Joseph Wells, farmer, is a native of Nelson County, Ky., where he was born June 10, 1816. His parents, Thomas and Mary (Auskins) (Hoskins rwh) Wells, were natives of Pennsylvania and Kentucky. They were married in the latter State, and came to Lewis County, MO., in 1837; after renting there for about one year they became permanent residents of Clark County, where the father died in 1854, and the mother twenty years later. Our subject was educated in his native State, and began independently at the age of twenty-two; he soon married, and settled where he has since resided. His wife, Elizabeth, a daughter of Hezekiah and Frances (Ford) Foree, was born December 15, 1815, in Oldham County, Ky., and came with her parents to Missouri in 1838; she was married November 17, 1839. Of their twelve children the following are living: William H., Isaac M., Mary F., Thomas, Elizabeth A., Judith, Emily C., Joseph M., Robert and Susan. Our subject's estate embraces over 330 acres, which is mostly improved and cultivated, and in a pleasant location. Our subject has been prominent in the growth of the county, and is closely identified with its history. He first voted for Harrison, and held Whig principles, but afterward became a Democrat. His entire family have been active members of the /Baptist Church.