Unknown newspaper
abt 24/12/1929


The day before Christmas Miss Hilma M. Barber, daughter of judge and Mrs. Joseph Barber of Wyaconda, and Mr. Carl Bradford, the genial secretary of th (the) M. F. A. (Missouri Farmer Aassociation) in Clark County came to the residence of Rev. and Mrs: D: F: Bartine (Mrs. D. F. Bartine) in Kahoka and were married at 6:30 P: M:: (P. M.)
The young people were accompanied by Miss Johanna Barber, a sister of the bride, and Mr. Russell Tweed of Wyaconda.
he (The) future home of these newly weds is to be Kahoka where the blushing groom had already prepared a ome (home) in the north ed (end) of town.
The host of friends and acquaintences (acquaintances) wish them great happiness and sucess.