Missouri State Archives
County of Clark
Record Type, Deed
Book/Volume C
Deeds page 574 and 575
Reel C 1688

(Dixon to Deed Black)

Page 574
This Indenture, made and entered into this 13th day of September A. D. 1842 between William F Dixon and Julyann his wife of the County of Clark and State of Missouri of the one part and Stephen Black of the County and State afsd (1) of the other part witnessed: that said Dixon & Wife for and in consideration of twenty five dollars to them paid in hand have granted bargained and sold by these presents do grant bargain and sold unto sd (2) Stephen Black his heirs and a pignus forever the afsd (1) the following described lots or parcels of land in the Town of Waterloo in

Page 575
sd (2) County Known on the plat thereof as lots number 77 and 78 in Block No 9. together with every privilege and appurtenance thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining and the said Dixon and wife Covenant with sd (2) Black that they will warrant and forever defend the title to sd (2) lots from and against the claims of all persons whatsoever.
In witness whereof said Dixon and Wife hath herein to set their hand and seal the Deed witness.
William F Dixon (Seal)
Julia Ann Dixon (Seal)

State of Missouri
County of Clark Set.
               Be it remembered that on this fourteenth day of Sept. Eighteen hundred and forty two before me John DeIrman a Justice of the Peace within and for the County of Clark William Dixon & Juli Ann Dixon his wife both personally known to me to be the person, whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument of writing and acknowledge the same to be there acts and deed for the proposes therein curtained.
Here the said Juli Ann Dixon being by me first made acquainted with the contents thereof and examined separate and apart from her husband whether she execute said deed relinquishes her dower to the lands and tenements therein mentioned voluntarily and freely and without coursfulsion or under influence of her husband acknowledged and declared that she excited this said deed as relegates her dower to the lands and //// ///mamtaines voluntarily freely and compulsion or undue influence of her said husband.
Taken and ccorliped (accorded) this day and date aforesaid.
John DeIrman J.P.C.Co
Filed in my office for record April 30, 1843
Willis Curd Recorder
(1)abbreviate of aforesaid (afsd).
(2)abbreviate of said (sd).