on Page('s) Number: 0622, Begun by Rev. W. D. Huddle, B. S., and completed by his wife, Lulu May Huddle of Westerville, Ohio, Published by Shenandoah Publishing House, Inc., Strasburg, Virginia, copyright in the year 1930.1
Joseph William Barber was indexed in "The New Hottel History--(George Line)" with personal ID number: 3797 Page Numbers: 0131 and 0308, by Rev. Dr. B. Paul Huddle, Published by AAH Graphics, Inc., Fort Valley, Virginia, copyright in 1998, by Hottel Keller Memorial, Inc., Toms Brook, Virginia.
Joseph William Barber was member of the (an unknown value.)
On Monday, 07.02.1881, Joseph William Barber was born, the County of Clark, the State of Missouri, the United States of America.2 He was the son of John William Barber and Julie Ann Hottle.
He appeared on the 1900 Federal Census of Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, the State of Missouri in the household of his parents, John William Barber and Julie Ann Barber, his place of birth was given as Missouri, and his age was given as 19.3
Joseph William Barber was in an article with John William Barber on 09.06.1905 Clark County News, City of Wyaconda, Wyaconda Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.4
Joseph W. Barber and Ethel May Schuster obtained a marriage license at County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, on 29.03.1906.5,6
Joseph William Barber married Ethel May Schuster, daughter of John William Schuster and Joanna Blizzard, on Wednesday, 04.04.1906, the at J. W. Schuster, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.5

Joseph William Barber and Ethel May Schuster were photograph some time around there wedding date on 04.04.1906 at County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.7
As of 15.04.1910, Joseph William Barber was also known as Joseph W. Barber.
Joseph W. Barber and Ethel N. Barber appeared on the 1910 Federal Census of City of Keokuk, Township of Jackson, County of Lee, State of Iowa, with a effect date of 15 April, and enumerated on 15.04.1910.8
In the "Standard Atlas of Clark County Missouri 1915" which inclued a Plat Book of the Villages, Cities and Township of the County J. W. Barber was listed as owner of land in political Township of Wyaconda, and given as T64N R9W, section 35 at City of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.9
In the "Standard Atlas of Clark County Missouri 1915" which inclued a Plat Book of the Villages, Cities and Township of the County J. W. Barber was listed as owner of land in political Township of Wyaconda, and given as T64N R9W, Section 34, S 1/2 SE 1/4, with about 80 acres. At County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.9
In the "Standard Atlas of Clark County Missouri 1915" which inclued a Plat Book of the Villages, Cities and Township of the County J. W. Barber was listed as owner of land in political Township of Wyaconda, and given as T64N R9W Section 35 at City of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.9
As of 1915, Joseph William Barber was also known as J. W. Barber.
With no end in sight for World War I, the United States instituted its third and final registration. It included all men who were the ages of 18 to 21, and 31 to 45 years of age. This added younger men than the previous registrations, those who were born between September 12, 1897 and September 12, 1900: and added older group of men, born between September 12, 1873 and September 12, 1888. Joseph William Barber was required to register for the draft on Thursday, 12.09.1918 at Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.10
Joseph William Barber and Ethel N. Barber appeared on the 1920 Federal Census of Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, with a effect date of 1 January, and enumerated on 09.01.1920.
Joseph William Barber was in an article"A BIRTHDAY DINNER" with Isaac Snider on 30.05.1924 CLARK COUNTY COURIER, City of Kahoka, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.11
In the 1930 US Census, the Assistant Marshal entered Joseph William Barber's name as J W Barber, his place of birth as Missouri, and his age was 49.12
J. W. Barber and Ethel May Schuster appeared on the 1930 Federal Census of the Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, with an effective date of Sat. 01.04.1930, and enumerated on Tuesday, 08.04.1930. Their children living with them were Joanna and John.12
Joseph William Barber was in the group photo of William L. Blizzard and Carry Lulu Blizzard circa 08.1930 at Statutory City of Rocky Ford, County of Otero, State of Colorado, United States of America; with other family members.13,14,15
Joseph William Barber's obituary was in the newspaper on Wednesday, 22.05.1935 in The Kahoka Gazette Hearld, Kahoka, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.16
Joseph William Barber died on Wednesday, 13.05.1936, in at his farm home, Wyaconda Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, at age 55 years, 3 months and 6 days.17
The State of Missouri Death Certificate had the following information: Joseph died 13 May 1936 at his farm home, Wyaconda Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, at age 55 years, 3 months and 7 days, the attending physician was B. F. Hutchinson Dr. DO., and Joanna Mae Hartman was the informant on the death certificate, and Gerth and Baskett Funeral Home was the undertaker, and the local register received the certificate on Thursday, 14.05.1936.18
Joseph William Barber was buried in Friday, 15.05.1936, in New Woodville Cemetery, in the Township of Washington, (Section 2, T64N R9W), in the County of Clark, in the State of Missouri, in the Country of United States of America.19
The burial place for Joseph William Barber is the New Woodvile Baptist Church in the Township of Washington, the County of Clark, the State of Missouri, and the United States of America.
Additional information may be at an off-site Web Page as seen on Thursday, 16.01.1997 at Find A Grave, Memorial #: 108655457 (place number in (Memorial #:) field then click Search.)20
Joseph William Barber was indexed in "The New Hottel History--(George Line)" with personal ID number: 3797 Page Numbers: 0131 and 0308, by Rev. Dr. B. Paul Huddle, Published by AAH Graphics, Inc., Fort Valley, Virginia, copyright in 1998, by Hottel Keller Memorial, Inc., Toms Brook, Virginia.
Joseph William Barber was member of the (an unknown value.)
On Monday, 07.02.1881, Joseph William Barber was born, the County of Clark, the State of Missouri, the United States of America.2 He was the son of John William Barber and Julie Ann Hottle.
He appeared on the 1900 Federal Census of Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, the State of Missouri in the household of his parents, John William Barber and Julie Ann Barber, his place of birth was given as Missouri, and his age was given as 19.3

Joseph William Barber was in an article with John William Barber on 09.06.1905 Clark County News, City of Wyaconda, Wyaconda Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.4

Joseph W. Barber and Ethel May Schuster obtained a marriage license at County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, on 29.03.1906.5,6
Joseph William Barber married Ethel May Schuster, daughter of John William Schuster and Joanna Blizzard, on Wednesday, 04.04.1906, the at J. W. Schuster, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.5

Joseph William Barber and Ethel May Schuster were photograph some time around there wedding date on 04.04.1906 at County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.7

As of 15.04.1910, Joseph William Barber was also known as Joseph W. Barber.
Joseph W. Barber and Ethel N. Barber appeared on the 1910 Federal Census of City of Keokuk, Township of Jackson, County of Lee, State of Iowa, with a effect date of 15 April, and enumerated on 15.04.1910.8

In the "Standard Atlas of Clark County Missouri 1915" which inclued a Plat Book of the Villages, Cities and Township of the County J. W. Barber was listed as owner of land in political Township of Wyaconda, and given as T64N R9W, section 35 at City of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.9

In the "Standard Atlas of Clark County Missouri 1915" which inclued a Plat Book of the Villages, Cities and Township of the County J. W. Barber was listed as owner of land in political Township of Wyaconda, and given as T64N R9W, Section 34, S 1/2 SE 1/4, with about 80 acres. At County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.9

In the "Standard Atlas of Clark County Missouri 1915" which inclued a Plat Book of the Villages, Cities and Township of the County J. W. Barber was listed as owner of land in political Township of Wyaconda, and given as T64N R9W Section 35 at City of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.9

As of 1915, Joseph William Barber was also known as J. W. Barber.
With no end in sight for World War I, the United States instituted its third and final registration. It included all men who were the ages of 18 to 21, and 31 to 45 years of age. This added younger men than the previous registrations, those who were born between September 12, 1897 and September 12, 1900: and added older group of men, born between September 12, 1873 and September 12, 1888. Joseph William Barber was required to register for the draft on Thursday, 12.09.1918 at Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.10
Joseph William Barber and Ethel N. Barber appeared on the 1920 Federal Census of Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, with a effect date of 1 January, and enumerated on 09.01.1920.

Joseph William Barber was in an article"A BIRTHDAY DINNER" with Isaac Snider on 30.05.1924 CLARK COUNTY COURIER, City of Kahoka, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.11

In the 1930 US Census, the Assistant Marshal entered Joseph William Barber's name as J W Barber, his place of birth as Missouri, and his age was 49.12
J. W. Barber and Ethel May Schuster appeared on the 1930 Federal Census of the Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, with an effective date of Sat. 01.04.1930, and enumerated on Tuesday, 08.04.1930. Their children living with them were Joanna and John.12

Joseph William Barber was in the group photo of William L. Blizzard and Carry Lulu Blizzard circa 08.1930 at Statutory City of Rocky Ford, County of Otero, State of Colorado, United States of America; with other family members.13,14,15

Joseph William Barber's obituary was in the newspaper on Wednesday, 22.05.1935 in The Kahoka Gazette Hearld, Kahoka, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.16

Joseph William Barber died on Wednesday, 13.05.1936, in at his farm home, Wyaconda Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, at age 55 years, 3 months and 6 days.17
The State of Missouri Death Certificate had the following information: Joseph died 13 May 1936 at his farm home, Wyaconda Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, at age 55 years, 3 months and 7 days, the attending physician was B. F. Hutchinson Dr. DO., and Joanna Mae Hartman was the informant on the death certificate, and Gerth and Baskett Funeral Home was the undertaker, and the local register received the certificate on Thursday, 14.05.1936.18

