Frank E. Greenlee, Editor and Publisher

Kahoka, Mo., May 14, 1915

Volume XX. Number 31.

Page 7 (page not number) column 4



Henry Blattner and Miss Ruby E. Lafrenz were united in marriage at the home of Rev.. W. H. F. Jones, the officiating minister, in Kahoka, Monday, May 10, 1915. Relatives of both were witnesses of the ceremony.

The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Lafrenz, of the Woodville neighborhood, and is an estimable and popular young lady. The groom is a son of Mrs. Albert Blattner, of near Wyaconda, and is an industrious and capable young farmer.

Mr. and Mrs. Blattner have the best wishes of their many friends for a long, happy and prosperous married life.