13 June 1913

     The subject of this sketch, Daniel B. (Boone) Hayden, was born in Hardin County Kentucky, October 30, 1833. He was a son of John S. and Mary A Hayden. When quite small he came with his parents to Iowa. There he remained until 1852 when he came to Clark County, Missouri, where he remained to the day of his death. This took place at his old home June 7, 1913.
He was married twice; first to Miss Elizabeth Roberts; second to Miss Frances Black, daughter of Henry and Malinad (Malinda) Black. He was married to the first lady in 1857. She died in 1862, leaving him and two sons, William and Benjamin Hayden. He was then married to the second, March 28, 1867. She died leaving him and five children, Ezra (Edward) C., Jesse A., Ervin (Irvin), George, and Mrs. Rose L. LaFrenz to mourn their loss.
The funeral of Daniel B. Hayden took place at the New Woodville Baptist church, June 8, conducted by the writer. Mr. Hayden had been a member of this church for over thirty years.
He died leaving seven children, nineteen grandchildren, one great-grand-child, one sister, Mrs. Rachel Speer, and many other relatives, besides a host of friends to mourn his loss.
“Uncle Dan,” as he was commonly called, was a good Christian man, a devoted husband, a kind father, and a respected citizen.
After the death of his last wife Mr. Hayden made his home with his son, Erwin and wife, who were kind and attentive to him in the remainder of his days and his last afflction (affliction).
Brother Hayden was an old war veteran, one who went upon the field and fought for what he believed to be right, but lost. He belonged to the trans-Mississippi department, Co. B. 10th Mo. Inf. In all this unfortunate struggle he was a courageous solder, ever at his post of duty. He fought to the last ditch, bravely surrendered and returned home to live the life of a good citizen. This he did as all can testify.
His remains were followed to the grave by a great host of friends.
So an old veteran is gone, full of years and good deeds.