Joseph William Barber was buried in Friday, 15.05.1936, in New Woodville Cemetery, in the Township of Washington, (Section 2, T64N R9W), in the County of Clark, in the State of Missouri, in the Country of United States of America.19
The burial place for Joseph William Barber is the New Woodvile Baptist Church in the Township of Washington, the County of Clark, the State of Missouri, and the United States of America.
Additional information may be at an off-site Web Page as seen on Thursday, 16.01.1997 at Find A Grave, Memorial #: 108655457 (place number in (Memorial #:) field then click Search.)20
Family | Ethel May Schuster b. 16.09.1886, d. 08.02.1973 |
Marriage License | Joseph W. Barber and Ethel May Schuster obtained a marriage license at County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, on 29.03.1906.5,6 |
Marriage* | Joseph William Barber married Ethel May Schuster, daughter of John William Schuster and Joanna Blizzard, on Wednesday, 04.04.1906, the at J. W. Schuster, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.5 ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Children |
- [S871] B. S. and completed by His Wife, Lulu May Huddle, Westerville, Ohio Begun by Rev. W. D. Huddle, DESCENDANTS of JOHN HOTTEL, Page 622.
- [S53] WWI Draft Card.
- [S386] 6 June 1900, US Census, State of: Missouri, County of: Clark, Township or other division of County: Township of Wyaconda, State of: Missouri, County of: Clark, Township or other division of County: Township of Wyaconda, Citing this Record
"United States Census, 1900," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 8 February 2017), Julia A Barber in household of John H Barber, Wyconda Township Luray & Wyaconda villages, Clark, Missouri, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) 32, sheet 7B, family 150, NARA microfilm publication T623 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1972.); FHL microfilm 1,240,848. As seen on on 08 Feb 2017. - [S415] Clark County News, 9 June 1905, No page number, as seen on microfilm at Sever - Clark County Library, Kahoka, MO.
- [S2] Family Search (Database), online, "Missouri, County Marriage, Naturalization, and Court Records, 1800-1991," database with images, FamilySearch ( 1 October 2019), Joseph W Barber, 4 Apr 1906; citing Marriage, Clark, Missouri, United States, Missouri State Archives, Jefferson City; FHL microfilm 007425049.
- [S9] Wilma (Walker) Dunlap and Wilma (Suter) Walker, Marriage Clark County 1885-1911, Page 6.
- [S1042] Donald Wayn Schuster, Picture, unknown file number.
- [S227] "15 April 1910", "US Census", unknown location, "population schedule," Keokuk Ward 4, "SD" 1, "ED" 71, "sheet number" 2B/135B, "dwelling" 38, "family" 38, as seen on on 30 Dec 2007.
- [S1537] Unknown author, Atlas of Clark Co. MO. 1915.
- [S233] WWI Draft Card, Clark County as seen on
- [S4] The Arkalon News, 12 January 1888, 4, COPY FROM NEWSPAPER.COM ON 29 August 2021
Clark County Courier
Kahoka, MO. 30 May 1924
Vol. XXIX., Number 35
Page 5 col. 6
A BIRTHDAY DINNER. - [S516] 09 April 1930, US Census, State of Missouri, County of Clark, Township of Wyaconda, “Population Schedule,” “Enumeration District Number:” 23-19, “Supervisor's District Number: 04, State of MO, Clark County, Wyaconda Township, “Page Number:” 004A/294A, “Dwelling Number:” 073, “Family Number:” 073, Year: 1930; Census Place: Wyaconda, Clark, Missouri; Page: 4A; Enumeration District: 0019; FHL microfilm: 2340917.
- [S278] Letter, Donald W. Schuster to Robert W. Hartman, 6 March 2008, Donald knew all of the people in the picture, and I knew all of the people except the Blizzard. The time peirod was estiblish by birth of John William 10 Sep 1928, and the marriages of Grace and Leo 20 Mar 1930, and Carrol and Hilma 24 Dec 1929.
- [S50] Interview, unknown informant.
- [S4] The Arkalon News, 12 January 1888, 4.
- [S413] The Kahoka Gazette Hearld, 22 May 1936, 3, as seen on Microfilm at Sever - Clark County Library 11 May 2010.
- [S5] Soldiers Database: War of 1812 - World War I on line, by unknown photographer.
- [S5] Soldiers Database: War of 1812 - World War I on line, by unknown photographer, File No. 18882 Registered No. 9.
- [S5] Soldiers Database: War of 1812 - World War I on line, by unknown photographer, Recored 22 June 1936 at Missouri State Board of Health File No. 18882-36.
- [S1749] Find A Grave, online…, Find a Grave, database and images (… accessed 20 April 2023), memorial page for Joseph William Barber (7 Feb 1881–13 May 1936), Find a Grave Memorial ID 108655457, citing New Woodville Cemetery, Wyaconda, Clark County, Missouri, USA; Maintained by Robert Hartman (contributor 47647754).
Joanna Mae Barber
F, #28, b. 19.08.1913, d. 07.07.1993
Father* | Joseph William Barber b. 07.02.1881, d. 13.05.1936 |
Mother* | Ethel May Schuster b. 16.09.1886, d. 08.02.1973 |
Relationship | Mother of Robert William Hartman |
Last Edited | 03.05.2023 |
Joanna Mae Barber is a descendant of John Hottel by way of his son George Hottel line.
Joanna Mae Barber was listed in the book "History of the Descendant of John Hottel" personal ID number: 1708-X-B on Page('s) Number: 0622, Begun by Rev. W. D. Huddle, B. S., and completed by his wife, Lulu May Huddle of Westerville, Ohio, Published by Shenandoah Publishing House, Inc., Strasburg, Virginia, copyright in the year 1930.
Joanna Mae Barber was indexed in "The New Hottel History--(George Line)" with personal ID number: 09221 Page Numbers: 0308, by Rev. Dr. B. Paul Huddle, Published by AAH Graphics, Inc., Fort Valley, Virginia, copyright in 1998, by Hottel Keller Memorial, Inc., Toms Brook, Virginia.
Joanna Mae Barber was member of the First Christian Church (D C.)
On Tuesday, 19.08.1913, Joanna Mae Barber was born at the Township of Wyaconda, the County of Clark, the State of Missouri, the United States of America.1 She was the daughter of Joseph William Barber and Ethel May Schuster. Joanna Mae Barber was also in the picture at at the small house that was south and east of the big house on top of the hill on his Dad farm, and neither house is standing in 2021.2
Joanna Mae Barber was in an article"A BIRTHDAY DINNER" with Isaac Snider on 30.05.1924 CLARK COUNTY COURIER, City of Kahoka, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.3
Joanna Mae Barber was living, but he/she was not listed in an unknown person 's obituary on Friday, 07.05.1926 at Clark County Courier, City of Kahoka, Township of Lincoln, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.4
See the attached news papper note.
She appeared on the 1930 Federal Census of the Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, in the household of her parents, J. W. Barber and Ethel May Schuster, her birth place was given as Missouri, and her age was given as 17.5
In the 1930 US Census, the Assistant Marshal entered Joanna Mae Barber's name as Jonna Barber, her place of birth as Missouri, and her age was 17.5
Joanna Mae Barber was graduated in 05.1931 from Wyaconda School District C1, City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.6
As of 31.07.1933, her married name was Hartman.
Joanna Mae Barber married Cecil Edward Hartman, son of William Paul Hartman and Lucy May Black, on Monday, 31.07.1933, the Baptist Parsonage, City of Kahoka, Lincoln Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.1
As of circa 1934, Joanna Mae Barber and Cecil Edward Hartman lived at 3XX South Main Street, General Delivery, City of Wyaconda, Wyaconda Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.1
Joanna Mae Hartman witnessed the birth of Robert William Hartman on Tuesday, 16.04.1935 at 300 block of South Main Street, City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, 40.388320,-91.926213B; at 3:00 AM.7
As of 16.04.1935, Joanna Mae Hartman and Cecil Edward Hartman lived at 318 South Main Street, City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, 40.3883237891351,-91.92623566622015B.8 Joanna Mae Barber "History of the Descendant of John Hottel" personal ID number: 1708x-b Page Number: 622, Published by Shenandoah Publishing House, Inc. Strasburg, Commonwealth of Virginia, United States of America, in the year circa 1930.9
Joanna Mae Hartman was the informant on her death certificate; 13 May 1936.10
As of circa 1936, Joanna Mae Hartman and Cecil Edward Hartman lived at 500 Block of North Main Street, City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, 40.394383,-91.929357B.11
As of circa 1937, Joanna Mae Hartman and Cecil Edward Hartman lived at 3XX West Jefferson Street, City of Wyaconda, Wyaconda Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, 40.38932003057749,-91.93025430300409B.12
As of 17.06.1938, Joanna Mae Hartman and Cecil Edward Hartman lived at 3?? West Jefferson Street, City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, 40.38932003057749,-91.93025430300409B.13
Joanna Mae Barber was listed in William Fredrick Ahrens's obituary on Friday, 02.09.1938 at CLARK COUNTY COURIER, Kahoka, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.14
Joanna Hartman and Cecil Edward Hartman were bought land from Mrs. Lucy May Hartman and this transaction was recorded on 15.03.1940, and the land was described as Lot one (1) of block-thirty eight (38) of the first addition to the, City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.
As of 12.04.1940, Joanna Mae Barber was also known as Joanna Hartman.15
Joanna Hartman and Cecil Hartman appeared on the 1940 Federal Census of the City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, with an effective date of Mon. 01.04.1940, and enumerated on Friday, 12.04.1940. Their children listed as living with them were Robert.
Joanna Hartman and Cecil Hartman appeared on the 1940 Federal Census of the City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, at 100 Block North Oak Street, with an effective date of Mon. 01.04.1940, and enumerated on Friday, 12.04.1940, his birthplace was given as Oklahoma, and his age was given as 27, and her birthplace was given as Missouri, and her age was given as 26.16
As of 06.1940, Joanna Mae Hartman and Cecil Edward Hartman lived at 1?? N Oak Street, City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, 40.389948,-91.930062B.17
As of circa 1941, Joanna Mae Hartman and Cecil Edward Hartman lived at 2?? North Main Street, City of Wyaconda, Wyaconda Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, 40.391468,-91.928079B.17
Joanna Mae Barber witnessed the baptism of Robert William Hartman on 06.10.1946 at Wyaconda First Christian Church, City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, 40.389233,-91.929480B.1
Joanna Mae Barber was living, but he/she was not listed in Joseph Oliver Barber's obituary on Friday, 10.01.1947 at City of Kahoka, Lincoln Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.18
As of 09.04.1947, Joanna Mae Barber and Cecil Edward Hartman lived at 235 North Maine Street, City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.19
As of circa 15.04.1948, Joanna Mae Hartman and Cecil Edward Hartman lived at 1041 Boone Street, Troy City, Lincoln County, State of Missouri, United States of America, 38.97615731241946,-90.98815756002944B.20
As of circa 05.1949, Joanna Mae Hartman and Cecil Edward Hartman lived at 971 Boone Street, City of Troy, County of Lincoln, State of Missouri, United States of America, 38.976406491993394,-90.98732494906609B.21
Joanna Mae Barber witnessed the graduation of Robert William Hartman on 18.05.1949 at Troy Elementry School, City of Troy, County of Lincoln, State of Missouri, United States of America.1 Joanna Mae Barber wasissued the Social Security Numb 500-54-6182 in 1950 at Troy, Lincoln County, State of Missouri, United States of America.
As of circa 06.1952, Joanna Mae Hartman and Cecil Edward Hartman lived at 299 Buchanan Court, City of Troy, County of Lincoln, State of Missouri, United States of America.22 Joanna Mae Barber attended Robert William Hartman's graduation on 21.05.1953 at Buchanan High School, City of Troy, County of Lincolin, State of Missouri, United States of America.1
As of circa 08.1953, Joanna Mae Hartman and Cecil Edward Hartman lived at 293 East Jefferson Street, Perry, County of Ralls, State of Missouri, United States of America.23 Joanna Mae Hartman, as the mother of the groom, attended the wedding of Gary Lee Hartman and Jane Allen Boucher on 18.09.1966 at Boucher home, City of Kirksville, County of Adair, State of Missouri, United States of America.1
Joanna Mae Barber was listed in Hilma Maurine Barber's obituary on Thursday, 18.02.1993 at City of Atascadero, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, United States of America, as a survivor.24
Joanna Mae Barber witnessed the death of Cecil Edward Hartman on 30.05.1993, Keokuk Area Hospital, Keokuk, Lee County, State of Iowa, United States of America.25,26
Joanna Mae Barber was listed in Cecil Edward Hartman's obituary on Wednesday, 02.06.1993 at Hometown Journal, City of Kahoka, Lincoln Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.27
Her husband, Cecil Edward Hartman died, on 03.06.1993 at age 80 years, 4 months and 17 days.28
Joanna Mae Barber died on Wednesday, 07.07.1993, in Keokuk Area Hospital, Keokuk, Lee County, State of Iowa, United States of America, at age 79 years, 10 months and 18 days.
Joanna Mae Barber's obituary was in the newspaper on Wednesday, 07.07.1993 in City of Kahoka, Township of Lincoln, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America. Robert William Hartman, Gary Lee Hartman, Barbara Ann Hartman and John William Barber were listed as survivors. Cecil Edward Hartman, Hilma Maurine Barber, John Hartman and Pauil Hartman preceded her in death.
Joanna Mae Barber was SNDX on 07.07.1993 at County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.29
Joanna Mae Barber was buried in Saturday, 10.07.1993, in Wyaconda Cemetery, in the plot at Lat/Lon: 40.39578N091.92562W, in the City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, in the County of Clark, in the State of Missouri, in the Country of United States of America.30
The Death Certificate had the following information: Joanna at Keokuk, Lee County, State of Iowa, United States of America, at age 79 years, 11 months and 19 days, the attending physician was Neville O. Crenshaw Dr. DO., and Gary Lee Hartman was the informant on the death certificate, and Shaffer & Sons Funeral Home was the undertaker, and the local register received the certificate on Saturday, 07.08.1993.31
The burial place for Joanna Mae (Barber) Hartman is the Wyaconda Cemetry in the City of Wyaconda, the Township of Wyaconda, the County of Clark, the State of Missouri, and the United States of America.
Additional information may be at an off-site Web Page as seen on Wednesday, 17.04.2013 at Find A Grave, Memorial #: 108654975 (place number in (Memorial #:) field then click Search.)32
(an unknown value), is listed on Find A Grave as Joanna Mae (Barber) Hartman.33
Joanna Mae Barber was listed in the book "History of the Descendant of John Hottel" personal ID number: 1708-X-B on Page('s) Number: 0622, Begun by Rev. W. D. Huddle, B. S., and completed by his wife, Lulu May Huddle of Westerville, Ohio, Published by Shenandoah Publishing House, Inc., Strasburg, Virginia, copyright in the year 1930.
Joanna Mae Barber was indexed in "The New Hottel History--(George Line)" with personal ID number: 09221 Page Numbers: 0308, by Rev. Dr. B. Paul Huddle, Published by AAH Graphics, Inc., Fort Valley, Virginia, copyright in 1998, by Hottel Keller Memorial, Inc., Toms Brook, Virginia.
Joanna Mae Barber was member of the First Christian Church (D C.)
On Tuesday, 19.08.1913, Joanna Mae Barber was born at the Township of Wyaconda, the County of Clark, the State of Missouri, the United States of America.1 She was the daughter of Joseph William Barber and Ethel May Schuster. Joanna Mae Barber was also in the picture at at the small house that was south and east of the big house on top of the hill on his Dad farm, and neither house is standing in 2021.2
Joanna Mae Barber was in an article"A BIRTHDAY DINNER" with Isaac Snider on 30.05.1924 CLARK COUNTY COURIER, City of Kahoka, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.3

