
Beverly Ann Allott passed away on November 14, 2018 at the age of 87 years old. She grew up in Pueblo, Colorado, with her brother and three sisters. Always the tomboy, her love of sports developed early on. She graduated from the University of New Mexico in 1954 with a degree in education. She married her college sweetheart, Alwyn. They had two children, Greg and Wendy. Bev and Al were badminton enthusiasts who became a part of the badminton community enjoying yearly tournament competition. Bev also coached the girls badminton team at Bellevue High School. Among her many creative talents was her love for singing and playing the piano. She also spent countless hours in the sewing space that Al had built for her. Greg & Jamie blessed our family with their amazing grandchildren, Ashley and Tyler. Bev and Al designed and built the cabin of their dreams, located on Obstruction Island. It was their oasis to share with friends and family. They cherished those summer months. In 1996 Bev suffered a stroke. It was not an easy road to travel but with Alwyn at her side she faced each challenge with determination and perseverance. They continued to enjoy the cabin, entertain, and always took time to enjoy the view! After 64 years together, Al passed away in March of 2018, Beverly would be reunited with our dad just a few months later. SEND FLORAL CONDOLENCES