Clark County Courier, Vol 56, Number 36, 11 May 1945


     Memorial services for the late Franklin Delano Roosevelt were held Sunday, April 15, at 11a. m., at the Wyaconda Christian church with the following program:

Prelude-Selections from New World Symphony by Dvorak Mrs. Fred Wilson
Song "Master Let Me Walk With Thee" Mrs. Harold Clough and Mrs. B. F. Hutchinson
Scripture reading 1 Corinthians, 13th Chapter Kenneth Fry
Song "In the Garden" Mrs. Harold Clough and Mrs. B. F. Hutchinson
Tribute to Franklin D. Roosevelt Cecil Raine
     In his memory a candle was placed on the altar table by Richard Suter and lighted by Billy VanNorth, while Mrs. Clay Sharts read selected pomes. Robert Hartman, Bobby Nichols, Kenner Hutchinson, Allan Horton and Billy Nichols covered the alter table with sprays of white Lilacs.
Song "When Morning Dawns" Carl V. Roach
Benedictory prayer, Fred Londenberg.