The Goltry News (Goltry, Oklahoma)
16 September 1910 Friday
page 1, Col. 2
As seen on, by Ancestry on 23 March 2020



The country residence of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Black (Henry Lee), 2 miles east of town, was the scene of a very pretty home wedding on Wednesday (14 September 1910) evening, when their eldest daughter, Lucy May, was united in marriage with Mr. Wm. P., son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hartman (William Henry). The ceremony was performed at 7:30 (19:30 hr.) by the Rev. Harry R. McKeen, pastor of the Goltry Congregational church, in the presence of about 40 guests, which included members of the families of the contracting parties, young friends of the bride and groom, and old friends of the families. The bride and groom were attended to the altar by Mr. Albert Black, a brother of the bride, and Miss Matilda Mahaffee of Goltry. The bridal party entered the parlors to the strains of Lohengrin’s wedding march rendered by Mrs. Louise Voss. After congratulations the wedding party was invited to the dining room where a sumptuous wedding supper was served.

The evening was pleasantly spent in social games and conversation and the guests departed for their homes at a seasonable hour, wishing Mr. and Mrs. Hartman smooth sailing on the matrimonial sea.

The News joins the many friends of these popular young people in congratulations. Both were raised in this community and are leaders in social and church affairs. Mr. Hartman is employed at Madison & Boyer’s. They will go to housekeeping in Goltry as soon as a house can be erected.

They were the recipients of many useful and beautiful presents.

Those present were Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hartman, father and mother of the groom; Pearl, Nellie, Charles, Chris, Earnest and Frank Hartman; Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Black, father and mother of the bride; Albert and Lorene Black; Bertha and Elmer Skaggs, of Lahoma; Dr. and Mrs. T. A. Rhodes, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Stokesberry, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Voss, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Boyer, Rev. and Mrs. H. R. McKeen, Cylde Parks, Jacob Buller, Philip Johnson, Bessie Ravenscraft, Nellie Cross and Matilda Mahaffee.