1850 US Census Transcription

Microfilm Publication Number: M 432
Roll Number: 212
Free Inhabitants in: the City of Maysville, in District No. 1
In the County of: Mason
State of: Kentucky
Date enumerated: 9 August 1850
Enumerated by: R. H. Collins
Stamped number: 45
District number: 1


Line number: 37
(01) Dwelling-houses number in the order of visitation: 188
(02) Families numbered in the order of visitation: 208
(03) The Name of every Person whose usual place of abode on this first day of June, 1850, was in this family: William Cress
(04) Age: 19
(05) Sex: M (Male)
(06) Color, : (blank=White)
(07) Profession, Occupation, or Trade of each Male Person over 15 years of age: Blacksmith
(08) Value of Real Estate owned: $0.00
(09) Naming the State, Territory, or Country: Germany
(10) Married within the year:
(11) Attended School within the year:
(12) Persons over 20 years of age who cannot read and write:
(13) Whether deaf and dumb, blind, insane, idiotic, pauper, or convict: