clipped from

The Arkalon News (Arkalon, Kansas)

On 28 October 2020 downloaded

Arkalon is a ghost town in Seward County, Kansas

On page 4




Died, at his residence, 12 miles south-east of Fargo Springs, after a lingering illness at 7 o’clock, Thursday morning, January 5th , 1888, Nathan L. (Longstreth) Moody, aged 60 years, 8 months and 14 days.

The deceased was born in Morgan county, Ohio, April 22, 1827, where he married Ann Irwin in 1849. He moved to Iowa and from thence to Missouri in 1859, where he lived 26 years.

He was one of the early settlers of Seward county, coming here in the spring of 1885.

A wife, six sons and two daughters are left to mourn his loss.

His disposition was kind and affectionate. He was a true soldier during the civil war, enlisting in Co. H. 39th Mo. Vol. Inft., and has been an earnest member of the Baptist church since 1863, dying with a full confidence in a future salvation.

His journey has been completed after cheerfully and nobly performing the duties of life.


Rest, weary pilgrim, from thy tolls;

Cast off the robe that mortals wear.

Life’s battles, troubles and turmoils

When won, add jewels to the spoils

Of crowns that faithful servant wear.


Rest, sweet rest to thy soul is given,

God’s work on earth for thee is o’er;

Oh may we keep the precepts given

And meet thee, Farther, up in heaven,

Where tears and sorrows are no more.

A. F.