Joanna Mae Barber was living, but he/she was not listed in an unknown person 's obituary on Friday, 07.05.1926 at Clark County Courier, City of Kahoka, Township of Lincoln, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.4
See the attached news papper note.

She appeared on the 1930 Federal Census of the Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, in the household of her parents, J. W. Barber and Ethel May Schuster, her birth place was given as Missouri, and her age was given as 17.5

In the 1930 US Census, the Assistant Marshal entered Joanna Mae Barber's name as Jonna Barber, her place of birth as Missouri, and her age was 17.5
Joanna Mae Barber was graduated in 05.1931 from Wyaconda School District C1, City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.6
As of 31.07.1933, her married name was Hartman.
Joanna Mae Barber married Cecil Edward Hartman, son of William Paul Hartman and Lucy May Black, on Monday, 31.07.1933, the Baptist Parsonage, City of Kahoka, Lincoln Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.1

As of circa 1934, Joanna Mae Barber and Cecil Edward Hartman lived at 3XX South Main Street, General Delivery, City of Wyaconda, Wyaconda Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.1
Joanna Mae Hartman witnessed the birth of Robert William Hartman on Tuesday, 16.04.1935 at 300 block of South Main Street, City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, 40.388320,-91.926213B; at 3:00 AM.7
As of 16.04.1935, Joanna Mae Hartman and Cecil Edward Hartman lived at 318 South Main Street, City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, 40.3883237891351,-91.92623566622015B.8 Joanna Mae Barber "History of the Descendant of John Hottel" personal ID number: 1708x-b Page Number: 622, Published by Shenandoah Publishing House, Inc. Strasburg, Commonwealth of Virginia, United States of America, in the year circa 1930.9
Joanna Mae Hartman was the informant on her death certificate; 13 May 1936.10

As of circa 1936, Joanna Mae Hartman and Cecil Edward Hartman lived at 500 Block of North Main Street, City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, 40.394383,-91.929357B.11
As of circa 1937, Joanna Mae Hartman and Cecil Edward Hartman lived at 3XX West Jefferson Street, City of Wyaconda, Wyaconda Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, 40.38932003057749,-91.93025430300409B.12
As of 17.06.1938, Joanna Mae Hartman and Cecil Edward Hartman lived at 3?? West Jefferson Street, City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, 40.38932003057749,-91.93025430300409B.13
Joanna Mae Barber was listed in William Fredrick Ahrens's obituary on Friday, 02.09.1938 at CLARK COUNTY COURIER, Kahoka, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.14

Joanna Hartman and Cecil Edward Hartman were bought land from Mrs. Lucy May Hartman and this transaction was recorded on 15.03.1940, and the land was described as Lot one (1) of block-thirty eight (38) of the first addition to the, City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.
As of 12.04.1940, Joanna Mae Barber was also known as Joanna Hartman.15
Joanna Hartman and Cecil Hartman appeared on the 1940 Federal Census of the City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, with an effective date of Mon. 01.04.1940, and enumerated on Friday, 12.04.1940. Their children listed as living with them were Robert.

