Clark County Courier
Kahoka, Missouri
Feb. 28, 1902

     Mrs. Wm. Hauptman died at her home near Woodville, last Sunday mooring at 2 o'clock. The funeral occurred Monday at 11 o'clock and was conducted by Rev. Mat Sexsmith, burial in Woodville cemetery. A husband and one child survive to mourn the loss of a loving and faithful wife and mother.
     Deceased was a victim of that dreaded and fatal disease, consumption (TB). She was a daughter of Isaac Boley. Was married to William Hauptman November 18, 1889. To this happy union was born one daughter, Georgia Irene, eight years of age.
     Sister Hauptman was an obedient child, a devoted wife, a loving mother and a kind friend. She was a member of the Methodist Protestant church, and was a true Christian. She leaves a husband, one child, an aged father, three sisters and two brothers to mourn their loss.
     The funeral services were conducted by Rev. M. Sexsmith, in the Woodville church, Feb 24, 1901. A large concourse of relatives and friends at tended the funeral. Text, "St. John 14:1-3."
     The remains were interred in the cemetery near by to await the resurrection of the dead. The large congregation in attendance spoke of the high esteem in which the deceased was held. A Friend.