Clark County Courier
Kahoka, MO
Dec. 23, 1921


     J. F. Hauptmann was born September 20, 1873, and died at the Graham hospital in Keokuk, Iowa, December 18, 1921, being at the time of his demise 48 years, 2 months and 28 days of age. His illness extended over a period of three years, but since last June his health has failed him rapidly.
     He was converted at the age of 14 under the ministry of Rev. Ed. Smith and united with the church at Mt. Carmel. Later he moved his membership to the Wyaconda Christian church and lived a devoted christian life until the time of his death.
     He was united in marriage to Miss Anna Phelps March 20, 1901. To this union there were born five children: Earl, Lorene, Vivian, Edward, and Juanita, all of whom survive their father and are still at home with their mother.
     Mr. Hauptmann was a son of Mr. and Mrs. August Hauptmann and was the third child of a family of seven: two sisters older than he died in early childhood. There are left to mourn their loss his aged father and mother, two brothers, G. C. Hauptmann and W. A. Hauptmann, both of Wyaconda, and two sisters, Laura Hauptmann of Wyaconda, and Mrs. Bertie Young, also of Wyaconda. Besides his immediate relatives he leaves a large number of neighbors and friends to mourn his untimely death.
     He was a member of the Modern Woodmen of America and the Royal Neighbors, both of which held him in very high regard and extend their fraternal sympathy to his bereaved family.
     Out of regard for his feelings we offer no eulogy other, than his life which was lived among you. He wrote his own record in the actions of his daily life knowing "that by their fruits ye shall know them."
     Funeral services were conducted by his pastor, V. T. Wood from the Wyaconda Christian church Tuesday morning. Burial in Wyaconda cemetery.