Joanna Hartman and Cecil Hartman appeared on the 1940 Federal Census of the City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, at 100 Block North Oak Street, with an effective date of Mon. 01.04.1940, and enumerated on Friday, 12.04.1940, his birthplace was given as Oklahoma, and his age was given as 27, and her birthplace was given as Missouri, and her age was given as 26.16

As of 06.1940, Joanna Mae Hartman and Cecil Edward Hartman lived at 1?? N Oak Street, City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, 40.389948,-91.930062B.17
As of circa 1941, Joanna Mae Hartman and Cecil Edward Hartman lived at 2?? North Main Street, City of Wyaconda, Wyaconda Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, 40.391468,-91.928079B.17
Joanna Mae Barber witnessed the baptism of Robert William Hartman on 06.10.1946 at Wyaconda First Christian Church, City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, 40.389233,-91.929480B.1

Joanna Mae Barber was living, but he/she was not listed in Joseph Oliver Barber's obituary on Friday, 10.01.1947 at City of Kahoka, Lincoln Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.18
As of 09.04.1947, Joanna Mae Barber and Cecil Edward Hartman lived at 235 North Maine Street, City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.19
As of circa 15.04.1948, Joanna Mae Hartman and Cecil Edward Hartman lived at 1041 Boone Street, Troy City, Lincoln County, State of Missouri, United States of America, 38.97615731241946,-90.98815756002944B.20
As of circa 05.1949, Joanna Mae Hartman and Cecil Edward Hartman lived at 971 Boone Street, City of Troy, County of Lincoln, State of Missouri, United States of America, 38.976406491993394,-90.98732494906609B.21
Joanna Mae Barber witnessed the graduation of Robert William Hartman on 18.05.1949 at Troy Elementry School, City of Troy, County of Lincoln, State of Missouri, United States of America.1 Joanna Mae Barber wasissued the Social Security Numb 500-54-6182 in 1950 at Troy, Lincoln County, State of Missouri, United States of America.
As of circa 06.1952, Joanna Mae Hartman and Cecil Edward Hartman lived at 299 Buchanan Court, City of Troy, County of Lincoln, State of Missouri, United States of America.22 Joanna Mae Barber attended Robert William Hartman's graduation on 21.05.1953 at Buchanan High School, City of Troy, County of Lincolin, State of Missouri, United States of America.1
As of circa 08.1953, Joanna Mae Hartman and Cecil Edward Hartman lived at 293 East Jefferson Street, Perry, County of Ralls, State of Missouri, United States of America.23 Joanna Mae Hartman, as the mother of the groom, attended the wedding of Gary Lee Hartman and Jane Allen Boucher on 18.09.1966 at Boucher home, City of Kirksville, County of Adair, State of Missouri, United States of America.1
Joanna Mae Barber was listed in Hilma Maurine Barber's obituary on Thursday, 18.02.1993 at City of Atascadero, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, United States of America, as a survivor.24
Joanna Mae Barber witnessed the death of Cecil Edward Hartman on 30.05.1993, Keokuk Area Hospital, Keokuk, Lee County, State of Iowa, United States of America.25,26
Joanna Mae Barber was listed in Cecil Edward Hartman's obituary on Wednesday, 02.06.1993 at Hometown Journal, City of Kahoka, Lincoln Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.27
Her husband, Cecil Edward Hartman died, on 03.06.1993 at age 80 years, 4 months and 17 days.28
Joanna Mae Barber died on Wednesday, 07.07.1993, in Keokuk Area Hospital, Keokuk, Lee County, State of Iowa, United States of America, at age 79 years, 10 months and 18 days.
Joanna Mae Barber's obituary was in the newspaper on Wednesday, 07.07.1993 in City of Kahoka, Township of Lincoln, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America. Robert William Hartman, Gary Lee Hartman, Barbara Ann Hartman and John William Barber were listed as survivors. Cecil Edward Hartman, Hilma Maurine Barber, John Hartman and Pauil Hartman preceded her in death.

