1880 US Census Transcription

Microfilm publication Number: T 9
Roll Number: 337
Page number: 3C/266C
Supervisor's District Number: 1
Enumeration District Number: 116
Inhabitants in: 5th Ward in Burlington
In County of: Des Moines
State of: Iowa
Enumerated date: 1 June 1880
Enumerated by: Charles William


Line number: 27
Name of Street: S. 3td Street
House Number: 306
(1) Dwelling-houses, numbered the order of visitation: 18
(2) Families, numbered in the order of visitation: 19
(3) The name of every person whose place of abode on the first day of June, 1880, was in this family: Cress, William A.
(4) Color--White (W.), Black (B.), Chinese (C.), Indian (I.): W (white)
(5) Sex (Male M, Female F): M (male)
(6) Age at last birthday. If under 1 year, give months in fractions, thus, 3/12: 28
(7) If born within the Census year, give the month:
(8) Relationship of each person to the head of this family--whether wife, son, daughter, servant, boarder, or other: Self
Civil Condition
(9) Single, /:
(10) Married, /: / (Married)
(11) Widowed, / divorced, D:
(12) Married during Census year, /:
(13) Profession, Occupation, or Trade of each person, male or female: R. R. Flagman
(14) Number of months this person has been unemployed:
(15) Is the person (on the day of the Enumerator's visit) sick or temporarily disabled, so as to be unable to attend to ordinary business or duties? If so, what is the sickness or disability?
(16) Blind, /:
(17) Deaf and Dumb, ?:
(18) Idiotic, /:
(19) Insane, /:
(20) Maimed, Crippled, Bedridden, or otherwise disabled, /:
(21)Attended school within the year, /:
(22) Cannot read, /:
(23) Cannot write /:
(24) Place of Birth of this person, naming State or Territory of United States; or the Country, if of foreign birth: Kentucky
(25) Place of Birth of the Father of this person, naming State or Territory of United States; or the Country, if of foreign birth: Germany
(24) Place of Birth of the Mother of this person, naming State or Territory of United States; or the Country, if of foreign birth: Kentucky