Clark County Courier

Kahoka, MO. 30 May 1924

Vol. XXIX., Number 35

Page 5 col. 6



Sunday, May 25, a large number of relatives gathered at the beautiful country home of Isaac Snider to celebrate Mr. Snider’s eighty-ninth birthday.

At the noon hour all filed in the dining room around two large tables which were filled with good things to eat. Mitch Hottle, a nephew of Mr. Snider, offered the prayer of thanks. The dinner was served cafeteria style.

The social hour was spent in old fashioned visiting and taking pictures. The hours seemed short as the afternoon passed away and the time for departure soon came. The guest left wishing Mr. Snider many more happy birthdays.

Those who were present were, namely: Mrs. Emma Erickson and children, Everet, Marion and Esther; Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Erickson and children, Beulah and Harley; Mrs. Julia Barber, Mr. and Mrs. Mitch Hottle and sons, James and Wallace; Mrs. Beagle, Mr. and Mrs. John Hottle and son, George, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Barber, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Huptman and son James, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Barber and daughters, Hilma and Johanna Mar, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Scifres and son, Virgil, Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Weber and son John Milton, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hines and son Carey, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hottle, and Mr. and Mrs. Morris O’Brien.