Joanna Mae Barber was SNDX on 07.07.1993 at County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.29
Joanna Mae Barber was buried in Saturday, 10.07.1993, in Wyaconda Cemetery, in the plot at Lat/Lon: 40.39578N091.92562W, in the City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, in the County of Clark, in the State of Missouri, in the Country of United States of America.30
The Death Certificate had the following information: Joanna at Keokuk, Lee County, State of Iowa, United States of America, at age 79 years, 11 months and 19 days, the attending physician was Neville O. Crenshaw Dr. DO., and Gary Lee Hartman was the informant on the death certificate, and Shaffer & Sons Funeral Home was the undertaker, and the local register received the certificate on Saturday, 07.08.1993.31
The burial place for Joanna Mae (Barber) Hartman is the Wyaconda Cemetry in the City of Wyaconda, the Township of Wyaconda, the County of Clark, the State of Missouri, and the United States of America.
Additional information may be at an off-site Web Page as seen on Wednesday, 17.04.2013 at Find A Grave, Memorial #: 108654975 (place number in (Memorial #:) field then click Search.)32
(an unknown value), is listed on Find A Grave as Joanna Mae (Barber) Hartman.33
Family | Cecil Edward Hartman b. 17.01.1913, d. 30.05.1993 |
Marriage* | Joanna Mae Barber married Cecil Edward Hartman, son of William Paul Hartman and Lucy May Black, on Monday, 31.07.1933, the Baptist Parsonage, City of Kahoka, Lincoln Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.1 ![]() |
Children |
- [S50] Interview, unknown informant.
- [S258] Letter, Donald Schuster to Robert Hartman, ca 1 March 2008.
- [S4] The Arkalon News, 12 January 1888, 4, COPY FROM NEWSPAPER.COM ON 29 August 2021
Clark County Courier
Kahoka, MO. 30 May 1924
Vol. XXIX., Number 35
Page 5 col. 6
A BIRTHDAY DINNER. - [S99] Clark County Courier, 7 May 1926, Obituary.
- [S516] 09 April 1930, US Census, State of Missouri, County of Clark, Township of Wyaconda, “Population Schedule,” “Enumeration District Number:” 23-19, “Supervisor's District Number: 04, State of MO, Clark County, Wyaconda Township, “Page Number:” 004A/294A, “Dwelling Number:” 073, “Family Number:” 073, Year: 1930; Census Place: Wyaconda, Clark, Missouri; Page: 4A; Enumeration District: 0019; FHL microfilm: 2340917.
- [S49] Unknown subject, May 1935 unknown repository.
- [S5] Soldiers Database: War of 1812 - World War I on line, by unknown photographer, Copy of birth certificate from the State Registrar of Vital Statistics (VS 17 March 1960).
- [S50] Interview, unknown informant, The house has been known as the residence of Dr. and Mrs. B. F. Huchanson from 1940 to 2006 time period.
- [S871] B. S. and completed by His Wife, Lulu May Huddle, Westerville, Ohio Begun by Rev. W. D. Huddle, DESCENDANTS of JOHN HOTTEL, Page 622.
- [S5] Soldiers Database: War of 1812 - World War I on line, by unknown photographer, File No. 18882 Registered No. 9.
- [S50] Interview, unknown informant, From picture and information passed down.
- [S50] Interview, unknown informant, From information pased down and picture.
- [S50] Interview, unknown informant, Information pased down and picture.
- [S1599], online,
Clark County Courier
Kahoka, Missouri
2 SEP 1938
Page 2, Col. 2. - [S612] 12 April 1940, US Census, State of Missouri, County of Clark, Township of Wyaconda, City of Wyaconda, “Population Schedule,” “Enumeration District Number:” 23-19, “Supervisor's District Number: 01, State of MO, Clark County, “Page Number:” 003B/121B, “Family Number:” 071, Citing this Record
"United States Census, 1940," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 4 March 2017), Cecil Hartman, Wyaconda, Wyaconda Township, Clark, Missouri, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) 23-19, sheet 3B, line 47, family 71, Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940, NARA digital publication T627. Records of the Bureau of the Census, 1790 - 2007, RG 29. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 2012, roll 2096.
Citing this Record
"United States Census, 1940," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 23 April 2018), Cecil Hartman, Wyaconda, Wyaconda Township, Clark, Missouri, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) 23-19, sheet 3B, line 47, family 71, Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940, NARA digital publication T627. Records of the Bureau of the Census, 1790 - 2007, RG 29. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 2012, roll 2096.
Household Role Sex Age Birthplace
Cecil Hartman Head M 27 Oklahoma
Joanna Hartman Wife F 26 Missouri
Robert Hartman Son M 5 Missouri
Barbara Ann Hartman Daughter F 1 Iowa. - [S612] 12 April 1940, US Census, State of Missouri, County of Clark, Township of Wyaconda, City of Wyaconda, “Population Schedule,” “Enumeration District Number:” 23-19, “Supervisor's District Number: 01, State of MO, Clark County, “Page Number:” 003B/121B, “Family Number:” 071.
- [S50] Interview, unknown informant, From information pased down and pictures.
- [S1379] Kahoka GTazette-Herald, ca 19 January 1947, as seen ca 2000.
- [S50] Interview, unknown informant, From information I remember, passed down, and pictures.
- [S50] Interview, unknown informant, What I recall.
- [S50] Interview, unknown informant, Whit I recall.
- [S50] Interview, unknown informant, What I rember.
- [S50] Interview, unknown informant, What I rember.
- [S148] The Tribune, Obituary, Publish 18 Feb 1993.
- [S46] Hometown Journal, 2 June 1993.
- [S25] Social Security Death Index, unknown file number, SSDI, unknown series, 487-10-5199.
- [S46] Hometown Journal, 2 June 1993, Publish 2 June 1993, Kahoka, MO 63445-1661.
- [S212] Registrar of Vital Records, microfiche.
- [S19] Unknown subject, unknown file number, SSDI, unknown series.
- [S50] Interview, unknown informant, Measured stone 15 March 2006.
- [S212] Registrar of Vital Records, microfiche, filed at Keokuk, Lee County, Iowa. The record is on micfinch.
- [S1690] Find A Grave, online…, Find a Grave, database and images (… accessed 12 September 2022), memorial page for Joanna Mae Barber Hartman (19 Aug 1913–7 Jul 1993), Find a Grave Memorial ID 108654975, citing Wyaconda Cemetery, Wyaconda, Clark County, Missouri, USA; Maintained by Robert Hartman (contributor 47647754).
- [S1690] Find A Grave, online…, Find a Grave, database and images (… accessed 12 August 2022), memorial page for Joanna Mae Barber Hartman (19 Aug 1913–7 Jul 1993), Find a Grave Memorial ID 108654975, citing Wyaconda Cemetery, Wyaconda, Clark County, Missouri, USA; Maintained by Robert Hartman (contributor 47647754).
Cecil Edward Hartman
M, #29, b. 17.01.1913, d. 30.05.1993
Father* | William Paul Hartman b. 10.03.1889, d. 17.11.1924 |
Mother* | Lucy May Black b. 15.01.1888, d. 11.05.1945 |
Relationship | Father of Robert William Hartman |
Charts | Tobias Hartman Type Y-DNA c1739 - 1816 |
Last Edited | 02.05.2023 |
On Friday, 17.01.1913, Cecil Edward Hartman was born at the Golty, Township of Karoma, the County of Alfalfa, the State of Oklahoma, the United States of America.1
He was the son of William Paul Hartman and Lucy May Black.
He appeared on the 1920 Federal Census of Goltry Town, Township of Karoma, County of Alfalfa, State of Oklahoma in the household of his parents, W. P. Hartman and Lucy M. Hartman, his place of birth was given as Oklahoma, and his age was given as 7.2
William Paul Hartman and Lucy May Hartman, with family member Cecil Edward Hartman, move from Goltry, County of Alfalfa, State of Oklahoma after 06.01.1920 to the City of Enid, County of Garfield, State of Oklahoma, United States of America.3
Cecil Edward Hartman was listed in William Paul Hartman's obituary at Goltry, County of Alfalfa, State of Oklahoma, United States of America, as a survivor.4
He appeared on the 1930 Federal Census of City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri in the household of his mother Lucy May Hartman, his place of birth was given as Oklahoma, and his age was given as 16.5
Cecil Edward Hartman appeared on the 1930 Federal Census of City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri in the household of his mother Lucy May Black.5
Cecil Edward Hartman was in an article title "MEDILL" published on Friday, 20.03.1931 in newspaper CLARK COUNTY COURIER published in City of Kahoka, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.6
Cecil Edward Hartman was in an article title "WYACONDA" published on Friday, 20.03.1931 in newspaper CLARK COUNTY COURIER published in City of Kahoka, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.7
Cecil Edward Hartman was in an article title "WYACONDA" published on Friday, 20.03.1931 in newspaper CLARK COUNTY COURIER published in City of Kahoka, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.8
Cecil Edward Hartman was in an article title "WYACONDA" published on Friday, 03.04.1931 in newspaper Clark County Courier published in Kahoka, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.9
His Social Security Number was 487-10-5199 circa 1932 at General Delivery, City of Wyaconda, Wyaconda Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.
Cecil Edward Hartman married Joanna Mae Barber, daughter of Joseph William Barber and Ethel May Schuster, on Monday, 31.07.1933, the Baptist Parsonage, City of Kahoka, Lincoln Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.10
As of circa 1934, Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Barber lived at 3XX South Main Street, General Delivery, City of Wyaconda, Wyaconda Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.10
Cecil Edward Hartman witnessed the birth of Robert William Hartman on Tuesday, 16.04.1935 at 300 block of South Main Street, City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, 40.388320,-91.926213B; at 3:00 AM.11
As of 16.04.1935, Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Hartman lived at 318 South Main Street, City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, 40.3883237891351,-91.92623566622015B.12
As of circa 1936, Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Hartman lived at 500 Block of North Main Street, City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, 40.394383,-91.929357B.13
As of circa 1937, Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Hartman lived at 3XX West Jefferson Street, City of Wyaconda, Wyaconda Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, 40.38932003057749,-91.93025430300409B.14
As of 17.06.1938, Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Hartman lived at 3?? West Jefferson Street, City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, 40.38932003057749,-91.93025430300409B.15
Cecil Edward Hartman was listed in William Fredrick Ahrens's obituary on Friday, 02.09.1938 at CLARK COUNTY COURIER, Kahoka, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.16
Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Hartman were bought land from Mrs. Lucy May Hartman and this transaction was recorded on 15.03.1940, and the land was described as Lot one (1) of block-thirty eight (38) of the first addition to the, City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.
As of 12.04.1940, Cecil Edward Hartman was also known as Cecil Hartman.17
Cecil Hartman and Joanna Hartman appeared on the 1940 Federal Census of the City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, with an effective date of Mon. 01.04.1940, and enumerated on Friday, 12.04.1940. Their children listed as living with them were Robert.
Cecil Hartman and Joanna Hartman appeared on the 1940 Federal Census of the City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, at 100 Block North Oak Street, with an effective date of Mon. 01.04.1940, and enumerated on Friday, 12.04.1940, his birthplace was given as Oklahoma, and his age was given as 27, and her birthplace was given as Missouri, and her age was given as 26..18
As of 06.1940, Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Hartman lived at 1?? N Oak Street, City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, 40.389948,-91.930062B.19
As of circa 1941, Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Hartman lived at 2?? North Main Street, City of Wyaconda, Wyaconda Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, 40.391468,-91.928079B.19
D. S. S. Form 201. (Rev. 29 March 1943)
Date of Mailing on 17.08.1943
You are directed to report for physical examination by the local board examiner at the time and place designated below:
Place of examination: Dr. J. R. Bridges, Kahoka, Missouri
at 2:00 P. M. on 27 August, 19 34. This examination will be of a preliminary nature, for the purpose of disclosing only obvious physical defects, and will not finally determine your acceptance or rejection by the armed forces.
L. E. Moore Member-Clerk of Local Board.
Local Board address: Local Board No: 1, Kahoka, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.
DSS Form 57 (rev. 12-10-43.)
Cecil Edward Hartman
Order No: 159 has been classified in Class II A
(Until 5 DECEMBER 1943)
By Local Board (by a vote of 4 to 0).
Date of Mailing 07.09.1943.
E R Long Member-Clerk of Local Board.
Local board address: Local Board No: 1, Kahoka, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.
Cecil Edward Hartman was in an article title "WITH THE COLORS" published on Friday, 17.09.1943 in newspaper CLARK COUNTY COURIER published in City of Kahoka, Township of Lincoln, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.20
DSS Form 57 (rev. 12-10-43.)
Cecil Edward Hartman
Order No: 159 has been classified in Class II A
(Until 22 May 1944)
By Local Board (by a vote of 3 to 0).
Date of Mailing 23.11.1943.
L E Moore Member-Clerk of Local Board.
Local board address: Local Board No: 1, Kahoka, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.
DSS Form 57 (rev. 12-10-43.)
Cecil Edward Hartman
Order No: 159 has been classified in Class II A
(Until 15 November 1944)
By Local Board (by a vote of 4 to 0).
Date of Mailing 17.05.1944.
E R Long Member-Clerk of Local Board.
Local board address: Local Board No: 1, Kahoka, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.
DSS Form 57 (rev. 12-10-43.)
Cecil Edward Hartman
Order No: 159 has been classified in Class II A
(Until 13 May 1945)
By Local Board (by a vote of 3 to 0).
Date of Mailing 14.11.1944.
H P Neeper Member-Clerk of Local Board.
Local board address: Local Board No: 1, Kahoka, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.
DSS Form 57 (rev. 12-10-43.)
Cecil Edward Hartman
Order No: 159 has been classified in Class I A
(Until ***)
By Local Board (by a vote of *** to ***).
Date of Mailing 03.04.1945.
F. H. Bartels Member-Clerk of Local Board.
Local board address: Local Board No: 1, Kahoka, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.
Cecil Edward Hartman was listed in Lucy May Black's obituary at The Clark County Courier, City of Kahoka, Lincoln Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.21
DSS Form 57 (rev. 12-10-43.)
Cecil Edward Hartman
Order No: 159 has been classified in Class II A(F)
(Until ***)
By Local Board (by a vote of *** to ***).
Date of Mailing 05.06.1945.
F. H. Bartels Member-Clerk of Local Board.
Local board address: Local Board No: 1, Kahoka, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.
Cecil Edward Hartman was in an article title "Wyaconda Cor. ___ Cecil Hartman who has been sick the past three weeks was operated on at Barnes hospital in St. Louis Tuesday. Mrs. Hartman and nurse, Grace Kurtz is with him." published on Friday, 17.05.1946.22
Cecil Edward Hartman was in an article title "WYACONDA .... Cecil Hartman, who has been a patient in the Barnes hospital, St. Louis, returned home this week. ...." published on Friday, 07.06.1946 in newspaper Clark County Courier page 10, col. 4 published in Kahoka, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.23
Cecil Edward Hartman witnessed the baptism of Robert William Hartman on 06.10.1946 at Wyaconda First Christian Church, City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, 40.389233,-91.929480B.10
Cecil Edward Hartman was living, but he/she was not listed in Joseph Oliver Barber's obituary on Friday, 10.01.1947 at City of Kahoka, Lincoln Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.24
As of 09.04.1947, Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Barber lived at 235 North Maine Street, City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.25
As of circa 15.04.1948, Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Hartman lived at 1041 Boone Street, Troy City, Lincoln County, State of Missouri, United States of America, 38.97615731241946,-90.98815756002944B.26
As of circa 05.1949, Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Hartman lived at 971 Boone Street, City of Troy, County of Lincoln, State of Missouri, United States of America, 38.976406491993394,-90.98732494906609B.27
Cecil Edward Hartman witnessed the graduation of Robert William Hartman on 18.05.1949 at Troy Elementry School, City of Troy, County of Lincoln, State of Missouri, United States of America.10
Cecil Edward Hartman was employed circa 1950 at Auburn Junction, Lincoln County, State of Missouri, United States of America.28
As of circa 06.1952, Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Hartman lived at 299 Buchanan Court, City of Troy, County of Lincoln, State of Missouri, United States of America.29 Cecil Edward Hartman attended Robert William Hartman's graduation on 21.05.1953 at Buchanan High School, City of Troy, County of Lincolin, State of Missouri, United States of America.10
As of circa 08.1953, Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Hartman lived at 293 East Jefferson Street, Perry, County of Ralls, State of Missouri, United States of America.30 Cecil Edward Hartman, as the father of the groom, attended the wedding of Gary Lee Hartman and Jane Allen Boucher on 18.09.1966 at Boucher home, City of Kirksville, County of Adair, State of Missouri, United States of America.10
As of circa 1974, Cecil Edward Hartman lived at 605 E. Acton Ave., Wood River, County of Madison, State of Illinois, United States of America.
Cecil Edward Hartman died on Sunday, 30.05.1993, in Keokuk Area Hospital, Keokuk, Lee County, State of Iowa, United States of America, at age 80 years, 4 months and 13 days.31,32
Cecil Edward Hartman's obituary was in the newspaper on Wednesday, 02.06.1993 in Hometown Journal, City of Kahoka, Lincoln Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America. Joanna Mae Barber, Robert William Hartman, Gary Lee Hartman, Barbara Ann Hartman, Frances Clydean Hartman and Margaret Lorine Hartman were listed as survivors. Chester Lee Hartman preceded him in death.33
Cecil Edward Hartman was buried in Wednesday, 02.06.1993, in Wyaconda Cemetery, in the plot at Lat/Lon: 40.39578,091.92562, in the City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, in the County of Clark, in the State of Missouri, in the Country of United States of America.31,34
The Death Certificate had the following information: Cecil at Keokuk Area Hospital, Keokuk, Lee County, State of Iowa, United States of America, at age 80 years, 4 months and 17 days, the attending physician was Neville O. Crenshaw Dr. DO., and Shaffer & Sons Funeral Home was the undertaker, and the local register received the certificate on Thursday, 03.06.1993.35
Cecil Edward Hartman died before Joanna Mae Barber and was mentioned in Joanna Mae Barber's obituary on Wednesday, 07.07.1993 at City of Kahoka, Township of Lincoln, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.
The burial place for Cecil Edward Hartman is the Wyaconda Cemetery in the City of Wyaconda, the Township of Wyaconda, the County of Clark, the State of Missouri, and the United States of America.
Additional information may be at an off-site Web Page as seen on Friday, 12.08.2022 at Find A Grave, Memorial #: 108626199 (place number in (Memorial #:) field then click Search.)36

