As seen on NEWSPAPERS.COM on 2 July 2022
27 OCT 1937 WED. PAGE 6 COL. 2
Hanover, Ill., Oct. 27.—Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Ruth Garrow and John Hudson, a well-known young couple of this couple of this community, who were married at the parsonage of the Methodist church in Dubuque at 4 o’clock Saturday afternoon by the pastor, the Rev. Hugh D. Atchison. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Campbell, of Hanover.
The bride wore a gown of blue and accessories of taupe while her attendant was attired in a dress of similar shade.
The bride is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Garrow, of Hanover, and has always lived in this vicinity. She attended the local grade and high school. Mr. Hudson is the younger son of Eugene Hudson and has always lived here. He graduated from the Hanover community high school in 1928. Both are employed in the Hanover Woolen mill.
Following the ceremony, the bridal party went to the Triangle Café where a three-course wedding dinner was served. Mr. and Mrs. Hudson will make their home in Hanover.