Clark County Courier
Kahoka, Missouri
September 15, 1922

     Charles Hauptmann, son of Frederick and Mary Hauptmann, was born in Clark county, MO., on the 25th of October, 1843, and departed this life at his home in Kahoka, Mo., Friday, September 8, 1922, at 8:15 P.M., aged 78 years, 10 months, and 13 days.
     On the 20th of December, 1874, he was united in marriage to Miss Elizabeth C. Mosley, to which union a son was born March 21, 1877, who died in infancy. On May 24, 1878, a few weeks before the death of the little son, Mrs. Hauptmann departed this life. Remaining a widower for 11 years, deceased was married on February 7, 1889, to Miss Condra Luber, who now is left to mourn his demise, together with the three brothers of her husband, August, John and William, of near Wyaconda, MO. Besides these immediate relatives a large number of relatives and friends deplore the departure of this kind and good citizen.
     Mr. Hauptmann was a patron of St. Paul's Evangelical church of Kahoka, and a member of Kahoka Lodge No. 261, I. O. O. F., which lost in him an esteemed member.
     Deceased was a prosperous and successful farmer, being one of the pioneers of this county. He remained on the farm practically all of his life, until three years ago he removed to Kahoka, there to spend life's eventide in peace and quietude. His kind and cheerful disposition was always in evidence, whenever and wherever one would meet him.
     On Sunday, September 10th, at 2 p. m., the funeral service were conducted at St. Paul's church by the pastor, Rev. W. Beohtold, and interment took place in Kahoka cemetery, where the lodge participated in the commital service. The pallbearers were M. Lang, A. G. Seyb, J. Armold, J. Nichols, W. E. Warne and Robt. Jewart.