The Goltry News (Goltry, Oklahoma)
20 Feb 1914, Friday Page 1
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On Tuesday evening, Feb. 17, a large number of relatives and friends gathered at the home of Mrs. Eliza Malaby to witness the ceremony which united her daughter Nellie B. and Christopher C. Hartman in marriage.

At 6 o’clock the dridal (bridal) party, consisting of Rev. Mr. Oakes the bride and groom, and Mr. and Mrs. John Streich, Jr., marched into the parlor to the strains of “Mendelloshon’s Wedding March”, played Mrs. Geo. Voss, an Aunt of the bride, and took their places under a bower of evergreen and white roses.

After a short, but impressive ceremony, the assembled guests were invited to the dining rooms where a bountiful two-course dinner was served.

Many useful presents were received.

Those present were:

Mrs. Dicks, the bride’s grandmother
Mrs. Eliza Malaby
Mrs. Elyeem of Enid
Mr. Averill Malaby
John Streich Junior Jr. and wife
Harry Dicks and wife
Wm. Felty and wife
Geo. Voss and wife
John Voss and wife
Albert Black and wife,
W. H. Hartman and wife
W. P. Hartman and wife
Chas Hartman and wife
Messrs Robt. Hulsey
Earnest Hartman
Frank Hartman
Frank Crawford and son, Johnny and Harvey
Ed Huyck and wife and daughter Bessie
Gus Pekrul
Rev. Oakes and wife
Ray Hartman
Misses Alice Dicks
Pearl Hartman
Nellie Hartman
Lula Hartman
Nellie Scarlett
Anna Streich
Margaret Streich
Nellie Cross and
Matilda Mahaffey