He appeared on the 1920 Federal Census of Goltry Town, Township of Karoma, County of Alfalfa, State of Oklahoma in the household of his parents, W. P. Hartman and Lucy M. Hartman, his place of birth was given as Oklahoma, and his age was given as 7.2

William Paul Hartman and Lucy May Hartman, with family member Cecil Edward Hartman, move from Goltry, County of Alfalfa, State of Oklahoma after 06.01.1920 to the City of Enid, County of Garfield, State of Oklahoma, United States of America.3
Cecil Edward Hartman was listed in William Paul Hartman's obituary at Goltry, County of Alfalfa, State of Oklahoma, United States of America, as a survivor.4
He appeared on the 1930 Federal Census of City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri in the household of his mother Lucy May Hartman, his place of birth was given as Oklahoma, and his age was given as 16.5

Cecil Edward Hartman appeared on the 1930 Federal Census of City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri in the household of his mother Lucy May Black.5

Cecil Edward Hartman was in an article title "MEDILL" published on Friday, 20.03.1931 in newspaper CLARK COUNTY COURIER published in City of Kahoka, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.6

Cecil Edward Hartman was in an article title "WYACONDA" published on Friday, 20.03.1931 in newspaper CLARK COUNTY COURIER published in City of Kahoka, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.7

Cecil Edward Hartman was in an article title "WYACONDA" published on Friday, 20.03.1931 in newspaper CLARK COUNTY COURIER published in City of Kahoka, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.8

Cecil Edward Hartman was in an article title "WYACONDA" published on Friday, 03.04.1931 in newspaper Clark County Courier published in Kahoka, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.9

His Social Security Number was 487-10-5199 circa 1932 at General Delivery, City of Wyaconda, Wyaconda Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.
Cecil Edward Hartman married Joanna Mae Barber, daughter of Joseph William Barber and Ethel May Schuster, on Monday, 31.07.1933, the Baptist Parsonage, City of Kahoka, Lincoln Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.10

As of circa 1934, Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Barber lived at 3XX South Main Street, General Delivery, City of Wyaconda, Wyaconda Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.10
Cecil Edward Hartman witnessed the birth of Robert William Hartman on Tuesday, 16.04.1935 at 300 block of South Main Street, City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, 40.388320,-91.926213B; at 3:00 AM.11
As of 16.04.1935, Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Hartman lived at 318 South Main Street, City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, 40.3883237891351,-91.92623566622015B.12
As of circa 1936, Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Hartman lived at 500 Block of North Main Street, City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, 40.394383,-91.929357B.13
As of circa 1937, Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Hartman lived at 3XX West Jefferson Street, City of Wyaconda, Wyaconda Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, 40.38932003057749,-91.93025430300409B.14
As of 17.06.1938, Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Hartman lived at 3?? West Jefferson Street, City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, 40.38932003057749,-91.93025430300409B.15
Cecil Edward Hartman was listed in William Fredrick Ahrens's obituary on Friday, 02.09.1938 at CLARK COUNTY COURIER, Kahoka, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.16

Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Hartman were bought land from Mrs. Lucy May Hartman and this transaction was recorded on 15.03.1940, and the land was described as Lot one (1) of block-thirty eight (38) of the first addition to the, City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.
As of 12.04.1940, Cecil Edward Hartman was also known as Cecil Hartman.17
Cecil Hartman and Joanna Hartman appeared on the 1940 Federal Census of the City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, with an effective date of Mon. 01.04.1940, and enumerated on Friday, 12.04.1940. Their children listed as living with them were Robert.

Cecil Hartman and Joanna Hartman appeared on the 1940 Federal Census of the City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, at 100 Block North Oak Street, with an effective date of Mon. 01.04.1940, and enumerated on Friday, 12.04.1940, his birthplace was given as Oklahoma, and his age was given as 27, and her birthplace was given as Missouri, and her age was given as 26..18

As of 06.1940, Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Hartman lived at 1?? N Oak Street, City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, 40.389948,-91.930062B.19
As of circa 1941, Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Hartman lived at 2?? North Main Street, City of Wyaconda, Wyaconda Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, 40.391468,-91.928079B.19
D. S. S. Form 201. (Rev. 29 March 1943)
Date of Mailing on 17.08.1943
You are directed to report for physical examination by the local board examiner at the time and place designated below:
Place of examination: Dr. J. R. Bridges, Kahoka, Missouri
at 2:00 P. M. on 27 August, 19 34. This examination will be of a preliminary nature, for the purpose of disclosing only obvious physical defects, and will not finally determine your acceptance or rejection by the armed forces.
L. E. Moore Member-Clerk of Local Board.
Local Board address: Local Board No: 1, Kahoka, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.
DSS Form 57 (rev. 12-10-43.)
Cecil Edward Hartman
Order No: 159 has been classified in Class II A
(Until 5 DECEMBER 1943)
By Local Board (by a vote of 4 to 0).
Date of Mailing 07.09.1943.
E R Long Member-Clerk of Local Board.
Local board address: Local Board No: 1, Kahoka, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.
Cecil Edward Hartman was in an article title "WITH THE COLORS" published on Friday, 17.09.1943 in newspaper CLARK COUNTY COURIER published in City of Kahoka, Township of Lincoln, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.20

DSS Form 57 (rev. 12-10-43.)
Cecil Edward Hartman
Order No: 159 has been classified in Class II A
(Until 22 May 1944)
By Local Board (by a vote of 3 to 0).
Date of Mailing 23.11.1943.
L E Moore Member-Clerk of Local Board.
Local board address: Local Board No: 1, Kahoka, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.
DSS Form 57 (rev. 12-10-43.)
Cecil Edward Hartman
Order No: 159 has been classified in Class II A
(Until 15 November 1944)
By Local Board (by a vote of 4 to 0).
Date of Mailing 17.05.1944.
E R Long Member-Clerk of Local Board.
Local board address: Local Board No: 1, Kahoka, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.
DSS Form 57 (rev. 12-10-43.)
Cecil Edward Hartman
Order No: 159 has been classified in Class II A
(Until 13 May 1945)
By Local Board (by a vote of 3 to 0).
Date of Mailing 14.11.1944.
H P Neeper Member-Clerk of Local Board.
Local board address: Local Board No: 1, Kahoka, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.
DSS Form 57 (rev. 12-10-43.)
Cecil Edward Hartman
Order No: 159 has been classified in Class I A
(Until ***)
By Local Board (by a vote of *** to ***).
Date of Mailing 03.04.1945.
F. H. Bartels Member-Clerk of Local Board.
Local board address: Local Board No: 1, Kahoka, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.
Cecil Edward Hartman was listed in Lucy May Black's obituary at The Clark County Courier, City of Kahoka, Lincoln Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.21

