Clark County Courier
Kahoka, Mo.
May 7, 1926


John William Schuster, Son of John G. and Magdalena Schuster was born at Warsaw, Illinois, March 2d, 1856. Died at his late and permanent home east of Wyaconda, Missouri, May 1st, 1926. He was 70 years, 1 month and 29 days old. His death was timely and apprehended for some time, but the end came suddenly and peacefully.

He was the son of pioneers. His parents were numbered among the first settlers of this vicinity, locating here in the spring of 1865. Mr. Schuster was a native son of Illinois, accompanying and settling with his parents in Clark County, in the neighborhood contiguous to the late residence of his death.

Mr. Schuster was united in matrimony to Miss Joanna Blizzard November 21, 1880. His wife, Mrs Joanna Schuster, preceded him in death June 1901. To this union were born three children: Miss Grace B. Schuster and Mrs. Ethel May Barber, both of Wyaconda, Missouri, and George William Schuster of the Cama community.

There are numbered among his near relatives one sister, four brothers and four grandchildren.

The deceased was a man of find character, possessing a fine spirited personality, influential and highly respected in the community in which he has long resided.

He was a member of the Carmel Methodist church. His conversion and admission to the membership of the church was under the minister of Rev. Matt Sexsmith January 1889. He revered, loved and served his Lord and Master, and maintained an undiminished faith, clarity of noble purpose and a certitude of christian grace and experience unto the end. He possessed a character worthy of honorable mention on this occasion, and the community has lost one of its finest citizens in the passing of Mr. Schuster.

May we not pass to his dependents, and friends and neighbors his express wish: his fatherly benediction; his brotherly comity and cordial words of fellowship to those whose presence here today would perpetuate a listing memoir to this good man, this loving father, and faithful friend and brother.