United States Census, 1820
County, State, Country: Louisa, Virginia, United States
Date of Enumeration: 1820
Page Number: 45 (Note: other page number used are 121 and 449)
01. Head of Family: Burwell Black
02. Free white makes under ten years (born between 1811 and 1819): 4
03. Free white males of ten and under sixteen (born between 1805 and 1810): 0
04. Free white males between sixteen and eighteen (born between 1802 and 1805): 0
05. Free white males of sixteen and under twenty six (NOTE: Those, for instance, between 16 and 18, will all be repeated in the column of those between 16 and 26.), including head of families (born between 1805 and 1795): 0
06. Free white males of twenty six and under forty-five, including head of families (born between 1794 and 1776) : 1
07. Free white males of forty-five and upwards, including head of families (born before 1775): 0
08. Free white females under ten years (born between 1811 and 1819): 2
09. Free white females of ten and under sixteen (born between 1805 and 1810): 0
10. Free white females of sixteen and under twenty-six, including head of families (born between 1805 and 1795): 0
11. Free white females of twenty-six and under forty-five, including head of families (born between (1794 and 1776): 1
12. Free white females of forty-five and upwards, including head of families (born before 1775): 0
13. Foreigners not naturalized: 0
14. Numbers of persons engaged in Agriculture: 2
15. Numbers of persons engaged in commerce: 0
16. Numbers of persons engaged in Manufactures: 0
17. Males under fourteen (born between 1819 and 1807): 0
18. Males of fourteen and under twenty-six (born between 1806 and 1795): 0
19. Males of twenty-six and under forty-five (born between 1794 and 1776): 0
20. Males of forty-five and upwards (born before 1775): 0
21. Females under fourteen (born between 1819 and 1807): 1
22. Females of fourteen and under twenty-six (born between 1806 and 1795): 1
23. Females of twenty-six and under forty-five (born between 1794 and 1776): 0
24. Females of forty-five and upwards (born before 1775): 0
Free Colored Persons
25. Males under fourteen (born between 1819 and 1807): 0
26. Males of fourteen and under twenty-six (born between 1806 and 1795): 0
27. Males of twenty-six and under forty-five (born between 1794 and 1776): 0
28. Males of forty-five and upwards (born before 1775): 0
29. Females under fourteen (born between 1819 and 1807):
30. Females of fourteen and under twenty-six (born between 1806 and 1795): 0
31. Females of twenty-six and under forty-five (born between 1794 and 1776): 0
32. Females of forty-five and upwards (born before 1775): 0
33. All others persons except Indians not taxed: 0