DSS Form 57 (rev. 12-10-43.)
Cecil Edward Hartman
Order No: 159 has been classified in Class II A(F)
(Until ***)
By Local Board (by a vote of *** to ***).
Date of Mailing 05.06.1945.
F. H. Bartels Member-Clerk of Local Board.
Local board address: Local Board No: 1, Kahoka, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.
Cecil Edward Hartman was in an article title "Wyaconda Cor. ___ Cecil Hartman who has been sick the past three weeks was operated on at Barnes hospital in St. Louis Tuesday. Mrs. Hartman and nurse, Grace Kurtz is with him." published on Friday, 17.05.1946.22
Cecil Edward Hartman was in an article title "WYACONDA .... Cecil Hartman, who has been a patient in the Barnes hospital, St. Louis, returned home this week. ...." published on Friday, 07.06.1946 in newspaper Clark County Courier page 10, col. 4 published in Kahoka, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.23
Cecil Edward Hartman witnessed the baptism of Robert William Hartman on 06.10.1946 at Wyaconda First Christian Church, City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, 40.389233,-91.929480B.10

Cecil Edward Hartman was living, but he/she was not listed in Joseph Oliver Barber's obituary on Friday, 10.01.1947 at City of Kahoka, Lincoln Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America, as a survivor.24
As of 09.04.1947, Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Barber lived at 235 North Maine Street, City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.25
As of circa 15.04.1948, Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Hartman lived at 1041 Boone Street, Troy City, Lincoln County, State of Missouri, United States of America, 38.97615731241946,-90.98815756002944B.26
As of circa 05.1949, Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Hartman lived at 971 Boone Street, City of Troy, County of Lincoln, State of Missouri, United States of America, 38.976406491993394,-90.98732494906609B.27
Cecil Edward Hartman witnessed the graduation of Robert William Hartman on 18.05.1949 at Troy Elementry School, City of Troy, County of Lincoln, State of Missouri, United States of America.10
Cecil Edward Hartman was employed circa 1950 at Auburn Junction, Lincoln County, State of Missouri, United States of America.28
As of circa 06.1952, Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Hartman lived at 299 Buchanan Court, City of Troy, County of Lincoln, State of Missouri, United States of America.29 Cecil Edward Hartman attended Robert William Hartman's graduation on 21.05.1953 at Buchanan High School, City of Troy, County of Lincolin, State of Missouri, United States of America.10
As of circa 08.1953, Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Hartman lived at 293 East Jefferson Street, Perry, County of Ralls, State of Missouri, United States of America.30 Cecil Edward Hartman, as the father of the groom, attended the wedding of Gary Lee Hartman and Jane Allen Boucher on 18.09.1966 at Boucher home, City of Kirksville, County of Adair, State of Missouri, United States of America.10
As of circa 1974, Cecil Edward Hartman lived at 605 E. Acton Ave., Wood River, County of Madison, State of Illinois, United States of America.
Cecil Edward Hartman died on Sunday, 30.05.1993, in Keokuk Area Hospital, Keokuk, Lee County, State of Iowa, United States of America, at age 80 years, 4 months and 13 days.31,32
Cecil Edward Hartman's obituary was in the newspaper on Wednesday, 02.06.1993 in Hometown Journal, City of Kahoka, Lincoln Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America. Joanna Mae Barber, Robert William Hartman, Gary Lee Hartman, Barbara Ann Hartman, Frances Clydean Hartman and Margaret Lorine Hartman were listed as survivors. Chester Lee Hartman preceded him in death.33
Cecil Edward Hartman was buried in Wednesday, 02.06.1993, in Wyaconda Cemetery, in the plot at Lat/Lon: 40.39578,091.92562, in the City of Wyaconda, Township of Wyaconda, in the County of Clark, in the State of Missouri, in the Country of United States of America.31,34
The Death Certificate had the following information: Cecil at Keokuk Area Hospital, Keokuk, Lee County, State of Iowa, United States of America, at age 80 years, 4 months and 17 days, the attending physician was Neville O. Crenshaw Dr. DO., and Shaffer & Sons Funeral Home was the undertaker, and the local register received the certificate on Thursday, 03.06.1993.35
Cecil Edward Hartman died before Joanna Mae Barber and was mentioned in Joanna Mae Barber's obituary on Wednesday, 07.07.1993 at City of Kahoka, Township of Lincoln, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.

