The Morning Union
page 4, col. 5
Mrs. Daisy Bradford, Native of City, Is Dead in San Mateo
Grass Valley, California
11 February 1923
as copy from on 6 May 2020


Mrs. Daisy Bradford, daughter of the late Mark Shaver, and his wife, former residents of this city, died on Friday evening at her home in San Mateo, death following an operation. News of her death will come as a distinct shock to friends of the family living in this city, as no word of her illness had been received by them.
Mrs. Bradford was born in this city and at the time of her death was about 42 years. The family lived on Pine street just across the Galt bridge for many years. They left this city a number of years ago to make their home in San Mateo county.
She is survived by her husband (Clyde Bradford), her mother, Mrs. Mark Shaver, and one sister, Mrs. Bertha Dennison.