The burial place for Cecil Edward Hartman is the Wyaconda Cemetery in the City of Wyaconda, the Township of Wyaconda, the County of Clark, the State of Missouri, and the United States of America.
Additional information may be at an off-site Web Page as seen on Friday, 12.08.2022 at Find A Grave, Memorial #: 108626199 (place number in (Memorial #:) field then click Search.)36
Family | Joanna Mae Barber b. 19.08.1913, d. 07.07.1993 |
Marriage* | Cecil Edward Hartman married Joanna Mae Barber, daughter of Joseph William Barber and Ethel May Schuster, on Monday, 31.07.1933, the Baptist Parsonage, City of Kahoka, Lincoln Township, County of Clark, State of Missouri, United States of America.10 ![]() |
Children |
- [S7] Cecil E. Hartman, Birth Certificate 32, Place of Birth County of Alfalfa, Township of Karoma, of the Village of Goltry, OK. Request for birth Certificate April 01, 2002 (no date).
- [S2] Family Search (Database), online, "United States Census, 1920", database with images, FamilySearch ( 3 February 2021), W P Hartman, 1920.
- [S753] Enid Morning News, 19 November 1924, 2?
- [S73] The Goltry Ledger, 22 November 1924, One, 24 Aug 1924.
- [S259] "enumerated date" 22 April 1930, "US Census", unknown location, "population schedule" Wyaconda City, "ED" 18, "SD" 4 "sheet number" 4B/278B, "dwelling" 113 "family" 116.
- [S4] The Arkalon News, 12 January 1888, 4, Clipped from on 4 Sept 2021
20 MARCH 1931
Volume XXXVI. Number 26
MEDILL. - [S4] The Arkalon News, 12 January 1888, 4, Clipped from on 4 Sept 2021
20 MARCH 1931
Volume XXXVI. Number 26
WYACONDA. - [S4] The Arkalon News, 12 January 1888, 4, Clipped from on 4 Sept 2021
20 MARCH 1931
Volume XXXVI. Number 26
WYACONDA. - [S4] The Arkalon News, 12 January 1888, 4,
Clipped on 20 Feb 2021 from
Clark County Courier, Kahoka, Missouri
03 Apr 1931, Fri • Page 8 col 3. - [S50] Interview, unknown informant.
- [S5] Soldiers Database: War of 1812 - World War I on line, by unknown photographer, Copy of birth certificate from the State Registrar of Vital Statistics (VS 17 March 1960).
- [S50] Interview, unknown informant, The house has been known as the residence of Dr. and Mrs. B. F. Huchanson from 1940 to 2006 time period.
- [S50] Interview, unknown informant, From picture and information passed down.
- [S50] Interview, unknown informant, From information pased down and picture.
- [S50] Interview, unknown informant, Information pased down and picture.
- [S1599], online,
Clark County Courier
Kahoka, Missouri
2 SEP 1938
Page 2, Col. 2. - [S612] 12 April 1940, US Census, State of Missouri, County of Clark, Township of Wyaconda, City of Wyaconda, “Population Schedule,” “Enumeration District Number:” 23-19, “Supervisor's District Number: 01, State of MO, Clark County, “Page Number:” 003B/121B, “Family Number:” 071, Citing this Record
"United States Census, 1940," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 4 March 2017), Cecil Hartman, Wyaconda, Wyaconda Township, Clark, Missouri, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) 23-19, sheet 3B, line 47, family 71, Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940, NARA digital publication T627. Records of the Bureau of the Census, 1790 - 2007, RG 29. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 2012, roll 2096.
Citing this Record
"United States Census, 1940," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 23 April 2018), Cecil Hartman, Wyaconda, Wyaconda Township, Clark, Missouri, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) 23-19, sheet 3B, line 47, family 71, Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940, NARA digital publication T627. Records of the Bureau of the Census, 1790 - 2007, RG 29. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 2012, roll 2096.
Household Role Sex Age Birthplace
Cecil Hartman Head M 27 Oklahoma
Joanna Hartman Wife F 26 Missouri
Robert Hartman Son M 5 Missouri
Barbara Ann Hartman Daughter F 1 Iowa. - [S612] 12 April 1940, US Census, State of Missouri, County of Clark, Township of Wyaconda, City of Wyaconda, “Population Schedule,” “Enumeration District Number:” 23-19, “Supervisor's District Number: 01, State of MO, Clark County, “Page Number:” 003B/121B, “Family Number:” 071.
- [S50] Interview, unknown informant, From information pased down and pictures.
- [S4] The Arkalon News, 12 January 1888, 4, as downloaded 20 Feb 2021.
- [S99] Clark County Courier, 7 May 1926, Obituary, Vol. 56, No 60 18 May 1945.
- [S4] The Arkalon News, 12 January 1888, 4, Clark County Courier
17 May 1946, Friday
Page 1
WYACONDA. - [S4] The Arkalon News, 12 January 1888, 4,
Clipped 20 Feb 2021
from Clark County Courier
Kahoka, Missouri
07 Jun 1946, Fri • Page 10 col. 4. - [S1379] Kahoka GTazette-Herald, ca 19 January 1947, as seen ca 2000.
- [S50] Interview, unknown informant, From information I remember, passed down, and pictures.
- [S50] Interview, unknown informant, What I recall.
- [S50] Interview, unknown informant, Whit I recall.
- [S50] Interview, unknown informant, The picture was in the Comp. paper around 1950.
- [S50] Interview, unknown informant, What I rember.
- [S50] Interview, unknown informant, What I rember.
- [S46] Hometown Journal, 2 June 1993.
- [S25] Social Security Death Index, unknown file number, SSDI, unknown series, 487-10-5199.
- [S46] Hometown Journal, 2 June 1993, Publish 2 June 1993, Kahoka, MO 63445-1661.
- [S50] Interview, unknown informant, Medsure latitude and longitude 15 Mar 2006.
- [S212] Registrar of Vital Records, microfiche.
- [S1691] Find A Grave by Ancestry, online…, Find a Grave, database and images (… accessed 12 August 2022), memorial page for Cecil Edward Hartman (17 Jan 1913–30 May 1993), Find a Grave Memorial ID 108626199, citing Wyaconda Cemetery, Wyaconda, Clark County, Missouri, USA; Maintained by Robert Hartman (contributor 47647754).
Kuei Lan Hsu
F, #30, b. 23.11.1945
Father* | Yen Hsu b. c 1910 |
Mother* | Chin Chu Hsu b. c 1910 |
Last Edited | 23.05.2023 |
Kuei Lan Hsu was in an article title "The Chinese name for Amy is Hsu Kuei Lan, the surname in Asia ia used first."
On Friday, 23.11.1945, Kuei Lan Hsu was born at the Hsien Yu Li, the Huo Lien, the Taiwan Province, the Republic of China. She is the daughter of Yen Hsu and Chin Chu Hsu.
As of 01.10.1971, Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman and Robert William Hartman lived at No. 10, Alley 45, Lane 201, Wei Tao Road, Taichung City, Taiwan Province, Republic of China.1
Kuei Lan Hsu married Robert William Hartman, son of Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Barber, on Monday, 04.10.1971, the Taichung City, Taiwan Province, Republic of China.
As of 10.06.1973, Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman and Robert William Hartman lived at 5013B Grover Ave, Scott Air Force Base, County of St Clair, State of Illinois, United States of America.1
As of 03.07.1974, Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman and Robert William Hartman lived at 1626 Cole Village, University Park, County of Dona Ana, State of New Mexico, United States of America.1
As of 08.1976, Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman and Robert William Hartman lived at 1508 Standley Dr., University Park, County of Dona Ana, State of New Mexico, United States of America.1 Kuei Lan Hsu witnessed the naturalization of Chin Hsiu Hsu on 17.08.1977 at District Court, City of Las Cruces, County of Dona Ana, State of Mexico, United States of America.1
Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman was naturalized on 17.08.1977 at District Court, City of Las Cruces, County of Dona Ana, State of New Mexico, United States of America; Alien Registration number A34 190 913 Petition No: 3100
The Govener of New Mexico was the speaker.2
As of 02.1978, Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman and Robert William Hartman lived at RFD # 1 Bluebird Apt.#60, Holts Summit, County of Callaway, State of Missouri, United States of America.1
As of 06.1978, Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman and Robert William Hartman lived at 1219 E. Duncklin St, Jefferson City, County of Cole, State of Missouri, United States of America.1
As of 05.1983, Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman and Robert William Hartman lived at 2465 S. Old Highway 94, Saint Charles, County of Saint Charles, State of Missouri, United States of America.1 Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman witnessed the marriage of Helen Chin Hsiu Hsu Hartman and Lawrence M Ohmes on Saturday, 29.11.1986 the Community Chapel Ft. Hood Military Reservation, Ft. Hood Military Reservation, Killeen, County of Bell, State of Texas, United States of America.1
Robert William Hartman filed for divorce from Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman on 10.03.1989 at 2465 S. Old Highway 94, City of Saint Charles, County of Saint Charles, State of Missouri, United States of America.3
Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman and Robert William Hartman were divorced on 26.01.1990 at Decree of Dissolution, City of Saint Charles, County of Saint Charles, State of Missouri, United States of America.4
Kuei Lan Hsu remarried Robert William Hartman, son of Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Barber, on 11.06.1993 at 201 North Second St., Saint Charles, County of Saint Charles, State of Missouri, United States of America.5
Amy K. L. Hartman published on Thursday, 29.09.1994 in newspaper JOURNALS - Entertainment and Life published in County of Saint Charles, State of Missouri, United States of America. She witnessed the marriage of William Hsu Hartman and Laure E Gonin on Friday, 24.03.2000 the Court House, Saint Charles, County of Saint Charles, State of Missouri, United States of America.1
Kuei Lan Hsu witnessed the graduation of Michael L. Ohmes on 27.05.2005 at Fort Knox Military Reservation, County of Hardin, Commonwealth of Kentucky, United States of America.1
Kuei Lan Hsu witnessed the graduation of Helen M. Ohmes on 27.05.2005 at Fort Knox Military Reservation, County of Hardin, Commonwealth of Kentucky, United States of America.1
On Friday, 23.11.1945, Kuei Lan Hsu was born at the Hsien Yu Li, the Huo Lien, the Taiwan Province, the Republic of China. She is the daughter of Yen Hsu and Chin Chu Hsu.
As of 01.10.1971, Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman and Robert William Hartman lived at No. 10, Alley 45, Lane 201, Wei Tao Road, Taichung City, Taiwan Province, Republic of China.1
Kuei Lan Hsu married Robert William Hartman, son of Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Barber, on Monday, 04.10.1971, the Taichung City, Taiwan Province, Republic of China.
As of 10.06.1973, Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman and Robert William Hartman lived at 5013B Grover Ave, Scott Air Force Base, County of St Clair, State of Illinois, United States of America.1
As of 03.07.1974, Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman and Robert William Hartman lived at 1626 Cole Village, University Park, County of Dona Ana, State of New Mexico, United States of America.1
As of 08.1976, Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman and Robert William Hartman lived at 1508 Standley Dr., University Park, County of Dona Ana, State of New Mexico, United States of America.1 Kuei Lan Hsu witnessed the naturalization of Chin Hsiu Hsu on 17.08.1977 at District Court, City of Las Cruces, County of Dona Ana, State of Mexico, United States of America.1
Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman was naturalized on 17.08.1977 at District Court, City of Las Cruces, County of Dona Ana, State of New Mexico, United States of America; Alien Registration number A34 190 913 Petition No: 3100
The Govener of New Mexico was the speaker.2
As of 02.1978, Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman and Robert William Hartman lived at RFD # 1 Bluebird Apt.#60, Holts Summit, County of Callaway, State of Missouri, United States of America.1
As of 06.1978, Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman and Robert William Hartman lived at 1219 E. Duncklin St, Jefferson City, County of Cole, State of Missouri, United States of America.1
As of 05.1983, Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman and Robert William Hartman lived at 2465 S. Old Highway 94, Saint Charles, County of Saint Charles, State of Missouri, United States of America.1 Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman witnessed the marriage of Helen Chin Hsiu Hsu Hartman and Lawrence M Ohmes on Saturday, 29.11.1986 the Community Chapel Ft. Hood Military Reservation, Ft. Hood Military Reservation, Killeen, County of Bell, State of Texas, United States of America.1
Robert William Hartman filed for divorce from Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman on 10.03.1989 at 2465 S. Old Highway 94, City of Saint Charles, County of Saint Charles, State of Missouri, United States of America.3
Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman and Robert William Hartman were divorced on 26.01.1990 at Decree of Dissolution, City of Saint Charles, County of Saint Charles, State of Missouri, United States of America.4
Kuei Lan Hsu remarried Robert William Hartman, son of Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Barber, on 11.06.1993 at 201 North Second St., Saint Charles, County of Saint Charles, State of Missouri, United States of America.5
Amy K. L. Hartman published on Thursday, 29.09.1994 in newspaper JOURNALS - Entertainment and Life published in County of Saint Charles, State of Missouri, United States of America. She witnessed the marriage of William Hsu Hartman and Laure E Gonin on Friday, 24.03.2000 the Court House, Saint Charles, County of Saint Charles, State of Missouri, United States of America.1
Kuei Lan Hsu witnessed the graduation of Michael L. Ohmes on 27.05.2005 at Fort Knox Military Reservation, County of Hardin, Commonwealth of Kentucky, United States of America.1
Kuei Lan Hsu witnessed the graduation of Helen M. Ohmes on 27.05.2005 at Fort Knox Military Reservation, County of Hardin, Commonwealth of Kentucky, United States of America.1
Family | Robert William Hartman b. 16.04.1935 |
Marriage | Kuei Lan Hsu married Robert William Hartman, son of Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Barber, on Monday, 04.10.1971, the Taichung City, Taiwan Province, Republic of China. |
Divorce FILED* | Robert William Hartman filed for divorce from Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman on 10.03.1989 at 2465 S. Old Highway 94, City of Saint Charles, County of Saint Charles, State of Missouri, United States of America.3 |
Divorce | Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman and Robert William Hartman were divorced on 26.01.1990 at Decree of Dissolution, City of Saint Charles, County of Saint Charles, State of Missouri, United States of America.4 |
Remarriage | Kuei Lan Hsu remarried Robert William Hartman, son of Cecil Edward Hartman and Joanna Mae Barber, on 11.06.1993 at 201 North Second St., Saint Charles, County of Saint Charles, State of Missouri, United States of America.5 |
Children |
- [S50] Interview, unknown informant.
- [S431] Robert William Hartman Certificate of Naturalization, 10080268 (17 August 1977), 2465 S. Old Highway 94, Saint Charles, County of Saint Charles, State of Missouri, United States of America.
- [S225] Robert W. Hartman v. Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman, CV189-0746DR: CV189-0746 DR, Recorder of Deeds, St. Charles Co., MO.
- [S225] Robert W. Hartman v. Amy Hsu Kuei Lan Hartman, CV189-0746DR: Dissolution granted as of this date Jan 26, 1990, Recorder of Deeds, St. Charles Co., MO.
- [S52] Book 93 unknown file number.